

2017-03-28  本文已影响1620人  ginobefun




Personalized search refers to web search experiences that are tailored specifically to an individual's interests by incorporating information about the individual beyond specific query provided. Pitkow et al. describe two general approaches to personalizing search results, one involving modifying the user's query and the other re-ranking search results.


  1. 个性化搜索需要充分考虑到用户的偏好,将用户感兴趣的内容优先展示给用户;
  2. 另外是对于实现个性化的方式上主要有查询修改和对搜索结果的重排序两种。



  1. 在此之前我们曾经有一般的个性化搜索实现,其主要是通过计算用户和商品的一些重要属性(比如品牌、品类、性别等)的权重,然后得到一个用户和商品之间的关联系数,然后根据该系数进行重排序。
  2. 但是这一版从效果来看并不是很好,我个人觉得主要的原因有以下几点:用户对商品的各个属性的重视程度并不是一样的,另外考虑的商品的属性并不全,且没有去考虑商品和商品直接的关系;
  3. 在新的版本的设计中,我们考虑通过用户的浏览记录这种时序数据来获取用户和商品以及商品和商品直接的关联关系,其核心就是通过类似于语言模型的词出现的顺序来训练向量表示结果;
  4. 在获取用户向量和商品向量表示后,我们就可以根据向量直接的距离来计算相关性,从而将用户感兴趣的商品优先展示;



select concat_ws(' ', collect_set(product_skn)) as skns 
 (select uid, cast(product_skn as string) as product_skn, click_time_stamp 
  from product_click_record 
  where date_id <= $date_id and date_id >= $date_id_30_day_ago
  order by uid, click_time_stamp) as a 
group by uid;
time ./word2vec -train $prepare_file -output $result_file -cbow 1 -size 20 
-window 8 -negative 25 -hs 0 -sample 1e-4 -threads 20 -iter 15 


vec_list = []
for i in range(feature_length):
    vec_list.append("avg(coalesce(b.vec[%s], 0))" % (str(i)))
vec = ', '.join(vec_list)

select a.uid as uid, array(%s) as vec 
 (select * from product_click_record where date_id <= $date_id and date_id >= $date_id_30_day_ago) as a
left outer join
 (select * from product_w2v where date_id = $date_id) as b
on a.product_skn = b.product_skn
group by a.uid;


Map<String, Object> scriptParams = new HashMap<>();
scriptParams.put("field", "productFeatureVector");
scriptParams.put("inputFeatureVector", userVector);
scriptParams.put("version", version);
Script script = new Script("feature_vector_scoring_script", ScriptService.ScriptType.INLINE, "native", scriptParams);



public class FeatureVectorScoringSearchScript extends AbstractSearchScript {
    public static final ESLogger LOGGER = Loggers.getLogger("feature-vector-scoring");
    public static final String SCRIPT_NAME = "feature_vector_scoring_script";
    private static final double DEFAULT_BASE_CONSTANT = 1.0D;
    private static final double DEFAULT_FACTOR_CONSTANT = 1.0D;

    // field in index to store feature vector
    private String field;

    // version of feature vector, if it isn't null, it should match version of index
    private String version;

    // final_score = baseConstant + factorConstant * cos(X, Y)
    private double baseConstant;

    // final_score = baseConstant + factorConstant * cos(X, Y)
    private double factorConstant;

    // input feature vector
    private double[] inputFeatureVector;

    // cos(X, Y) = Σ(Xi * Yi) / ( sqrt(Σ(Xi * Xi)) * sqrt(Σ(Yi * Yi)) )
    // the inputFeatureVectorNorm is sqrt(Σ(Xi * Xi))
    private double inputFeatureVectorNorm;

    public static class ScriptFactory implements NativeScriptFactory {
        public ExecutableScript newScript(@Nullable Map<String, Object> params) throws ScriptException {
            return new FeatureVectorScoringSearchScript(params);

        public boolean needsScores() {
            return false;

    private FeatureVectorScoringSearchScript(Map<String, Object> params) throws ScriptException {
        this.field = (String) params.get("field");
        String inputFeatureVectorStr = (String) params.get("inputFeatureVector");
        if (this.field == null || inputFeatureVectorStr == null || inputFeatureVectorStr.trim().length() == 0) {
            throw new ScriptException("Initialize script " + SCRIPT_NAME + " failed!");

        this.version = (String) params.get("version");
        this.baseConstant = params.get("baseConstant") != null ? Double.parseDouble(params.get("baseConstant").toString()) : DEFAULT_BASE_CONSTANT;
        this.factorConstant = params.get("factorConstant") != null ? Double.parseDouble(params.get("factorConstant").toString()) : DEFAULT_FACTOR_CONSTANT;

        String[] inputFeatureVectorArr = inputFeatureVectorStr.split(",");
        int dimension = inputFeatureVectorArr.length;
        double sumOfSquare = 0.0D;
        this.inputFeatureVector = new double[dimension];
        double temp;
        for (int index = 0; index < dimension; index++) {
            temp = Double.parseDouble(inputFeatureVectorArr[index].trim());
            this.inputFeatureVector[index] = temp;
            sumOfSquare += temp * temp;

        this.inputFeatureVectorNorm = Math.sqrt(sumOfSquare);
        LOGGER.debug("FeatureVectorScoringSearchScript.init, version:{}, norm:{}, baseConstant:{}, factorConstant:{}."
                , this.version, this.inputFeatureVectorNorm, this.baseConstant, this.factorConstant);

    public Object run() {
        if (this.inputFeatureVectorNorm == 0) {
            return this.baseConstant;

        if (!doc().containsKey(this.field) || doc().get(this.field) == null) {
            LOGGER.error("cannot find field {}.", field);
            return this.baseConstant;

        String docFeatureVectorStr = ((ScriptDocValues.Strings) doc().get(this.field)).getValue();
        return calculateScore(docFeatureVectorStr);

    public double calculateScore(String docFeatureVectorStr) {
        // 1. check docFeatureVector
        if (docFeatureVectorStr == null) {
            return this.baseConstant;

        docFeatureVectorStr = docFeatureVectorStr.trim();
        if (docFeatureVectorStr.isEmpty()) {
            return this.baseConstant;

        // 2. check version and get feature vector array of document
        String[] docFeatureVectorArr;
        if (this.version != null) {
            String versionPrefix = version + "|";
            if (!docFeatureVectorStr.startsWith(versionPrefix)) {
                return this.baseConstant;

            docFeatureVectorArr = docFeatureVectorStr.substring(versionPrefix.length()).split(",");
        } else {
            docFeatureVectorArr = docFeatureVectorStr.split(",");

        // 3. check the dimension of input and document
        int dimension = this.inputFeatureVector.length;
        if (docFeatureVectorArr == null || docFeatureVectorArr.length != dimension) {
            return this.baseConstant;

        // 4. calculate the relevance score of the two feature vector
        double sumOfSquare = 0.0D;
        double sumOfProduct = 0.0D;
        double tempValueInDouble;
        for (int i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
            tempValueInDouble = Double.parseDouble(docFeatureVectorArr[i].trim());
            sumOfProduct += tempValueInDouble * this.inputFeatureVector[i];
            sumOfSquare += tempValueInDouble * tempValueInDouble;

        if (sumOfSquare == 0) {
            return this.baseConstant;

        double cosScore = sumOfProduct / (Math.sqrt(sumOfSquare) * inputFeatureVectorNorm);
        return this.baseConstant + this.factorConstant * cosScore;



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