外国人吐槽中国电视剧3-男高冷女傻白甜 English+Chin
上次谈到吐血,还有轻功,这次我们把注意力转移到电视剧对男女角色的设定。You will read the original with Chinese translation.
林风:At first, I was impressed by how often females dressed up and acted as men, somehow without the men ever knowing. 一开始,我是佩服的五体投地,因为经常看到女生女扮男装以后,男生居然都看不出来。
The more I watched, however, the more it seemed there was a clear division between how males and females are portrayed in Chinese series. 看多了,就看出来中国电视剧里男女角色的设定差别很大。
Females were often portrayed as ruled by their emotions, often being tricked into doing crazy things, never considering or caring about the consequences.女性呢,基本上都是被情感支配,被骗做一些神经兮兮的事情,做事毫不考虑甚至不在乎后果。
Males, on the other hand, were often seen as cool and collected - rational entities that were inevitably corrupted by their love for the female lead.男性呢,对比来看,则是经常表现出沉着冷静的一面。一般这样理智的男人最后都因为对女主的爱而被带坏了。(corrupted, 有贪污的意思,这里指的是男主被带坏了。)
Even the females who started off as strong rational leaders would eventually succumb to their female emotions, putting everyone at risk.即使那些出场很坚强理性的女性最终也无法逃脱女性情感的诅咒,让每个人都陷入危险。
Jealousy seems the norm and worth scheming and killing over. 嫉妒更是家常便饭了,勾心斗角,争的你死我活。
I have never been a big fan of Cinderella stories, where a rich and powerful prince falls in love with a poor girl. 灰姑娘式的故事向来就不是我的菜,基本就是强大的王子爱上了穷苦的女孩。
Unfortunately, this seems to be the underlying story in almost all Chinese romance series.何其不幸,中国大多数爱情片都是这套路。
To be continued. (TBC)