【百天聆听】第21天 原典英语训练教材

2017-03-12  本文已影响0人  苏苏家的安迪


Chapter Four: Chief Powhatan declares War!

More and more white settlers came to Jamestown. Jamestown was part of the Virginia Colony. Chief Powhatan was angry. He declared war on the little colony. There was a lot of fighting.

Pocahontas was 17 years old. Powhatan wanted to protect his favorite daughter. He sent her to live with the Potomac tribe.

The Potomac Indians were friends of the white people. Pocahontas was safe with them.

Powhatan said to Pocahontas, "You must stay with the Potomac Indians.

You must not go to Jamestown. We are at war with Jamestown."

"Yes father."

Pocahontas liked her life with the Potomacs. Chief Japazaws was the head of the Potomac tribe. His wife was Pocahontas' friend, Chief Japazaws and his wife were friends of Captain Samuel Argall. Captain Argall was an English explorer. He lived in Jamestown.

One day Captain Argall went to visit Chief Japazaws. When he saw Pocahontas he said to the chief, "Come to see my ship! I want to show you a lot of interesting things. We can eat on the ship."

'You are very kind," said Pocahontas. "I want to see an English ship."

Chief Japazaws and his wife wanted to see the ship too.

Captain Argall took Pocahontas, Chief Japazaws and his wife to the big sailing ship. They looked around the big ship. They saw the tall masts and the white sails. Then they ate delicious food.

Pocahontas was very happy and said, "Thank you for a wonderful day, Captain Argall."

At sunset Chief Japazaws and his wife left the ship in a canoe. But Pocahontas did not leave. She was Captain Argall's prisoner! He tricked her!

"Why can't I go with my friends?" asked Pocahontas. She looked at the canoe and saw her friends. Chief Japazaws' wife had a new copper kettle and a basket full of colored beads. Chief Japazaws and his wife helped Captain Argall capture Pocahontas. The copper kettle and the colored beads were their payment .

Pocahontas cried. She had no true friends. She asked, "What is happening?

Why am I a prisoner?" Captain Argall said, "I don't want to hurt you, Pocahontas. I want to take you to Jamestown and keep you there. When your father returns the weapons he took from us, I can free you. Then you can return home. Your father loves you. He must return the weapons."

Pocahontas was a prisoner but she was not afraid of Captain Argall. She was not afraid of the white people.

Captain Argall took her to Jamestown. Everyone in Jamestown liked Pocahontas. They remembered that she saved Captain Smith's life twice.

They also remembered that she brought them food during the long winter.

Everyone in Jamestown was kind and friendly. The women gave her English clothes to wear. Pocahontas was a beautiful young woman. She learned English manners and customs . She made many friends.

Pocahontas became a Christian and her Christian name was Rebecca.

Powhatan did not return the weapons. He sent some corn and some broken weapons. The war continued. Captain Argall was furious because his plan did not work. He kept Pocahontas in Jamestown. She was his prisoner, but she was not unhappy. She liked Jamestown because she learned new things every day.


Chapter Four: Dickson

One day Mary saw a boy sitting under a tree. He seemed about twelve years old. He played on a pipe. Two rabbits and a squirrel were near him.

They seemed to listen to the tune he played.

The boy got up carefully because he didn't want to frighten the animals.

He had blue eyes and a round, pink face. 'I'm Dickson,' he said to Mary. 'I've brought the garden tools and some flower seeds.'

Dickson had a kind and gentle smile and Mary felt that she knew him quite well. She felt that if the wild animals could trust him, then she could trust him, too.

'Do you know about the secret garden?' asked Mary.

'I've heard about it,' Dickson answered. 'But I don't know where it is.'

'Come with me,' Mary said.

Mary was careful that no one saw them, and then she took Dickson through the door in the wall. Dickson was very surprised. 'This is a strange, pretty place,' he said. 'It's like being in a dream.'

Dickson looked around at all the plants and trees which Mary thought were dead. 'All of these will grow,' he said. 'There'll be flowers and roses everywhere in a few weeks.'

Dickson and Mary worked together to clear away the weeds and dead wood. Mary felt that she had never known anyone like Dickson. She tried to speak in a warm, friendly voice, like Dickson's and Martha's.

'Do you like me?' she asked.

'Yes, I do,' he laughed. 'The robin likes you, too.'

That evening, after dinner, Mrs Medlock took Mary to see Mr Craven.

'He's going abroad tomorrow, and he wants to see you first,' she said.

Mary felt a little afraid. She felt sure that she would not like Mr Craven and that he would not like her. But she found that Mr Craven wasn't really frightening, and that his back wasn't really crooked. His face was handsome , but he looked sad and worried. He asked Mary if there was anything that she would like. Mary asked for a piece of garden in which to grow her own flowers.

'Of course,' said her uncle. 'You may take any bit that is not used.' Mary was delighted . Now she could have the secret garden for herself!

That same night, Mary was awakened by the wind roaring around the house. She couldn't sleep, and as she lay in bed, she heard the crying noise again.

'That's not the wind,' she thought. 'I'm going to find out where that noise is coming from.'

Mary took a candle to light her way along the dark corridors.

Suddenly, she noticed a light from under one of the doors. The crying sound came from behind the door, and Mary knew that it was a child. She gently opened the door, and saw that a young boy lay on the bed, crying.

When the boy saw Mary, he stopped crying at once. 'Are you a ghost?' he asked. He looked very frightened.

'No, I'm Mary Lennox,' she answered. 'Who are you?'

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