2021-01-21 本文已影响0人
select col.table_schema as tableSchema, col.table_name as tableName, col.column_name as name,col.data_type as type,
when col.data_type='varchar' or col.data_type='longtext' then col.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH
when col.data_type='timestamp' then col.datetime_precision
else col.numeric_precision end ) as length,
col.numeric_scale as scale,
(case when k.CONSTRAINT_NAME='PRIMARY' then '1' else '0' end ) as primaryKey,
(case when k.CONSTRAINT_NAME!='PRIMARY' then '1' else '0' end ) as uniqueKey,
(case when col.IS_NULLABLE='YES' then '1' else '0' end ) AS nullable,
col.column_default AS defaultValue,
col.column_comment as comment
from information_schema.columns col left join information_schema.key_column_usage k on k.column_name = col.column_name and k.table_schema = col.table_schema and k.table_name = col.table_name
where LOWER(col.table_schema)=LOWER('DBname') and LOWER(col.table_name)=LOWER('TableName');
上边的代码用的left join。会出现重复的行。比如一个字段既是primarykey,也是uniqueKey。
select col.table_schema as tableSchema, col.table_name as tableName, col.column_name as name,col.data_type as type,
(case when col.data_type='varchar' or col.data_type='longtext' then col.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH
when col.data_type='timestamp' then col.datetime_precision
else col.numeric_precision end ) as length,
col.numeric_scale as scale,
(case when
(Select COUNT(*) From information_schema.key_column_usage k where col.column_name = k.column_name and k.CONSTRAINT_NAME ='PRIMARY')>0
then '1' else '0' end ) as primaryKey,
(case when
(Select COUNT(*) From information_schema.key_column_usage k where col.column_name = k.column_name and k.CONSTRAINT_NAME !='PRIMARY')>0
then '1' else '0' end ) as uniqueKey,
(case when col.IS_NULLABLE='YES' then '1' else '0' end ) AS nullable,
col.column_default AS defaultValue,
col.column_comment as comment
from information_schema.columns col
where LOWER(col.table_schema)=LOWER('ApolloPortalDB') and LOWER(col.table_name)=LOWER('TZZ') ;