《Word Power Made Easy》——Chapter
2020-07-02 本文已影响0人
单词 | 发音 |
1. convivial | kƏn-VIV′-ee-Əl |
2. indefatigable | in′-dƏ-FAT′-Ə-gƏ-bƏl |
3. ingenuous | in-JEN′-y-Əs |
4. perspicacious | pur′-spƏ-KAY′-shƏs |
5. magnanimous | mƏg-NAN′-Ə-mƏs |
6. versatile | VUR′-sƏ-tƏl |
7. stoical | STŌ′-Ə-kƏl |
8. intrepid | in-TREP′-id |
9. scintillating | SIN′-tƏ-layt-ing |
10. urbane | ur-BAYN′ |
单词 | 发音 |
1. conviviality | kƏn-viv′-ee-AL′-Ə-tee |
2. vivacious | vī-VAY′-shƏs |
3. vivacity | vī-VAS′-Ə-tee |
4. vivid | VIV′-id |
5. vividness | VIV′-id-nƏs |
6. revive | rƏ-VĪV |
7. revival | rƏ-VĪV′-Əl |
8. vivisection | viv′-Ə-SEK′-shƏn |
9. antivivisectionist an′-tee (or | tī)-viv′-Ə-SEK′-shƏn-ist |
10. viviparous | vī-VIP′-Ər-Əs |
11. oviparous | ō-VIP′-Ər-Əs |
12. oval | Ō′-vƏl |
13. ovoid | Ō′-voyd′ |
14. ovary | Ō′-vƏ-ree |
15. ovarian | ō-VAIR′-ee-Ən |
16. ovulate | Ō-vyƏ-layt′ |
17. ovulation | ō-vyƏ-LAY′-shƏn |
单词 | 发音 |
1. vital | VĪ′-tƏl |
2. vitality | vī-TAL′-Ə-tee |
3. vitalize | VĪ′-tƏ-līz′ |
4. vitalization | vī′-tƏ-lƏ-ZAY′-shƏn |
5. revitalize | ree-VĪ′-tƏ-līz′ |
6. revitalization | ree-vī′-tƏ-lƏ-ZAY′-shƏn |
7. devitalize | dee-VĪ′-tƏ-līz′ |
8. devitalization | dee-vī′-tƏ-lƏ-ZAY′-shƏn |
9. joie de vivre | zhwahd′-VEEV′ |
10. ennui | AHN′-wee |
11. bon vivant BŌNG′ | vee-VAHNGT |
12. gourmand | GR′-mƏnd |
13. gourmet | gr-MAY′ |
14. gormandize | GAWR′-mƏn-dīz′ |
15. glutton | GLUT′-Ən |
16. gluttonous | GLUT-Ə-nƏs |
17. gluttonize | GLUT′-Ə-nīz′ |
18. vitamin | VĪ′-tƏ-min |
单词 | 发音 |
1. indefatigability | in′-dƏ-fat′-Ə-gƏ-BIL′-Ə-tee |
2. ingenuousness | in-JEN′-y-Əs-ness |
3. ingenious | in-JEEN′-yƏs |
4. ingenuity | in′-jƏ-N′-Ə-tee |
5. naïve | nah-EEV′ |
6. naïveté | nah-eev-TAY′ |
7. credulous | KREJ′-Ə-lƏs |
8. incredulous | in-KREJ′-Ə-lƏs |
9. gullible | GUL′-Ə-bƏl |
10. gullibility | gul′-Ə-BIL′-Ə-tee |
11. credible | KRED′-Ə-bƏl |
12. incredible | in-KRED′-Ə-bƏl |
13. credulity | krƏ-J′-lƏ-tee |
14. incredulity | in′-krƏ-J′-lƏ-tee |
15. credibility | kred′-Ə-BIL′-Ə-tee |
16. incredibility | in-kred′-Ə-BIL′-Ə-tee |
17. credo | KREE′-dō |
18. creed | KREED |
19. credence | KREE′-dƏns |
20. credentials | krƏ-DEN′-shƏlz |
21. disingenuous | dis′-in-JEN′-y-Əs |
22. disingenuousness | dis′-in-JEN′-y-Əs-nƏs |
单词 | 发音 |
1. perspicacious | pur′-spƏ-KAY′-shƏs |
2. perspicacity | pur′-spƏ-KAS′-Ə-tee |
3. acumen | AK′-y′-mƏn |
4. acute | Ə-KYT′ |
5. acuity | Ə-KY′-Ə-tee |
6. acupuncture | AK′-y-punk′-chƏr |
7. punctuate | PUNK′-ch-ayt′ |
8. punctilious | punk-TIL′-ee-Əs |
9. puncture | PUNK′-chƏr |
10. pungent | PUN′-jƏnt |
11. pungence | PUN′-jƏns |
12. pungency | PUN′-jƏn-see |
单词 | 发音 |
1. perspicuous | pƏr-SPIK′-y-Əs |
2. perspicuity | pur′-spƏ-KY′-Ə-tee |
3. retrospect | RET′-rƏ-spekt′ |
4. prospect | PROS′-pekt′ |
5. prospective | prƏ-SPEK′-tiv |
6. introspective | in′-trƏ-SPEK′-tiv |
7. introspect | in′-trƏ-SPEKT′ |
8. introspection | in′-trƏ-SPEK′-shƏn |
9. circumspect | SUR′-kƏm-spekt′ |
10. circumspection | sur′-kƏm-SPEK′-shƏn |
11. specious | SPEE′-shƏs |
单词 | 发音 |
1. magnanimity | mag′-nƏ-NIM′-Ə-tee |
2. pusillanimous | py′-sƏ-LAN′-Ə-mƏs |
3. pusillanimity | py′-sƏ-lƏ-NIM′-Ə-tee |
4. unanimous | y-NAN′-Ə-mƏs |
5. unanimity | y-nƏ-NIM′-Ə-tee |
6. equanimity eek′ (or | ek′)-wƏ-NIM′-Ə-tee |
7. animus | AN′-Ə-mƏs |
8. animosity | an′-Ə-MOS′-Ə-tee |
9. versatility | vur′-sƏ-TIL′-Ə-tee |
10. stoic | STŌ′-ik |
11. stoicism | STŌ′-Ə-siz-Əm |
单词 | 发音 |
1. intrepidity | in′-trƏ-PID′-Ə-tee |
2. trepidation | trep′-Ə-DAY′-shƏn |
3. scintilla | sin-TIL′-Ə |
4. scintillate | SIN′-tƏ-layt′ |
5. scintillation | sin′-tƏ-LAY′-shƏn |
6. urbanity | ur-BAN′-Ə-tee |
7. suburbia | sƏ-BUR′-bee-Ə |
8. interurban | in′-tƏr-UR′-bƏn |
9. intraurban | in′-trƏ-UR′-bƏn |
10. exurbs | EKS′-urbz |
11. exurban | eks-UR′-bƏn |
12. exurbanite | eks-UR′-bƏn-īt′ |
13. exurbia | eks-UR′-bee-Ə |
单词 | 发音 |
1. rural | RR′-Əl |
2. rustic | RUS′-tik |
3. rusticity | rus-TIS′-Ə-tee |
4. rusticate | RUS′-tƏ-kayt′ |
5. rustication | rus′-tƏ-KAY′-shƏn |
6. pejorative | pƏ-JAWR′-Ə-tiv |
词根 | 涵义 |
1. vivo | to live |
2. -ous | adjective suffix |
3. re- | again, back |
4. sectus | cut |
5. anti- | against |
6. ovum | egg |
7. pareo | to give birth, produce |
8. vita | life |
9. -ize | verb suffix |
10. -ation | noun suffix |
added to | verbs |
ending in | -ize |
11. de- | negative prefix |
12. bon | good |
13. -ate | verb suffix |
词根 | 涵义 |
1. in- | negative prefix |
2. -ness | noun suffix |
3. credo | to believe |
4. -ous | adjective suffix |
5. -ible | can be; able to be |
6. -ity | noun suffix |
7. -ence | noun suffix |
8. dis- | negative prefix |
词根 | 涵义 |
1. specto | to look |
2. per- | through |
3. acuo | to sharpen |
4. punctus | point |
5. -ate | verb suffix |
6. -al | adjective suffix |
7. pungo | to pierce sharply |
8. -ent | adjective suffix |
9. -ence, -ency | noun suffixes |
10. -ness | noun suffix |
11. -ity | noun suffix |
12. retro- | backward |
13. pro- | forward, ahead, before |
14. intro- | inside, within |
15. -ion | noun suffix |
16. -ive | adjective suffix |
17. circum- | around |
词根 | 涵义 |
1. animus | mind |
2. anima | soul, spirit, life principle |
3. magnus | large, great |
4. pusillus | tiny |
5. unus | one |
6. aequus (equ-) | equal |
7. verto, versus | to turn |
8. stoa | porch |
9. in- | negative prefix |
10. trepido | to tremble |
11. scintilla | a spark |
12. urbs | city |
13. sub- | near, close to, under |
14. inter- | between |
15. intra- | within, inside |
16. ex- | out |
17. rus, ruris | country, farmlands |
18. -ate | verb suffix |
19. -ion | noun suffix aded to -ate verbs |