20190421 信息检索的能力需要一辈子去修炼007

2019-04-21  本文已影响0人  罗昭锋

一20190421 信息检索的能力需要一辈子去修炼









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如我要找:注射泵 syringe pump




1百度一下,你就知道 - Google Chrome1:02:45 AM1:03:05 AM0:00:20

2Google - Google Chrome1:03:31 AM1:03:48 AM0:00:17

3continue pump - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:03:48 AM1:04:01 AM0:00:13

4continue pump HPLC - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:04:01 AM1:05:01 AM0:01:00

5Google 图片搜索 http://slideplayer.com/10969359/39/images/37/3.+Electrospray+Ionization%2C+continued.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:05:01 AM1:05:25 AM0:00:24

6Google 图片搜索 http://slideplayer.com/10969359/39/images/37/3.+Electrospray+Ionization%2C+continued.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:05:45 AM1:05:50 AM0:00:05

7Google 图片搜索 http://www.hplc4sale.co.uk/images/systems/83/waters-717-510-486-hplc.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:05:50 AM1:05:59 AM0:00:09

8Google 图片搜索 https://cdn.chemyx.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/E_N6000-1.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:05:59 AM1:06:15 AM0:00:16

9Untitled - Google Chrome1:06:49 AM1:06:54 AM0:00:05

10What is a Syringe Pump? | Infusion Pump vs. Syringe Pump - Google Chrome1:06:54 AM1:07:06 AM0:00:12

11High Pressure Syringe Pump | Temperature & Pressure Control | Chemyx - Google Chrome1:07:13 AM1:07:21 AM0:00:08

12What is a Syringe Pump? | Infusion Pump vs. Syringe Pump - Google Chrome1:07:21 AM1:07:48 AM0:00:27

13Syringe Pumps | Infusion Pumps & Accessories | Chemyx Inc - Google Chrome1:07:48 AM1:08:08 AM0:00:20

14High Pressure Syringe Pump | Temperature & Pressure Control | Chemyx - Google Chrome1:08:21 AM1:09:23 AM0:01:02

15Fusion 6000 | High-Pressure Syringe Pump | Chemyx Inc - Google Chrome1:09:30 AM1:10:00 AM0:00:30

16Fusion 6000 | High-Pressure Syringe Pump | Chemyx Inc - Google Chrome1:10:11 AM1:10:40 AM0:00:29

17Fusion 6000 | High-Pressure Syringe Pump | Chemyx Inc - Google Chrome1:11:05 AM1:11:38 AM0:00:33

18Contact Us | Chemyx Inc | Syringe Pump Manufacturer - Google Chrome1:11:38 AM1:12:20 AM0:00:42

19Ordering Syringe Pumps Online | Buy Infusion Pumps | Chemyx - Google Chrome1:12:34 AM1:13:32 AM0:00:58

20Ordering & Billing | Chemyx Inc | Infusion Pumps for Sale - Google Chrome1:13:32 AM1:13:58 AM0:00:26

21Contact Us | Chemyx Inc | Syringe Pump Manufacturer - Google Chrome1:13:58 AM1:14:38 AM0:00:40

22Fusion 6000 | High-Pressure Syringe Pump | Chemyx Inc - Google Chrome1:14:38 AM1:14:44 AM0:00:06

23Ordering & Billing | Chemyx Inc | Infusion Pumps for Sale - Google Chrome1:14:44 AM1:14:50 AM0:00:06

24Contact Us | Chemyx Inc | Syringe Pump Manufacturer - Google Chrome1:14:50 AM1:15:36 AM0:00:46

25Thank you! - Chemyx Inc - Google Chrome1:15:36 AM1:15:49 AM0:00:13

26Google 图片搜索 https://cdn.chemyx.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/E_N6000-1.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:15:49 AM1:15:54 AM0:00:05

27High Pressure Syringe Pump | Temperature & Pressure Control | Chemyx - Google Chrome1:15:54 AM1:15:59 AM0:00:05

28Google 图片搜索 https://cdn.chemyx.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/E_N6000-1.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:15:59 AM1:16:07 AM0:00:08

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30site:www.chemyx.com/ - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:17:19 AM1:17:35 AM0:00:16

31related:www.chemyx.com - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:17:35 AM1:17:47 AM0:00:12

32Syringe Pump - Advanced Precision Programmable Syringe Pumps - SyringePump.com - Google Chrome1:17:47 AM1:18:01 AM0:00:14

33related:www.chemyx.com - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:18:01 AM1:18:15 AM0:00:14

34Syringe Pump, Syringe Pump Suppliers and Manufacturers at Alibaba.com - Google Chrome1:18:15 AM1:18:48 AM0:00:33

35Syringe pump - All medical device manufacturers - Videos - Google Chrome1:18:48 AM1:19:23 AM0:00:35

36Syringe Pump - Advanced Precision Programmable Syringe Pumps - SyringePump.com - Google Chrome1:19:23 AM1:19:28 AM0:00:05

37related:www.chemyx.com - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:19:28 AM1:19:41 AM0:00:13

38site:www.syringepump.com - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:19:41 AM1:20:50 AM0:01:09

39Google 图片搜索 http://www.syringepump.com/images/Atomizer%20Narrow%20Spray%20Nozzles.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:20:50 AM1:21:06 AM0:00:16

40重定向声明 - Google Chrome1:21:06 AM1:21:12 AM0:00:06

41Untitled - Google Chrome1:21:12 AM1:21:17 AM0:00:05

42SyringePump.com - Ultrasonic Atomizers - Google Chrome1:21:17 AM1:22:19 AM0:01:02

43The Atomizer Effect - Google Chrome1:22:19 AM1:23:04 AM0:00:45

44Google 图片搜索 http://www.syringepump.com/images/Atomizer%20Narrow%20Spray%20Nozzles.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:23:04 AM1:23:09 AM0:00:05

45site:www.syringepump.com - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:23:09 AM1:23:19 AM0:00:10

46site:www.ceramicindustry.com - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:23:19 AM1:23:43 AM0:00:24

47continue pump HPLC - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:23:43 AM1:24:07 AM0:00:24

48syringe pump - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:24:07 AM1:24:16 AM0:00:09

49syringe pump high pressure - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:24:16 AM1:25:16 AM0:01:00

50Google 图片搜索 https://www.cetoni.de/fileadmin/_processed_/6/d/csm_nemesys_hdm_kopfbild_1b2693100c.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:25:16 AM1:25:26 AM0:00:10

51High Pressure Syringe Pump neMESYS 2600N | CETONI GmbH - Google Chrome1:25:36 AM1:25:41 AM0:00:05

52High Pressure Syringe Pump neMESYS 2600N | CETONI GmbH - Google Chrome1:25:50 AM1:26:29 AM0:00:39

53Google 图片搜索 http://www.wille-geotechnik.com/files/img-products/Rock/Components/High%20Pressure%20Syringe%20Pump/high-pressure-syringe-pump-%283%29.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:26:29 AM1:26:47 AM0:00:18

54High Pressure Syringe Pump - APS - Wille Geotechnik - Google Chrome1:27:19 AM1:27:24 AM0:00:05

55Google 图片搜索 http://www.floxlab.com/content/images/high%20pressure%20syringe%20pump%20BTSP%20series.JPG 的结果 - Google Chrome1:27:24 AM1:27:34 AM0:00:10

56FLOXLAB, Your supplier of high pressure laboratory instruments - Google Chrome1:27:34 AM1:27:53 AM0:00:19

57High Pressure Syringe Pump - APS - Wille Geotechnik - Google Chrome1:27:53 AM1:28:02 AM0:00:09

58Google 图片搜索 http://www.wille-geotechnik.com/files/img-products/Rock/Categories/High%20Pressure%20Syringe%20Pump/high-pressure-syringe-pump.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:28:02 AM1:28:18 AM0:00:16

59High Pressure Syringe Pump - APS - Wille Geotechnik - Google Chrome1:28:18 AM1:28:23 AM0:00:05

60FLOXLAB, Your supplier of high pressure laboratory instruments - Google Chrome1:28:28 AM1:28:33 AM0:00:05

61High Pressure Syringe Pump - APS - Wille Geotechnik - Google Chrome1:28:33 AM1:28:44 AM0:00:11

62Google Chrome1:28:44 AM1:28:51 AM0:00:07

63FLOXLAB, Your supplier of high pressure laboratory instruments - Google Chrome1:28:51 AM1:29:08 AM0:00:17

64Google Chrome1:29:08 AM1:29:16 AM0:00:08

65FLOXLAB, Your supplier of high pressure laboratory instruments - Google Chrome1:29:16 AM1:29:28 AM0:00:12

66Google 图片搜索 https://5.imimg.com/data5/GV/PM/GLADMIN-141044/high-pressure-syringe-pumps-500x500.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:29:28 AM1:29:33 AM0:00:05

67Google 图片搜索 https://www.cetoni.de/fileadmin/_processed_/0/2/csm_nemesys_mdm_galeriebild2_5cda9bf9b9.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:29:33 AM1:29:50 AM0:00:17

68Mid Pressure Syringe Pump neMESYS 1000N | CETONI GmbH - Google Chrome1:30:10 AM1:30:27 AM0:00:17

69Google 图片搜索 https://www.cetoni.de/fileadmin/_processed_/4/b/csm_nemesys_hdm_galeriebild2_cde4b6f5c5.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:30:27 AM1:30:39 AM0:00:12

70High Pressure Syringe Pump neMESYS 2600N | CETONI GmbH - Google Chrome1:30:39 AM1:30:52 AM0:00:13

71High Pressure Valve Qmix V HP | CETONI GmbH - Google Chrome1:30:52 AM1:31:41 AM0:00:49

72Google 图片搜索 http://www.revodix.co.kr/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/nemesys_low_pressure_syringepump_system01_02.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:31:41 AM1:31:50 AM0:00:09

73Google 图片搜索 https://www.cetoni.de/fileadmin/_processed_/0/a/csm_nemesys_mdm_kopfbild_406c03f44c.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:31:50 AM1:32:06 AM0:00:16

74neMESYS Syringe Pumps | CETONI GmbH - Google Chrome1:32:38 AM1:33:19 AM0:00:41

75Modular microfluidics & flow chemistry systems | CETONI GmbH - Google Chrome1:33:19 AM1:33:48 AM0:00:29

76Modular microfluidics & flow chemistry systems | CETONI GmbH - Google Chrome1:34:02 AM1:34:08 AM0:00:06

77中华试剂网-帮助中心 - Google Chrome1:34:08 AM1:34:13 AM0:00:05

78Modular microfluidics & flow chemistry systems | CETONI GmbH - Google Chrome1:34:13 AM1:34:23 AM0:00:10

79syringe pump high pressure - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:34:23 AM1:34:56 AM0:00:33

80FLOXLAB, Your supplier of high pressure laboratory instruments - Google Chrome1:34:56 AM1:35:03 AM0:00:07

81syringe pump high pressure - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:35:03 AM1:37:23 AM0:02:20

82Google 图片搜索 https://www.kdscientific.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/1800x/040ec09b1e35df139433887a97daa66f/7/8/788337788338.high_pressure_valve_box_image_f.gif 的结果 - Google Chrome1:37:23 AM1:37:49 AM0:00:26

83Google 图片搜索 https://www.cetoni.de/fileadmin/_processed_/2/3/csm_nemesys_xl_galeriebild3_5ca674a605.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:37:49 AM1:38:09 AM0:00:20

84Valve Boxes for Legato & Legacy Syringe Pumps - Google Chrome1:38:09 AM1:38:27 AM0:00:18

85Ultra High Pressure Syringe Pump neMESYS XL 7000N | CETONI GmbH - Google Chrome1:38:27 AM1:38:59 AM0:00:32

86Google 图片搜索 https://www.cetoni.de/fileadmin/_processed_/5/b/csm_FestoValveTerminal_HighPressureValve_neMESYS-XL-Pump_daef4b6ff8.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:38:59 AM1:39:24 AM0:00:25

87重定向声明 - Google Chrome1:39:24 AM1:39:29 AM0:00:05

88Untitled - Google Chrome1:39:29 AM1:39:38 AM0:00:09

89Pneumatic High Pressure Valve | CETONI GmbH - Google Chrome1:39:38 AM1:40:07 AM0:00:29

90Valve Boxes for Legato & Legacy Syringe Pumps - Google Chrome1:40:07 AM1:40:12 AM0:00:05

91syringe pump high pressure - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:40:12 AM1:40:20 AM0:00:08

92Modular microfluidics & flow chemistry systems | CETONI GmbH - Google Chrome1:40:20 AM1:40:26 AM0:00:06

93syringe pump high pressure - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:40:26 AM1:40:39 AM0:00:13

94related:www.cetoni.de - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:40:39 AM1:41:09 AM0:00:30

95Startseite Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft - Google Chrome1:41:09 AM1:41:16 AM0:00:07

96related:www.cetoni.de - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:41:16 AM1:41:21 AM0:00:05

97Startseite Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft - Google Chrome1:41:21 AM1:41:32 AM0:00:11

98Kamat: Plungerpumpen für Hochdruckanwendungen - Google Chrome1:41:32 AM1:41:41 AM0:00:09

99Home | elektroniknet.de - Google Chrome1:41:41 AM1:41:48 AM0:00:07

100Startseite - Leistritz Gruppe - Google Chrome1:41:48 AM1:41:54 AM0:00:06

101500 Internal Privoxy Error - Google Chrome1:41:54 AM1:41:59 AM0:00:05

102Hochdruckpumpen, Plungerpumpen, Kolbenpumpen, Industriepumpen, Triplex-Pumpen - Speck-Triplex-Pumpen - Google Chrome1:41:59 AM1:42:06 AM0:00:07

103FLOXLAB, Your supplier of high pressure laboratory instruments - Google Chrome1:42:06 AM1:42:17 AM0:00:11

104New Tab - Google Chrome1:42:17 AM1:42:26 AM0:00:09

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106related:http://www.floxlab.com - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:42:32 AM1:42:38 AM0:00:06

107related:www.floxlab.com - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:42:38 AM1:43:06 AM0:00:28

108SP1010 Single High Pressure - Next Advance - Laboratory Instruments - Google Chrome1:43:06 AM1:43:25 AM0:00:19

109High Pressure Pumps - Google Chrome1:43:25 AM1:44:26 AM0:01:01

110Home | VIT-FIT Syringe Pump - Google Chrome1:44:26 AM1:44:33 AM0:00:07

111BFT high-pressure pumps - the BHDT profit centre - Google Chrome1:44:33 AM1:45:29 AM0:00:56

112BFT high-pressure pumps - the BHDT profit centre - Google Chrome1:45:51 AM1:46:37 AM0:00:46

113Home | VIT-FIT Syringe Pump - Google Chrome1:46:37 AM1:46:43 AM0:00:06

114Google - Google Chrome1:46:43 AM1:46:56 AM0:00:13

115site:en.bft-pumps.com - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:46:56 AM1:47:52 AM0:00:56

116Google 图片搜索 http://en.bft-pumps.com/var/bft/storage/images/wasserstrahlschneiden/hytron-hochdruckpumpen/vorteile-auf-einen-blick/1/1540-1-ger-DE/11.png 的结果 - Google Chrome1:47:52 AM1:47:59 AM0:00:07

117ACCESSORIES / Waterjet cutting - BFT - Google Chrome1:48:09 AM1:48:26 AM0:00:17

118ACCESSORIES / Waterjet cutting - BFT - Google Chrome1:49:10 AM1:49:20 AM0:00:10

119Google 图片搜索 http://en.bft-pumps.com/var/bft/storage/images/wasserstrahlschneiden/hytron-hochdruckpumpen/vorteile-auf-einen-blick/1/1540-1-ger-DE/11.png 的结果 - Google Chrome1:49:20 AM1:49:29 AM0:00:09

120ACCESSORIES / Waterjet cutting - BFT - Google Chrome1:49:29 AM1:49:58 AM0:00:29

121配件 / 水射流切割 - BFT - Google Chrome1:49:58 AM1:50:07 AM0:00:09

122Hytron HIGH PRESSURE PUMP / Waterjet cutting - BFT - Google Chrome1:50:07 AM1:50:52 AM0:00:45

123Google 图片搜索 http://en.bft-pumps.com/var/bft/storage/images/wasserstrahlschneiden/ecotron-hochdruckpumpen/der-ecotron/4882-6-eng-GB/The-ECOTRON.png 的结果 - Google Chrome1:50:52 AM1:51:21 AM0:00:29

124Google 图片搜索 http://en.bft-pumps.com/var/bft/storage/images/wasserstrahlschneiden/ecotron-hochdruckpumpen/der-ecotron/4882-6-eng-GB/The-ECOTRON.png 的结果 - Google Chrome1:51:30 AM1:51:42 AM0:00:12

125Google 图片搜索 https://2.imimg.com/data2/PY/GF/MY-2722070/intensifier-waterjet-cutting-pumps-500x500.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:51:42 AM1:52:02 AM0:00:20

126Google 图片搜索 http://en.bft-pumps.com/var/bft/storage/images/wasserstrahlschneiden/ecotron-hochdruckpumpen/der-ecotron/4882-6-eng-GB/The-ECOTRON.png 的结果 - Google Chrome1:52:02 AM1:52:10 AM0:00:08

127Google 图片搜索 http://en.bft-pumps.com/var/bft/storage/images/wasserstrahlschneiden/hypertron-hochdruckpumpen/der-hypertron-r-hochdruckuebersetzer/4987-4-eng-GB/The-HYPERTRON-R-high-pressure-intensifier.png 的结果 - Google Chrome1:52:10 AM1:52:23 AM0:00:13

128Google 图片搜索 https://2.imimg.com/data2/PY/GF/MY-2722070/intensifier-waterjet-cutting-pumps-500x500.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:52:23 AM1:52:28 AM0:00:05

129Google 图片搜索 http://en.bft-pumps.com/var/bft/storage/images/wasserstrahlschneiden/hypertron-hochdruckpumpen/vorteile-auf-einen-blick/5/1623-1-ger-DE/5.png 的结果 - Google Chrome1:52:28 AM1:52:39 AM0:00:11

130BFT high-pressure pumps - the BHDT profit centre - Google Chrome1:52:39 AM1:53:00 AM0:00:21

131High Pressure Syringe Pumps | Accurate Small to Large Syringe Pumps - Google Chrome1:53:00 AM1:53:10 AM0:00:10

132(3) Isco High Pressure Syringe Pump, Model LC 5000 - YouTube - Google Chrome1:53:10 AM1:54:08 AM0:00:58

133Parker Autoclave Engineers Air Driven High Pressure Pumps and Pump Systems - Google Chrome1:54:08 AM1:54:27 AM0:00:19

134KDS 410 High Pressure Syringe Pumps - Google Chrome1:54:27 AM1:54:47 AM0:00:20

135(3) Isco 500D high pressure Syringe Pump - YouTube - Google Chrome1:54:47 AM1:55:26 AM0:00:39

136Cole-Parmer High-Pressure (HP) Syringe Pumps from Cole-Parmer - Google Chrome1:55:26 AM1:55:32 AM0:00:06

137Hytron HIGH PRESSURE PUMP / Waterjet cutting - BFT - Google Chrome1:55:32 AM1:55:42 AM0:00:10

138Google 图片搜索 http://en.bft-pumps.com/var/bft/storage/images/wasserstrahlschneiden/ecotron-hochdruckpumpen/der-ecotron/4882-6-eng-GB/The-ECOTRON.png 的结果 - Google Chrome1:55:42 AM1:55:48 AM0:00:06

139Google 图片搜索 http://en.bft-pumps.com/var/bft/storage/images/wasserstrahlschneiden/ecotron-hochdruckpumpen/vorteile-auf-einen-blick/a5/1222-1-ger-DE/a5.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome1:55:48 AM1:55:53 AM0:00:05

140BFT high-pressure pumps - the BHDT profit centre - Google Chrome1:55:53 AM1:56:02 AM0:00:09

141related:www.floxlab.com - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:56:02 AM1:56:22 AM0:00:20

142site:www.floxlab.com - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:56:22 AM1:56:48 AM0:00:26

143related:www.cetoni.de pump - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:56:48 AM1:56:53 AM0:00:05

144site:www.cetoni.de pump - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:56:53 AM1:58:17 AM0:01:24

145steel syringe - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:58:17 AM1:58:32 AM0:00:15

146steel syringe high pressure - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome1:58:32 AM2:00:18 AM0:01:46

147Google 图片搜索 https://www.cetoni.de/fileadmin/_processed_/4/b/csm_nemesys_hdm_galeriebild2_cde4b6f5c5.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome2:00:18 AM2:00:23 AM0:00:05

148Google 图片搜索 https://assets.fishersci.com/TFS-Assets/CCG/product-images/F135651~p.eps-650.jpg  的结果 - Google Chrome2:00:23 AM2:00:29 AM0:00:06

149重定向声明 - Google Chrome2:00:29 AM2:00:38 AM0:00:09

150KD Scientific Stainless-Steel Syringes :Pumps and Tubing:Pumps - Google Chrome2:00:38 AM2:01:54 AM0:01:16

151Google 图片搜索 https://cdn.chemyx.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/stainless-steel-syringes-thumbnail.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome2:01:54 AM2:01:59 AM0:00:05

152steel syringe high pressure - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome2:01:59 AM2:02:09 AM0:00:10

153MilliporeSigma XX4502500 High Pressure Stainless Steel Membrane Filter Hold - Google Chrome2:02:09 AM2:02:14 AM0:00:05

154Stainless-Steel Syringes - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome2:02:14 AM2:02:31 AM0:00:17

155Google 图片搜索 https://assets.fishersci.com/TFS-Assets/CCG/product-images/F135651~p.eps-650.jpg  的结果 - Google Chrome2:02:31 AM2:02:36 AM0:00:05

156重定向声明 - Google Chrome2:02:36 AM2:02:42 AM0:00:06

157Stainless-Steel Syringes - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome2:02:42 AM2:03:36 AM0:00:54

158Aiguilles et canules - Unimed S.A. - Swiss precision serving life sciences - Medical Needles - Sampling probes - Diagnostic cannulas - Precision stainless steel tubing - Gauge - Conversion tables - Google Chrome2:03:36 AM2:03:41 AM0:00:05

159GE Healthcare, Whatman, 1980-001, Reusable Stainless Steel Syringe Type Membrane Filter Holders 13MM 1/PK|Tisch Scientific - Google Chrome2:03:41 AM2:04:04 AM0:00:23

160Aiguilles et canules - Unimed S.A. - Swiss precision serving life sciences - Medical Needles - Sampling probes - Diagnostic cannulas - Precision stainless steel tubing - Gauge - Conversion tables - Google Chrome2:04:04 AM2:04:41 AM0:00:37

161Extrémités de canules - Unimed S.A. - Swiss precision serving life sciences - Medical Needles - Sampling probes - Diagnostic cannulas - Precision stainless steel tubing - Gauge - Conversion tables - Google Chrome2:04:41 AM2:05:01 AM0:00:20

162New Tab - Google Chrome2:05:01 AM2:05:06 AM0:00:05

163Stainless-Steel Syringes - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome2:05:06 AM2:05:37 AM0:00:31

164site:www.unimed.ch - Google 搜索 - Google Chrome2:05:37 AM2:06:00 AM0:00:23

165Prima Tech Needle Nut for Syringes | QC Supply - Google Chrome2:06:00 AM2:06:08 AM0:00:08

166MilliporeSigma XX4502500 High Pressure Stainless Steel Membrane Filter Hold - Google Chrome2:06:08 AM2:06:16 AM0:00:08

167Extrémités de canules - Unimed S.A. - Swiss precision serving life sciences - Medical Needles - Sampling probes - Diagnostic cannulas - Precision stainless steel tubing - Gauge - Conversion tables - Google Chrome2:06:16 AM2:06:39 AM0:00:23

168Prima Tech Needle Nut for Syringes | QC Supply - Google Chrome2:06:39 AM2:06:45 AM0:00:06

169Extrémités de canules - Unimed S.A. - Swiss precision serving life sciences - Medical Needles - Sampling probes - Diagnostic cannulas - Precision stainless steel tubing - Gauge - Conversion tables - Google Chrome2:06:45 AM2:06:52 AM0:00:07

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210Products - Syringe Pumps - High Pressure Syringe Pumps - ASI - Google Chrome2:23:46 AM2:24:14 AM0:00:28

211Stroke Volume: 0.350 mL, UHPLC Syringe Pump - ASI - Google Chrome2:24:14 AM2:24:44 AM0:00:30

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213Stroke Volume: 0.350 mL, UHPLC Syringe Pump - Google Chrome2:24:50 AM2:25:28 AM0:00:38

214Products - Syringe Pumps - High Pressure Syringe Pumps - ASI - Google Chrome2:25:28 AM2:26:03 AM0:00:35

215Stroke Volume: 0.350 mL, UHPLC Syringe Pump - ASI - Google Chrome2:26:03 AM2:26:24 AM0:00:21

216Products - Syringe Pumps - High Pressure Syringe Pumps - ASI - Google Chrome2:26:24 AM2:26:30 AM0:00:06

217Google 图片搜索 http://www.wille-geotechnik.com/files/img-products/Rock/Categories/High%20Pressure%20Syringe%20Pump/high-pressure-syringe-pump.jpg 的结果 - Google Chrome2:26:30 AM2:26:45 AM0:00:15

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221High Pressure Syringe Pump - APS - Wille Geotechnik - Google Chrome2:27:54 AM2:28:07 AM0:00:13

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225Teledyne Isco 65HP High Pressure Syringe Pump - Google Chrome2:28:36 AM2:29:09 AM0:00:33

22665HP Syringe Pump Data Sheet - Google Chrome2:29:09 AM2:29:54 AM0:00:45

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233Table Top Electromechanical Cyclic Triaxial Testing System - APS - Wille Geotechnik - Google Chrome2:35:12 AM2:35:36 AM0:00:24

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236High Pressure Syringe Pump - APS - Wille Geotechnik - Google Chrome2:35:50 AM2:36:10 AM0:00:20

237Products - Syringe Pumps - High Pressure Syringe Pumps - ASI - Google Chrome2:36:17 AM2:36:23 AM0:00:06

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248High pressure dual-channel syringe pump – H-ION - Google Chrome2:39:20 AM2:39:25 AM0:00:05

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250Products – H-ION - Google Chrome2:41:00 AM2:41:21 AM0:00:21


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583The HP/Agilent Co-axial sheath-liquid flow CE-MS interface - 1 - Google Chrome4:44:41 AM4:44:42 AM0:00:01


