
linux:abrt-cli list

2017-11-24  本文已影响562人  随风化作雨

一般是可以通过在环境变量中设置ulimit -c unlimited。但是现场实施人员有时会忘记设置这条命令。那么怎么办呢,可以通过设置linux的abrt服务来实现。



vi /etc/abrt/abrt-action-save-package-data.conf
# With this option set to "yes",
# only crashes in signed packages will be analyzed.
# the list of public keys used to check the signature is
# in the file gpg_keys
OpenGPGCheck = no

# Blacklisted packages
BlackList = nspluginwrapper, valgrind, strace, mono-core

# Process crashes in executables which do not belong to any package?
ProcessUnpackaged = yes

# Blacklisted executable paths (shell patterns)
BlackListedPaths = /usr/share/doc/, /example*, /usr/bin/nspluginviewer, /usr/lib/xulrunner-*/plugin-container


[root@xx-host2 abrt]# cat abrt.conf 
# Enable this if you want abrtd to auto-unpack crashdump tarballs which appear
# in this directory (for example, uploaded via ftp, scp etc).
# Note: you must ensure that whatever directory you specify here exists
# and is writable for abrtd. abrtd will not create it automatically.
#WatchCrashdumpArchiveDir = /var/spool/abrt-upload

# Max size for crash storage [MiB] or 0 for unlimited
MaxCrashReportsSize = 1000

# Specify where you want to store coredumps and all files which are needed for
# reporting. (default:/var/spool/abrt)
# Changing dump location could cause problems with SELinux. See man abrt_selinux(8).
#DumpLocation = /var/spool/abrt

# If you want to automatically clean the upload directory you have to tweak the
# selinux policy.
DeleteUploaded = no

重启 abrtd 服务: service abrtd restart

有了core文件也需要及时删除,通过abrt-cli list查看文件的包,然后用abrt-cli rm 【文件包】就可以了。
abrt-cli rm <ccpp folder from list >


