2019-01-22 本文已影响40人
AI - 人工智能;AR - 增强现实;CV - 机器视觉;DL - 深度学习;DM - 数据挖掘;DS - 数据科学;DV - 数据可视化;IOT - 物联网;ML - 机器学习;NLP - 自然语言处理
- [AI]AI Humanities (Book Review)
- [AI]Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Advances in 2018 and Trends for 2019
- [AI]Dell EMC: Power Artificial Intelligence with Modern IT
- [AI]Element AI passe à l’action - La Presse+
- [AI]Enterprise adoption of AI has grown 270 percent over the past four years | ZDNet
- [AI]Flexciton is using AI to help factories optimise production lines
- [AI]How AI and Quantum Computing May Alter Humanity’s Future
- [AI]Organisations deploying AI grows, according to Gartner
- [AR]CES 2019: CERN-Ingenieure zeigen beeindruckendes Lichtfelddisplay
- [AR]CES 2019: HumanEyes Technologies Raises the Bar with Google VR180 Compatibility and an Integration Path for Oculus Go with the Vuze XR Dual-Mode Camera
- [AR]Convergence, How The World Will Be Painted With Data
- [AR]Executive summary
- [AR]Keiichi Matsuda explores dystopian future of the workplace in new film Merger
- [AR]Mixed Realities, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality in Scholarly Publishing: An Interview with Markus Kaindl and Martijn Roelandse - The Scholarly Kitchen
- [AR]Mobile AR Combat Game Reality Clash Begins Phased Global Rollout
- [AR]r/augmentedreality - AR/VR technology
- [AR]The Future of Care: Whirlpool Brand Announces Connected Hub Wall Oven Concept with Augmented Reality
- [DL]AI outperformed human experts in identifying cervical precancer | Artificial Intelligence Research
- [DL]Artificial intelligence will soon predict onset of diseases - Times of India
- [DL]Big problems? How could AI and machine learning help?
- [DL]Chinese Word Segmentation: Another Decade Review (2007-2017)
- [DL]Comparing two deep learning sequence-based models for protein-protein interaction prediction
- [DL]Deep Learning Paris Meetup #16 at Samsung Le Centorial
- [DL]DeepOtsu: Document Enhancement and Binarization using Iterative Deep Learning
- [DL]Ditchley Foundation Conference: The intersection of machine learning and genetic engineering
- [DL]Drive AutoPilot : un étonnant système de conduite semi-autonome - SciencePost
- [DL]Element AI preparing to launch its first products
- [DL]Feeling the rstudio::conf ❤️
- [DL]Fireflies: This Call Is Being Monitored — By AI — for Quality Assurance | NVIDIA Blog
- [DL]Generating, With Style: The Mechanics Behind NVIDIA’s Highly Realistic GAN Images
- [DL]Going Deep: Learning From Last Year’s Biggest Busts
- [DL]GPSingularity - Overview
- [DL]greenelab/deep-review
- [DL]How Do You Win the Data Science Wars? You Cheat By Doing The Necessary Pre-work!
- [DL]iamtrask/Grokking-Deep-Learning
- [DL]Instance-Level Microtubule Segmentation Using Recurrent Attention
- [DL]Intelligent Security: How AI Is Revolutionizing Identity Verification, Fraud Detection And Risk Assessment
- [DL]Learn the secrets of AI on the cheap with this online course sale
- [DL]Medical AI Safety: Doing it wrong.
- [DL]Microsoft CTO: Understanding AI is part of being an informed citizen in the 21st century
- [DL]Mondays with Authors: A conversation about artificial intelligence, machine learning with novelist James Rollins
- [DL]My foreword to "Bayesian Analysis with Python, 2nd Edition" by Osvaldo Martin
- [DL]omerbsezer/Generative_Models_Tutorial_with_Demo
- [DL]Physics-Constrained Deep Learning for High-dimensional Surrogate Modeling and Uncertainty Quantification without Labeled Data
- [DL]Postdoc Position in Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing
- [DL]Prof Mark Girolami announced as the Sir Kirby Laing Professors of Civil Engineering — Centre for Digital Built Britain
- [DL]r/MachineLearning - [D] Need help to procure a minecraft buildings dataset for a Deep Learning Project
- [DL]Regression with Keras - PyImageSearch
- [DL]Researchers develop a machine learning method to identify fake honey
- [DL]RetinaNet: how Focal Loss fixes Single-Shot Detection
- [DL]Riding the artificial intelligence wave
- [DL]RoadBotics’ AI Could Change the Way Cities Maintain Roads
- [DL]Robust Watermarking of Neural Network with Exponential Weighting
- [DL]Trend Prediction Classification for High Frequency Bitcoin Time Series with Deep Learning
- [DL]Why Is AI And Machine Learning So Biased? The Answer Is Simple Economics
- [DS]'The goal is to automate us': welcome to the age of surveillance capitalism
- [DS][Advanced Business Analytics]
- [DS]Book: Python Data Science Handbook
- [DS]Four Types of Data Scientists
- [DS]Gentle Introduction of XGBoost Library – Mohit Sharma – Medium
- [DS]rstudio::conf 2019 takeaways – Jacqueline Nolis – Medium
- [DS]The External Data Imperative
- [DS]Unleash the power of Jupyter Notebooks – Towards Data Science
- [DV]5 Pre-requisites to strategic RPA - Home
- [DV]Cincinnati Tableau User Group S4E1
- [DV]GIJN’s Data Journalism Top 10: Pirates vs. Princesses, Buenos Aires Crime, Awards & Fellowships - Global Investigative Journalism Network
- [DV]Job opportunity at Gannett | USA TODAY NETWORK - Data and Graphics Reporter
- [DV]r/dataisbeautiful - Frequency of words in top 100 pop songs 2018 [OC]
- [DV]r/dataisbeautiful - Which countries have been at the center of China's attention? I analyzed the most mentioned foreign countries in headlines from the prominent Chinese newspaper People’s Daily. [OC]
- [DV]Real-Time Data Analytics Aims to Reduce Traffic Fatalities
- [DV]What's The Difference Between BI Analyst and Data Scientist?
- [IoT]Artificial Intelligence Will Enable 38% Profit Gains By 2035
- [IoT]Buffer
- [IoT]CES: Smart cities and the challenge of securing the neighborhoodIT News Africa – Up to date technology news, IT news, Digital news, Telecom news, Mobile news, Gadgets news, Analysis and Reports
- [IoT]Cybercrime could cost companies trillions over the next five years - Help Net Security
- [IoT]How can enterprises overcome common roadblocks to adoption of IIoT platforms?
- [IoT]How to improve the security of IoT devices at universities
- [IoT]IoT projects dogged by security and analytics woes, says IDC
- [IoT]Paul Colmer on Instagram: “Ever wondered how Cloud Computing relates to other emerging technologies....check my latest artwork.... #cloudcomputing #cybersecurity #IoT…”
- [IoT]Sly Guy Nabs Pi Spy
- [IoT]Time Series Database Vs. Common Database Technologies for IoT - DZone IoT
- ML Generative parametric design of Gothic window tracery
- [ML]15 Data Science Slack Communities to Join – Towards Data Science
- [ML]3 Steps To Build A Data Science Portfolio
- [ML]37 Per Cent of Organisations Have Implemented Artificial Intelligence in Some Form: Gartner
- [ML]Advancing Personalized Learning through Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. Conrad Tucker . @penn_state
- [ML]AgilOne Announces Customer Data Platform Update with New Features for Machine Learning - insideBIGDATA
- [ML]AI is sending people to jail—and getting it wrong
- [ML]AI skills: 5 ways to build talent internally
- [ML]Apache Hadoop vs Apache Spark | Spark | Learntek.org
- [ML]appops reloaded #109
- [ML]Army Chief for tapping AI, Big Data for defence forces
- [ML]Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain Synergy – Juan José Calderón Amador * ✘ ★ – Medium
- [ML]Artificial Intelligence in education, and how it's impacting Indian students
- [ML]Artificial Intelligence was issued by IBM to Jumanne Mtambalike.
- [ML]Artificial Intelligence
- [ML]Best Hadoop Books
- [ML]Big Data Analytics - The Impact on Procurement - SoftCo
- [ML]Book: Evaluating Machine Learning Models
- [ML]Can Artificial Intelligence Be Biased?
- [ML]Changing landscapes: The design of cities in the age of digital transformation | 7wData
- [ML]Coding the Cure for Cancer - insideBIGDATA
- [ML]DACC Launches Artificial Intelligence Project “HashAI” On Tron (TRX) Protocol, Connects To Slack, Google Assistant, Google Home | Oracle Times
- [ML]Data Science and the Art of Persuasion
- [ML]Design continuums and the path toward self-designing key-value stores that know and learn
- [ML]DSC Webinar Series: Clean Data & Accurate ML Models
- [ML]Ed Kwedar on LinkedIn:
- [ML]Ensemble Machine Learning in Python: Random Forest, AdaBoost
- [ML]Equian Announces AI Platform for P&C Subrogation
- [ML]Facebook is launching a petitions feature
- [ML]FT readers’ fears and hopes about artificial intelligence
- [ML]GO Gradient for Expectation-Based Objectives
- [ML]Hacking Data Science - Speckbit Bridge
- [ML]How AI Is Bringing Convenience to the Art of Building Presentations - DZone AI
- [ML]How Artificial Intelligence will Change the Game for Influencer Marketing
- [ML]How Can Manufacturers Take Advantage of IoT, Machine Learning and Big Data?
- [ML]How robots, chat-bots and AI can create an engaging and productive digital workplace
- [ML]How to Set Up an AI Center of Excellence
- [ML]How to visualize convolutional features in 40 lines of code
- [ML]How Your Insurance Quote Is Powered By Artificial Intelligence
- [ML]IBM and Vodafone sign major new tech partnership
- [ML]ICHP collaborating with The World Bank on Big Data and AI - Imperial College Health Partners
- [ML]Improved Asynchronous Parallel Optimization Analysis for Stochastic Incremental Methods
- [ML]Introduction to Artificial Neural Network and Deep Learning
- [ML]Jennifer Doleac on Crime - Econlib
- [ML]John Scalzi on machine learning and remembering our favorite pets
- [ML]Machine Learning: Build a neural network in 77 lines of code
- [ML]Machine Learning: Diagnosing bots save lives – Hely Herranen – Medium
- [ML]Moving to tax reform with artificial intelligence
- [ML]NeuNetS: An Automated Synthesis Engine for Neural Network Design
- [ML]neural networks for sentiment and stock price prediction
- [ML]New analytics platform to help future-proof farms
- [ML]Operational BI and Analytics in a Data Driven Enterprise - Intelligent Business Strategies
- [ML]Practical Deep Learning with Keras and Python
- [ML]Protein Classification using Machine Learning and Statistical Techniques: A Comparative Analysis
- [ML]Python + Data Science : Practical Guide [13 Hours]
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [D] Anyone here use Bytenet (-like) architecture for Seq2Seq tasks?
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [D] On first layer convnet filters
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [D] Possible advantages for an experienced software engineer switching to ML?
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [D]
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [P] Introducing turkey: an Amazon Mechanical Turk turn-key segment tool.
- [ML]r/MachineLearning - [R] Pytorch-Kaldi, the best way to build your ASR system with Pytorch and Kaldi
- [ML]Researchers use Samsung data and AI to predict mobile game churn
- [ML]RS Labs- DevHumor on Instagram: “The bain of our existence.😬 #geeks #programming #techstartup #devlife #code #hr #developers #javascript #reactjs #python #AI #humancapital…”
- [ML]Setting benchmarks in machine learning
- [ML]Seven things every executive should know about Machine Learning
- [ML]Special Sessions
- [ML]ST SOLUTIONS AUSTRALIA (@softbankaustralia) • Instagram photos and videos
- [ML]The 8 Signs That Machine Learning Will Automate Some Or All Of Your Job
- [ML]These 3 technologies will permanently change the banking sector
- [ML]Top 5 Considerations When Hiring a Data Scientist - InformationWeek
- [ML]Top 5 Technological Trends to Watch in 2019 | Analytics Insight
- [ML]Usage-Driven Groupings of Data Science and Machine Learning Programming Languages
- [ML]Will You Lose Your Job to Artificial Intelligence?
- [ML]“Above the Trend Line” – Your Industry Rumor Central for 1/21/2019 - insideBIGDATA