
Check Yourself

2018-08-08  本文已影响18人  55cfb587b1f7

你是否有在行动前列出清单的习惯,有的人认为这是个好习惯;有的人认为这是浪费时间,因为计划赶不上变化。To Do List 真的有用吗?若你心里清楚明白自有一把尺,何必被条条框框限制呢?Checklist 真的用吗?还是只给人一种虚假的安全感而已?

本期推荐的节目是来自 NPR 播客网络 Hidden Brain 的一期—— Check Yourself


Atul Gawande 是一名外科医生。几年前,他为一名的病人取出肾上腺的肿瘤,此前他已经操刀过几十台这样类型的手术,但是这一次特别棘手:该病人的肿瘤位于肝脏后面,紧靠着一根重要的血管。原本一切顺利,但是在快要完成肿瘤分离操作时,他不小心划破了血管,这会导致病人的腹部快速失血,情况陷入混乱中。

Atul 开始按压病人的心脏以维持大脑供血。病人失血约为其原有血液体积的十倍,「但是我们为他输入足够的血液,以保证血液循环。」病人在手术过程中曾发生两次心脏骤停,但后来能够修复腔静脉的孔,并将肿瘤取出。


我们在看待这些传奇事件时,常常会觉得这类英雄只需靠他们的大脑和技能就能拯救我们。但技能和智力并不足以使病人幸存。Atul 说实际上挽救了他的病人的生命是外科医生在开始手术之前做出的一个计划。该计划并不宏大或复杂,事实上仅仅是一份不起眼的清单


当灾难来临时,他已经准备好了。这是 Atul 可以克服它的唯一原因。

The subtle biases that cause very smart and very skilled people to become their own worst enemies and how innovators have found a way to help pilots, doctors, frankly any of us, perform at our best. It's a story of an ancient insight applied to modern life. And even though you might not know it, this innovation shapes life and death decisions that affect all of us.



节目中还介绍了另一则故事。1935 年 10 月 30 日陆航的试飞员与波音首席试飞员共同对被称为「空中堡垒」的 Model 299 原型机进行第二次评估飞行时,飞行组员忘了解除飞行控制面的锁定装置,因此在起飞后飞机即快速爬升并失速坠毁。

在20世纪30年代中期飞机的性能发生了快速的变化,有许多新的复杂的系统投入使用,而这些非常精密的系统需要飞行员服从详细操作规范。一般人认为最好的方法是进行更多的培训,花更多的时间在飞机上,像认识自己的家一样了解它,了解它内外的怪癖。但 Roger 认为这种想法可能无法拯救在坠机中死亡的人。飞行员实际上对飞机很熟悉,他们已经有好几个月的飞行经验。在测试这架飞机时,操作已经相当常规,Wright Field 飞行员和波音公司的工作人员都非常熟悉它。他们显然对飞机的操作感到非常舒适,习惯了它的怪癖并知晓它的表现。所以更多的培训并不是解决问题的答案。

The solution that military leaders devised was fundamentally about human psychology. Pilots were not screwing up because they were incompetent. They were screwing up because they were very good, so good that they were completely sure they knew what they were doing. They didn't feel the need to slow down, go over the basics, like unlocking the elevator before taking off. The military responded with a new idea that was actually an old idea - the checklist.

In the cockpit, you learn to follow the checklist because it helps you to keep your mind on your work. Detail's important when you're flying a big bomber, and using the checklist means you don't overlook a thing.

(译文:军方领导人给出的解决方案是基于人类心理学的。飞行员并没有因为技术不过关而造成坠机。他们出错是因为他们非常熟练以至于完全确信自己的操作。他们并不会感到需要慢下来,再次确认一些基础的操作(是否正确完成),比如在起飞前解锁升降舵 。军方提出一个新想法,其实是一个旧想法——清单。

在驾驶舱内,你学会了遵循清单,因为它可以帮助你工作时保持清醒。 当你驾驶一架大型轰炸机时,细节非常重要,使用清单意味着你不会忽略任何一件事情。)*

Checklists like these were widely implemented in the military in the years after the Boeing 299 crash. They covered tasks that to a trained pilot might seem mind-numbingly obvious - make sure your crew is in the right position and that the hatches are closed. Turn off the automatic pilot. Make sure your flight controls and tailwheel are unlocked. Check that your brakes have air pressure, that your warning lights work.


So, to be honest, as somebody who doesn't know how to fly an aircraft, a lot of this is gobbledegook to me, but I'm imagining that for most people who are pilots this stuff is actually completely routine, that this is no different than me getting into my car in the morning and saying open the door, sit down and close the door behind you, that it seems really basic stuff. And I would imagine that if someone were to tell me to do that when I got into my car each morning, I would say, what kind of bureaucratic nonsense is this? I know how to fly a plane. I'm an experienced pilot. Stop telling me how to do my job.

Certainly. So this has been a huge problem in aviation culture, and it's one that does crop up.

In other words, checklists can help experts slow down but only if the experts bother to listen. It turns out, lots of pilots didn't want to listen.








Most of whom were, you know, 19, 20 year olds literally fresh off the farm, you know, with not a great deal of training. And so they're going to be operating very complex systems. In a lot of cases, the aircraft are even getting more complicated than a Boeing 299.

For these new pilots, checklists served as a safety net. They helped them get these massive planes off the ground. They were used by flight teams to troubleshoot problems in the air, and perhaps most importantly, they helped exhausted pilots avoid mistakes while returning home from a mission. We can't know for sure how the use of checklists affected America's success in the war, but Roger is sure that they saved lives.

If those checklists had not been integrated to that level at the start of World War II, it's reasonable to assume that many hundreds and probably thousands of lives would have been lost due to that.

Today, checklists are essential to the aviation world. In fact, they're a big reason commercial aviation is significantly safer than driving your car on a highway. Checklists have become ubiquitous in lots of other fields, too, fields where the work is complex and the cost of mistakes is high. Construction crews now rely on checklists to build high-rise office towers. NASA has detailed to-do lists for astronauts. And then there's the world of medicine.






You can draw up a comprehensive list before heading to the supermarket, and then come home and find you forgot to get the coffee. But what checklists do accomplish is they get us to focus on things that are most likely to trip us up. Over time, preventing the most common errors will have the biggest impact on our lives. Perhaps most important, checklists are one of humanity's oldest tools to combat our blindspots and our arrogance. The humble checklist reminds us of the importance of humility.

(译文:你可以在去超市前制定一个全面的清单,但是回家后才发现你忘了买咖啡。可是清单确实让我们专注于最有可能使我们惹恼的事情。 随着时间的推移,防止最常见的错误将对我们的生活产生最大的影响。 也许最重要的是清单作为人类对付我们自身盲点和傲慢的最古老工具之一。 简陋的清单提醒我们谦卑的重要性,因为最终,我们只是人类。)




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