007 - EOSStore 惊爆丑闻,负责人忙于「私事」丢失

2018-06-27  本文已影响0人  双语币读

据各方综合报道,一起因 Block Producer(超级节点)失责导致的资金丢失事件昨天爆发。事件主角是中国节点 EOSStore 。目前,该节点没有发布任何中文信息,我们从英语来源节译了关键信息,方便大家快速了解

Block producer EosStore failed to comply with the recent EOS Core Arbitration Forum order, leading to the loss of 3,570 EOS tokens from one account. Developer Simon Wang didn't know about the order, and also, he was busy with some other stuff.

超级节点 EOSStore 没有遵守最新发布的ECAF冻结令,导致一个账户里面的3570个 EOS 丢失。EOSStore 节点开发者 Simon Wang 表示,他不知道这个冻结令存在,而且,他还有其他私事要忙。

💡点睛:ECAF 的中文名是EOS核心仲裁论坛。

On June 22, the EOS Core Arbitration Board released its second emergency order to freeze compromised accounts that were likely subject to theft. However, one of the block producers failed to follow through on the order, resulting in a loss of 3,570 EOS (currently valued at over $27,000).  

6月22号,ECAF 发布了第二次紧急令,要求冻结一批疑似被盗的账户。然而,有一个节点并没有跟上施行,导致2570个 EOS(目前约合2万7千美元)丢失。

For these freezes to be maintained, all of the block producers must refuse to create blocks for the account in question. If one block producer fails to implement the freeze, the account remains active.



EosStore was not trying to flex political muscle, and the failure to freeze doesn't appear to be a result of in-fighting among the EOS community. Instead, Simon Wang, who is "responsible for the technology of EosStore" maintains that he just didn't know about the order.

EosStore 这样做,并不是要秀什么政治肌肉,也不像是跟 EOS社区出了什么矛盾。关于这次失误,EOS技术负责人 Simon Wang 说,他只是不知道这个冻结令而已。

In an exchange posted on Twitter, he wrote, "I didn't receive the last blacklist … sorry for that."


After being pressed, he then says he hadn't attended recent meetings because, "I have some private affairs, sorry for that … very sorry."


Simon also apologized on Telegram for the failure to freeze the account, though not everyone has accepted his professed contrition.


Sometime after the Twitter exchange (and under looming threats of lawsuits), EosStore provided a more thorough statement about the incident. In it, there are no mentions of "private affairs." Instead, the blame is placed on confusion caused by ECAF's lack of an official outlet for its orders. 

在推特上与人沟通一阵子后(伴随着沸沸扬扬的人威胁着要起诉),EosStore 就此事发布了一个详细公告。这个公告里没有提及什么「私事」了,而是把责任都归咎于ECAF 缺乏发表官方冻结令的渠道,导致混乱。

EosStore said it is willing to reimburse the tokens that were lost and has proposed the development of a publishing platform for ECAF arbitration orders, inviting "all BPs to co-develop a software" for it. It is unclear why the creation of new platform is necessary; ECAF has a website, but so far has not posted any of its orders there.

EosStore 说,它愿意偿还丢失的EOS币,还提议开发一个 ECAF 仲裁令发布平台,邀请「所有节点都一起开发一套软件」。目前尚不清楚开发一个新平台是否有必要。ECAF 有一个官网,不过至今上面未曾贴出任何一个仲裁令。

💡点睛:本次事件发生后,EosStore 在节点中的排名忽然大幅上涨,目前排在第10位(原来在第2位),引发社区激烈争论。最新超级节点排名,请看这个链接(英文):https://www.eosstats.io/hourlystats/

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