
【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - 头等舱乘客

2019-04-08  本文已影响14人  青澄青果

The people in front


节选自【经济学人】 April, 2019


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - 头等舱乘客

At Dubai's airport the three first-class lounges of Emirates, the Untied Arab Emirates' flag carrier, do not disappoint. Each one is as big as the terminal's concourse, built to accommodate thousands of passengers. But every day only a hundred or so enter each first-class lounge. The facility is so large, its manager admits, that the most common reaction heard from new arrivals is, "Oh my God, where is the lounge?". Yet the rows of hundreds of empty arm-chairs suggest that something is not quite right. Airlines are falling out of love with first class. The decline of first-class air travel seems at first glance surprising. Facilities on-board have never been so good. On its A380 super-jumbos, Emirates first class provides in-flight shower. Moreover, the number of very rich people has risen sharply. And the rest of the luxury-travel business is booming.

在迪拜机场,阿联酋航空公司拥有三个贵宾室,的确,作为阿联酋联合航空公司的标杆,它并未让人失望。每个贵宾室都和候机厅一样大小,可以容纳上千旅客。不过每天莅临的贵宾也只不过百把人。贵宾室也太大了,连经理人都承认人们的第一反应总是在问“上帝啊,到底贵宾室在哪?”。 上百的空座暗示了事情不妙。航空公司已经开始失去了对于头等舱的激情。似乎头等舱业务的衰退有点让人摸不着头脑。因为机上的设备好到史无前例。在A380巨型喷气飞机上阿联航甚至还提供了淋浴设施。而且富人越来越多,其他奢侈游行业也在崛起。

【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - 头等舱乘客

Even so, many analysts predict that first class will soon disappear. In America it is already almost extinct. Elsewhere in the world an increasing number of airlines have already scrapped it completely. On the majority of the most-traveled long-haul routes the number of first-class seats has fallen sharply in the past decade. Even the airlines that sell the most first-class fares are curbing their enthusiasm.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - 头等舱乘客

Airline bosses are acutely worried about the decline in demand for first class. But they have themselves partly to blame. The industry has disrupted itself. On short-haul flights, the low-cost model has won. Most first-class passengers on these routes now sit in seats with the same legroom as economy passengers, albeit with an empty middle seat, and make do with extras such as lounge access, and food and drinks.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - 头等舱乘客

On longer routs, new seats that turned into fully flat beds were a game-changer. If travelers can sleep comfortably in the sky, they can save the cost of a hotel or, more importantly for time-pressed corporate warriors, a days's working time. However, in 2000 BA launched a similar seat in business, and most carriers have followed suit. That has weakened the case for flying first class. Most companies think a flat bed in business class is good enough for their employees. Only a few honchos are allowed to enjoy first class on the company dime.

长途航班上的新座位是改编游戏规则的关键。对于乘客而言,舒舒服服地在飞机上睡一觉可以帮助他们节省旅店的费用和腾出一天来好好工作,这对于这些时间紧张的公司白领的确至关重要。不过,英航于2000年在商务舱也采用了和头等舱同样的座位,其它航空公司争相效仿。这些削弱了头等舱的吸引力。公司都认为商务舱的放平座椅对于员工就够了, 也只肯给负责人之流的报销头等舱费用。

【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - 头等舱乘客

Changing attitudes among the very rich are also sapping demand. But many self-made tycoons want their children to have the normal middle class upbringings they themselves had. So they book themselves and their families into business, or sometimes economy, rather than first. Airlines that offer first class say they still do so for two reasons. The first is to use upgrades from business class as an incentive for loyalty from both corporate and individual customers. But as the gap between business and first has narrowed, frequent flyers have begun to respond better to other incentives, such as access to lounges or to special hotlines.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - 头等舱乘客

The second reason for maintaining first class is also weakening. Flyers begin to think economy on Emirates, say, is fancier than on other airlines by association with features in its first class, such as in-flight showers. This can be an effective marketing tool. Many airlines, however, are no longer convinced by this argument and have slimmed down their first-class offerings. One such is Air France-KLM, whose chief executive claimed that first class was little more than a costly marketing gimmick and that no one makes money out of it.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - 头等舱乘客

But even Emirates' first-and-business-class sales are threatened by private jets. These let executives avoid the wait for a scheduled flight. It is also much quicker to pass through security in a private-jet terminal than an airport. Moreover, executive jets are becoming cheaper in relative terms. New shared-ownership and ride-hailing services allow the cost of a private jet to be spread over many users. Another trend that could hasten the end of the arms race in first-class facilities is the shift towards smaller passenger jets. The smaller and more efficient jets that have consigned the A380 to an early grave lack this extra space. It would be hard to fit showers, for instance, in the new long-haul narrow-body jets now available. So Emirates will need another way to get its passengers to pay extra.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - 头等舱乘客

