Three years ago is a long time for you to go back. But we who live in prison, and in whose lives there is no event but sorrow, have to measure time by throbs of pain, and the record of bitter moments. We have nothing else to think of. Suffering -- curious as it may sound to you -- is the means by which we exist, because it is the only means by which we become conscious of existing; and the remembrance of suffering in the past is necessary to us as the warrant, the evidence, of our continued identity. Had our life together been as the world fancied it to be, one simply of pleasure, profligacy and laughter, I would not be able to recall a single passage in it. It is because it was full of moments and days tragic, bitter, sinister in their warnings, that I can see or hear each separate incident in its detail, can indeed see or hear little else.
October 1894, I was trying to finish my last play at Worthing. You insist on being taken to the Grand Hotel at Brighton. The night we arrive you fall ill with that dreadful low fever that is foolishly called the influenza. I need not remind you how I waited on you, and tended you, not merely with every luxury of fruit, flowers, presents,books, and the like that money can procure, but with that affection, tenderness and love that, whatever you may think, is not to be procured for money. I got special grapes from London for you, as you did not care for those the hotel supplied, invented things to please you,remained either with you or in the room next to yours, sat with you every evening to quiet or amuse you. After four or five days you recover, and I take lodgings in order to try and finish my play. You, of course, accompany me.
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