1 Inductive Sets of Data
1.1 Recursively Specified Data
1.1.1 Inductive Specification
- top-down(从终点进行回溯,直到原点)
- bottom-up(类似数学归纳法,从原点出发)
- rules-of-inference(bottom-up的形式化表示)
1.1.2 Defining Sets Using Grammars
- Nonterminal Symbols(所定义的数据结构名称)
- Terminal Symbols(分割符,具有特殊意义)
- Productions(包括左右两个部分,左边是定义的数据结构名称,右边是构造这类数据结构的方式)
例如lambda calculus数据结构的表示:
LcExp ::= Identifier | (lambda (Identifier) LcExp) | (LcExp LcExp)
1.1.3 Induction
Proof by Structural Induction
To prove that a proposition IH(s) is true for all structures s, prove the following:
- IH is true on simple structures (those without substructures).
- If IH is true on the substructures of s, then it is true on s itself.
1.2 Deriving Recursive Programs
The Smaller-Subproblem Principle
If we can reduce a problem to a smaller subproblem, we can call the procedure that solves the problem to solve the subproblem.
1.2.1 list-length
1.2.2 nth-element
1.2.3 remove-first
1.2.4 occurs-free?
1.2.5 subst
** Follow the Grammar!**
When defining a procedure that operates on inductively defined data, the structure of the program should be patterned after the structure of the data.
1.3 Auxiliary Procedures and Context Arguments
No Mysterious Auxiliaries!
When defining an auxiliary procedure, always specify what it does on all arguments, not just the initial values.
1.4 Exercises
;; 1.34
(define path
(lambda (n bst)
((null? bst) #f)
((< n (car bst))
(let ([path1 (path n (cadr bst))])
(if path1
(cons 'left path1)
((> n (car bst))
(let ([path1 (path n (caddr bst))])
(if path1
(cons 'right path1)
(else '()))))