RocketMQ TLS 如何配置
目前RocketMQ只能通过JVM参数的形式启用TLS配置,由于不同版本间RocketMQ的配置差异很大本文使用 version 4.7.1作为样例。
添加两个文件server.bat 和 borker.bat
C:\work\rocketmq4.7.1\bin\mqbroker.cmd -c C:\work\rocketmq4.7.1\conf\ -n localhost:9876 autoCreateTopicEnable=true
mvn spring-boot:run
mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
java -jar target/rocketmq-console-ng-1.0.0.jar
RocketMQ TlsSystemConfig类
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.rocketmq.remoting.netty;
import io.netty.handler.ssl.SslContext;
import org.apache.rocketmq.remoting.common.TlsMode;
public class TlsSystemConfig {
public static final String TLS_SERVER_MODE = "tls.server.mode";
public static final String TLS_ENABLE = "tls.enable";
public static final String TLS_CONFIG_FILE = "tls.config.file";
public static final String TLS_TEST_MODE_ENABLE = "tls.test.mode.enable";
public static final String TLS_SERVER_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH = "tls.server.need.client.auth";
public static final String TLS_SERVER_KEYPATH = "tls.server.keyPath";
public static final String TLS_SERVER_KEYPASSWORD = "tls.server.keyPassword";
public static final String TLS_SERVER_CERTPATH = "tls.server.certPath";
public static final String TLS_SERVER_AUTHCLIENT = "tls.server.authClient";
public static final String TLS_SERVER_TRUSTCERTPATH = "tls.server.trustCertPath";
public static final String TLS_CLIENT_KEYPATH = "tls.client.keyPath";
public static final String TLS_CLIENT_KEYPASSWORD = "tls.client.keyPassword";
public static final String TLS_CLIENT_CERTPATH = "tls.client.certPath";
public static final String TLS_CLIENT_AUTHSERVER = "tls.client.authServer";
public static final String TLS_CLIENT_TRUSTCERTPATH = "tls.client.trustCertPath";
* To determine whether use SSL in client-side, include SDK client and BrokerOuterAPI
public static boolean tlsEnable = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(TLS_ENABLE, "false"));
* To determine whether use test mode when initialize TLS context
public static boolean tlsTestModeEnable = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(TLS_TEST_MODE_ENABLE, "true"));
* Indicates the state of the {@link} with respect to client authentication.
* This configuration item really only applies when building the server-side {@link SslContext},
* and can be set to none, require or optional.
public static String tlsServerNeedClientAuth = System.getProperty(TLS_SERVER_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH, "none");
* The store path of server-side private key
public static String tlsServerKeyPath = System.getProperty(TLS_SERVER_KEYPATH, null);
* The password of the server-side private key
public static String tlsServerKeyPassword = System.getProperty(TLS_SERVER_KEYPASSWORD, null);
* The store path of server-side X.509 certificate chain in PEM format
public static String tlsServerCertPath = System.getProperty(TLS_SERVER_CERTPATH, null);
* To determine whether verify the client endpoint's certificate strictly
public static boolean tlsServerAuthClient = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(TLS_SERVER_AUTHCLIENT, "false"));
* The store path of trusted certificates for verifying the client endpoint's certificate
public static String tlsServerTrustCertPath = System.getProperty(TLS_SERVER_TRUSTCERTPATH, null);
* The store path of client-side private key
public static String tlsClientKeyPath = System.getProperty(TLS_CLIENT_KEYPATH, null);
* The password of the client-side private key
public static String tlsClientKeyPassword = System.getProperty(TLS_CLIENT_KEYPASSWORD, null);
* The store path of client-side X.509 certificate chain in PEM format
public static String tlsClientCertPath = System.getProperty(TLS_CLIENT_CERTPATH, null);
* To determine whether verify the server endpoint's certificate strictly
public static boolean tlsClientAuthServer = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty(TLS_CLIENT_AUTHSERVER, "false"));
* The store path of trusted certificates for verifying the server endpoint's certificate
public static String tlsClientTrustCertPath = System.getProperty(TLS_CLIENT_TRUSTCERTPATH, null);
* For server, three SSL modes are supported: disabled, permissive and enforcing.
* For client, use {@link TlsSystemConfig#tlsEnable} to determine whether use SSL.
* <ol>
* <li><strong>disabled:</strong> SSL is not supported; any incoming SSL handshake will be rejected, causing connection closed.</li>
* <li><strong>permissive:</strong> SSL is optional, aka, server in this mode can serve client connections with or without SSL;</li>
* <li><strong>enforcing:</strong> SSL is required, aka, non SSL connection will be rejected.</li>
* </ol>
public static TlsMode tlsMode = TlsMode.parse(System.getProperty(TLS_SERVER_MODE, "permissive"));
* A config file to store the above TLS related configurations,
* except {@link TlsSystemConfig#tlsMode} and {@link TlsSystemConfig#tlsEnable}
public static String tlsConfigFile = System.getProperty(TLS_CONFIG_FILE, "/etc/rocketmq/");
服务端配置 (Name server and Broker)
JVM Properties
system propertie | value | desc | default value |
tls.server.mode | disabled permissive enforcing |
disabled: SSL is not supported permissive: SSL is optional, server in this mode can serve client connections with or without SSL enforcing: SSL is required, non SSL connection will be rejected |
permissive |
tls.enable | true/false | The flag to determine whether use SSL in client-side | false |
tls.config.file | The path of the tls related configuration file. | /etc/rocketmq/ |
Configuration File Properties
tls.test.mode.enable=true|false # The flag to determine whether use test mode when initialize TLS context. default is true
tls.server.need.client.auth=none|require|optional # Indicates how SSL engine respect to client authentication, default is none
tls.server.keyPath= # The store path of server-side private key
tls.server.keyPassword= # The password of the server-side private key
tls.server.certPath= # The store path of server-side X.509 certificate chain in PEM format
tls.server.authClient=true|false # To determine whether verify the client endpoint's certificate strictly. default is false
tls.server.trustCertPath= # The store path of trusted certificates for verifying the client endpoint's certificate
tls.client.keyPath= # The store path of client-side private key
tls.client.keyPassword= # The password of the client-side private key
tls.client.certPath= # The store path of client-side X.509 certificate chain in PEM format
tls.client.authServer=true|false # To determine whether verify the server endpoint's certificate strictly
tls.client.trustCertPath= # The store path of trusted certificates for verifying the server endpoint's certificate
JVM Properties
system propertie | value | desc | default value |
tls.enable | The flag to determine whether use SSL in client-side | false | |
tls.config.file | The path of the tls related configuration file. | /etc/rocketmq/ |
Configuration File Properties
tls.client.keyPath= # The store path of client-side private key
tls.client.keyPassword= # The password of the client-side private key
tls.client.certPath= # The store path of client-side X.509 certificate chain in PEM format
tls.client.authServer=true|false # To determine whether verify the server endpoint's certificate strictly
tls.client.trustCertPath= # The store path of trusted certificates for verifying the server endpoint's certificate
public void setUseTLS(boolean useTLS) // 使用RMQ TLS api
1.Add ENV parameter into rocketmq/bin/
JAVA_OPT="${JAVA_OPT} -Dtls.server.mode=enforcing -Dtls.config.file=${BASE_DIR}/conf/"
2.Add ENV parameter into rocketmq/bin/
JAVA_OPT="${JAVA_OPT} -Dtls.server.mode=enforcing -Dtls.config.file=${BASE_DIR}/conf/"
JAVA_OPT="${JAVA_OPT} -Dtls.enable=true"
3.Client Settings:
-Dtls.enable=true -Dtls.client.keyPath=C:\asvagent\secrets\MQCert.key -Dtls.client.certPath=C:\asvagent\secrets\MQCert.cer -Dtls.client.trustCertPath=C:\asvagent\secrets\MQRootCA -Dtls.test.mode.enable=false
以下是RocketMQ githhub 转载
- RocketMQ
tags: - RocketMQ
- Security
- Transmission Encryption
Many of use scenarios require end-to-end security, aka, it's mandatory to encrypt data during transmission even if both
parties are in the private network. Apache RocketMQ can be configured to achieve this goal leveraging TLS.
RocketMQ server may be configured to serve in one of the following three modes in terms of SSL via the following Java
option -Dorg.apache.rocketmq.remoting.ssl.mode=permissive
- disabled
This mode support insecure connection only. Incoming SSL handshake will be rejected and connection will be closed. - permissive
This is the default value. This mode supports both SSL and non-SSL connections. - enforcing
This mode supports SSL connection only. non-SSL connection will be rejected.
By default, if we enable SSL(the latter two modes described above), RocketMQ will attempt to read
for further specific SSL configuration items, aka, certificate/key/trust certificate
chain files. Location of can also be overridden by Java option:
Here is a sample file:
Meaning of each item is self-explanatory.
Note: all certificate files are in X509 format and all key files are in PKCS8 format.
If specified file is absent, RocketMQ will use a self-signed key-certificate pair.
Note: Latest JDK releases have disabled a few algorithms(MD5withRSA for example), check it out.
Similar to server, client can configure SSL using custom key/certificate pair, the only difference is, client only
need to configure the following items in
Also, we need programmatically enable SSL for client as below:
public class ExampleProducer {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
DefaultMQProducer producer = new DefaultMQProducer("please_rename_unique_group_name");
// Send messages as usual.