
why your hair stands on end when

2020-04-20  本文已影响0人  橙弗弗

Have you ever wondered why your hair stands on end when you're scared? 您是否曾经想过为什么害怕时头发会直立?

Well, sometimes we react physically to our emotions. Want to hear more about it? 其实,这是我们身体对自己的情绪做出反应。你想了解更多吗?

First, emotions prompt our behaviors and prepare us for action 首先,情绪促使我们的行为并为我们做好准备

They create a "behavior urge," which is a sensation of readiness to act in a certain way 他们产生了“行为冲动”,这是一种随时准备以某种方式行事的感觉。

Yesterday, I came home from a long vacation and I was so excited to see my pet seagull, Zed 昨天,我放了一个长假回家,很高兴见到我的宠物海鸥Zed

As soon as I spotted him nesting (again! 🙄) on my couch, I rushed over to give him a huge hug! 当我发现他再次在沙发上筑巢时,我就冲过去给他一个大大的拥抱!

My emotion of excitement prompted the urge to hug 我激动的情绪促使他去拥抱

Emotion -> urge -> action 情感->促使->行动

But not all action urges are created equal. Some push us to act in ways that are not helpful in the moment 但是,并非所有的行动冲动都是一样的。有些推动我们采取当前无济于事的方式

For example: The other day, someone cut me in line at the grocery store 例如:前几天,有人在杂货店把我排成一行

I felt annoyed, my face grew hot, and I had an *action urge* to increase the volume of my voice and alert them of their rudeness 我感到烦恼,脸变得发烫,并且我有“行动上的冲动”以增加自己的声音音量并提醒他们他们的粗鲁行为

Nope. I paused for several nanoseconds and then said "Pardon me, but I was in line" 不。我停了几纳秒,然后说:“对不起,但我在排队”

The man apologized and explained that he didn't see me 该男子道歉并解释说他没有看到我

Turns out he was in a rush too (he was bringing chicken soup to his sick friend) 原来他也很着急(他正在把鸡肉汤带给生病的朋友)

My emotion of annoyance prompted the *urge* to shout  我的烦恼情绪促使*敦促*大喊大叫

But we have the choice to act upon this urge or not 但是我们可以选择是否按照这种要求采取行动

We always have a choice 我们总是有选择

If you're scared at a movie, you have the choice to stay and watch till the end or leave 如果您害怕看电影,则可以选择留下来观看直到结局或离开

That physical action is a choice! 身体动作是一种选择!

In the case of my grocery store encounter...在我的杂货店遇到的情况下...

I realized (using my thought challenging tools!) that maybe there was another reason he cut in front of me in line 我意识到(使用具有挑战性的思想工具!)也许还有其他原因让他在我面前排成一列

And if that were true, it wouldn't be helpful to shout 如果那是真的,大声喊叫不会有帮助

You see, behavior urges are signs of our emotions 你看,行为的冲动是我们情感的标志

It's helpful to notice what they are so that we can then decide how we want to act in a certain situation 注意它们是有帮助的,这样我们就可以决定在特定情况下如何行动

So remember how we talked about how hair often stands on end when you're scared? 因此,还记得我们是如何谈论害怕的时候头发通常直立的吗?

That's a great example of an emotion intertwined with physical reactions! 这是情绪与身体反应交织在一起的一个很好的例子!

Other examples include your heart racing, blood rushing to your head, or shortness of breath 其他例子包括心脏跳动,头部流血或呼吸急促

Now, I don't have hair or blood or anything... but I definitely felt hot and angry when someone cut me in line 现在,我没有头发,血液或任何东西……但是当有人把我排成一列时,我肯定会感到发火和生气

And I still have the urge to run when I see a bad line of code 当我看到不好的代码行时,我仍然有奔跑的冲动

It's pretty cool when you think about it...当您考虑它时,它非常酷……

Emotions are often thought to be all in the brain, but it turns out, our body is affected at the same time too! 人们通常认为情感全在大脑中,但是事实证明,我们的身体也同时受到了影响!

So long story short...长话短说...

Emotions can motivate behavior through actual behavior and behavior urges *and* we can feel these urges through our body sensations and physical reactions 情绪可以通过实际的行为和行为的冲动来激发行为*并且*我们可以通过我们的身体感觉和身体反应来感受到这些冲动


