
have sth lined up: 落地,有谱
planning改为plan: urban planning, career plan
work stress: 不是特指,去掉the
裸辞不能直接用naked resignation, 必须解释quitting one's job before having secured a new one, quitting the current job before having secured a new one (不能确定正式外国刊物用过的话,不能直接想当然使用这类词汇)
highly sought after: 抢手
拓展(mental exercise):科技感=技术先进 technologically advanced/ forward-looking

founder on a declining attendance 出席人数减少

work one's butts off for nothing, hard slog, toil, workaholic, grind, grinder 拼命工作的人, a cushy job 轻松的工作, a lucrative job 报酬丰厚的工作, drudgery 苦差事
a dead-end job 一眼望到尽头的工作
make sb do sth: make是a weak verb , 尽量少用
move up the academic/ consulting/ corporate ladder 向上爬
plus 表达新的观点
map out a plan: 清晰的目标,计划

enter choppy waters 波动
snap up: 抢购,比buy,purchase更精准
steer clear of Youdao whenever you can 尽量避开有道词典: 例如shake the elbows,错误用法
dethrone: overthrow, go out of fashion/ style/ favour 不再时髦
converge with international norms


poverty reduction 脱贫, poverty alleviation
skills shortage, emissions reduction

奥威尔式的,奥威尔版的 Orwellian=Orwell-like; 克林顿式的 Clintonian= Clinton-like
单相思 unrequited love
quixotic 唐吉坷德式的

prompt 及时的,没有拖延的: a prompt reply, quick, undelayed
inclusion:包容 改为abundance

内在逻辑innate logic,implicit logic
Personal Review
That [frustrations of writing] itself might have been an insuperable problem. After all, excellent writers are also coping with it. But discouraged learners are already suffering from writing without thinking. As errors accumulate and thoughts stick, students find it increasingly difficult to express their ideas in writing. More importantly, peer pressure looms large as some disciples are more susceptible to unsatisfactory performance than others. This is why deliberate practice and mental exercise are central to writing practice. Without them, it is far-fetched to suggest that practice makes perfect.
推荐阅读:6 Characteristics Every Great Writer Has in Common | Inc.com