90天30个TED演讲 - Day 61: Why I live

2020-07-19  本文已影响0人  晚风过境

Day 61:

Lauren Singer:Why I live a zero waste life

Why I live a zero waste life_腾讯视频




culminate [ˈkʌlmɪneɪt] verb [V] ~ (in/with sth) (formal) 

to end with a particular result, or at a particular point

clamshell [ˈklæmʃel] adj.

having a lid or other part that opens and shuts like the shell of a clam

reminiscent [ˌremɪˈnɪsnt] adj.

1. ~ of sb/sth; reminding you of sb/sth

2. [only before noun] (formal); showing that you are thinking about the past, especially in a way that causes you pleasure

low-hanging fruit

a commonly used metaphor for doing the simplest or easiest work first, or for a quick fix that produces ripe, delectable results



-  And so when you eat better, you feel better. Over these past few years, I've noticed that my weight has stabilized, I have more energy, I need less sleep, and when you're eating better, and you feel better, and you save money, you're happier.

- I live a zero waste lifestyle, because to me, it's the best way I know, how to live a life that aligns with everything that I believe in. And what's the point. Right? I'm just one person. What difference can I make? The point is simple: I want to be remembered for the things that I did while I was on this planet, and not for the trash that I left behind.

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