JDK 1.8 堆内存设置与计算

2023-06-26  本文已影响0人  starskye


void Arguments::set_heap_size() {
  //RAMFraction 使用对内存的百分比,比如当前内存是1G而百分比是4则计算结果为256M而256M便是我们使用堆的最大内存
  if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(DefaultMaxRAMFraction)) {
    // Deprecated flag
    FLAG_SET_CMDLINE(uintx, MaxRAMFraction, DefaultMaxRAMFraction);
  const julong phys_mem =
    FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxRAM) ? MIN2(os::physical_memory(), (julong)MaxRAM)
                            : (julong)MaxRAM;
  // If the maximum heap size has not been set with -Xmx,
  // then set it as fraction of the size of physical memory,
  // respecting the maximum and minimum sizes of the heap.
  if (FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(MaxHeapSize)) {
    julong reasonable_max = phys_mem / MaxRAMFraction;
    //MaxHeapSize=ScaleForWordSize(96*M)=(96*M) * 13 / 10 &0xfffffff0
    //MinRAMFraction = 2
    //总的结果:大概是130M*2 是否大于等于上方获取的物理内存,若大于则重新计算,因为jvm的使用一定不允许打过物理内存的限制
    if (phys_mem <= MaxHeapSize * MinRAMFraction) {
      // Small physical memory, so use a minimum fraction of it for the heap
      reasonable_max = phys_mem / MinRAMFraction;
    } else {
      // Not-small physical memory, so require a heap at least
      // as large as MaxHeapSize
      reasonable_max = MAX2(reasonable_max, (julong)MaxHeapSize);
    if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(ErgoHeapSizeLimit) && ErgoHeapSizeLimit != 0) {
      // Limit the heap size to ErgoHeapSizeLimit
      //若设置了ErgoHeapSizeLimit 则在通过取最小值得到最终的值
      reasonable_max = MIN2(reasonable_max, (julong)ErgoHeapSizeLimit);
    if (UseCompressedOops) {
      // Limit the heap size to the maximum possible when using compressed oops
      julong max_coop_heap = (julong)max_heap_for_compressed_oops();
      if (HeapBaseMinAddress + MaxHeapSize < max_coop_heap) {
        // Heap should be above HeapBaseMinAddress to get zero based compressed oops
        // but it should be not less than default MaxHeapSize.
        max_coop_heap -= HeapBaseMinAddress;
      reasonable_max = MIN2(reasonable_max, max_coop_heap);
    reasonable_max = limit_by_allocatable_memory(reasonable_max);
    if (!FLAG_IS_DEFAULT(InitialHeapSize)) {
      // An initial heap size was specified on the command line,
      // so be sure that the maximum size is consistent.  Done
      // after call to limit_by_allocatable_memory because that
      // method might reduce the allocation size.
      reasonable_max = MAX2(reasonable_max, (julong)InitialHeapSize);

    if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
      // Cannot use gclog_or_tty yet.
      tty->print_cr("  Maximum heap size " SIZE_FORMAT, reasonable_max);
    FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, MaxHeapSize, (uintx)reasonable_max);

  // If the minimum or initial heap_size have not been set or requested to be set
  // ergonomically, set them accordingly.
  if (InitialHeapSize == 0 || min_heap_size() == 0) {
    julong reasonable_minimum = (julong)(OldSize + NewSize);
    reasonable_minimum = MIN2(reasonable_minimum, (julong)MaxHeapSize);
    reasonable_minimum = limit_by_allocatable_memory(reasonable_minimum);
    if (InitialHeapSize == 0) {
      //InitialRAMFraction默认是64,phys_mem为1G 初始值为16M
      julong reasonable_initial = phys_mem / InitialRAMFraction;
      //-Xms 设置的min_heap_size 默认为0,此处取0M 16M 5M的最大值,得到结果为16M
      reasonable_initial = MAX3(reasonable_initial, reasonable_minimum, (julong)min_heap_size());
      reasonable_initial = MIN2(reasonable_initial, (julong)MaxHeapSize);
      reasonable_initial = limit_by_allocatable_memory(reasonable_initial);
      if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
        // Cannot use gclog_or_tty yet.
        tty->print_cr("  Initial heap size " SIZE_FORMAT, (uintx)reasonable_initial);
      FLAG_SET_ERGO(uintx, InitialHeapSize, (uintx)reasonable_initial);
    // If the minimum heap size has not been set (via -Xms),
    // synchronize with InitialHeapSize to avoid errors with the default value.
    if (min_heap_size() == 0) {
      set_min_heap_size(MIN2((uintx)reasonable_minimum, InitialHeapSize));
      if (PrintGCDetails && Verbose) {
        // Cannot use gclog_or_tty yet.
        tty->print_cr("  Minimum heap size " SIZE_FORMAT, min_heap_size());
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