工作笔记 ACQ.4 供应商监控
“ACQ.4 供应商监控”的适用范围
[ACQ.4.RL.1] If not all suppliers, excluding suppliers without any support, involved in the project are monitored according ACQ.4, PA1.1 must not be rated F.
a) supplier‘s project content and scope 供应商项目的内容和范围
b) exchanged information between customer and supplier 客户与供应商之间需交换的信息
c) joint activities 联合活动
d) joint processes and interfaces 联合过程和接口
e) responsibilities and stakeholders 责任和利益相关者
f) joint project management 联合项目管理
g) test specification and testing activities 测试规范和测试活动
h) joint problem and change management 联合的问题和变更管理
i) joint reporting and reviews 联合的报告和评审
j) escalation mechanism 升级机制
[ACQ.4.RL.2] If agreements between supplier and customer are incomplete with respect to allaspects above, the indicator BP1 shall be downrated.
[ACQ.4.RC.1] If relevant agreed requirements of the customer's customer (e.g. OEM), are not part of agreements between supplier and customer, the indicator BP1 should be downrated.
[ACQ.4.RL.3] If the indicator BP1 is downrated due to incomplete agreements between supplier and customer (see ACQ.4.RL.2), the corresponding indicators (BP2, BP3, BP4) shall be downrated.
老杨解读:如果由于与供应商之间的协议的不完整,而降低BP1的打分,则也要相应降低BP2, BP3, BP4的打分。
[ACQ.4.RL.4] If the indicator BP2 is downrated due to incomplete exchange of all agreed information necessary for reviewing technical development, the indicator BP3 shall be downrated.
[ACQ.4.RL.5] If the indicator BP2 is downrated due to incomplete exchange of all agreed information necessary for reviewing the progress of the supplier, the indicator BP4 shall be downrated.
[ACQ.4.RC.2] If the indicator BP2, BP3 or BP4 are downrated due to identified non-conformances which are not managed as corrective actions, the indicator BP5 should be downrated.
老杨解读:如果由于识别的不符合问题没有作为纠正措施管理起来而降低BP2, BP3, BP4的打分,则也要降低BP5的打分。
[ACQ.4.RC.3] If BP1 is downrated due to incomplete agreements between supplier and customer (see ACQ.4.RL.2), this should be in line with the rating of the related BP indicators of relevant processes of the project scope.
[ACQ.4.RC.4] If BP5 is downrated due to gaps in analyzing, tracking and control of deviations from the agreed project plans, this should be in line with the rating of PA1.1 of SUP.9 Problem Resolution Management.