
萤火虫洞里真的有萤火虫吗?- 你是这样的新西兰 - 寒假游记Da

2018-03-11  本文已影响0人  Terminator101

今天的天气好热呀,我一身都大汗淋漓!再待一会儿,我可能就要中暑啦 。我妈妈带我来看古代的一座山洞。那个山洞是19世纪被发现的。他们曾经就住在这个山洞里面,用来遮风挡雨。进去之前,我们得先在外面排队,等里面的人先出来我们再进去。15分钟过去了,我们走进又黑又冷的山洞。


冷气在我的皮肤上特别爽。终于不在太阳下面站着了。虽然山洞里很凉快,可是不知道为什么,过了几分钟,我有开始感觉冷了。我披上我的外衣然后跟着导游听他讲解。他差不多给我们上了一堂历史课 。

托摩萤火虫洞(Waitomo Cave),也称萤火虫洞、怀托摩洞,位于新西兰的怀托摩山。 因为几万年一直流水,怀托摩成为了一个溶洞系统。怀托摩山洞里面漆黑一片,所以里面有上万个萤火虫 ,只是这些萤火虫没有翅膀不会飞,但看着却特别吸引人。里面有一条小溪,可以单独或者一组坐上去到山洞出口。


Glowworms of Waitomo Caves

I felt the sweat dripping down my forehead, arms, legs and back. The temperature was so hot, I felt as if I was about to get a heat stroke. My shirt was all wet and sticky, and I felt all grossed out. The good thing was that soon, I will be entering a deep underground cave filled with glow works which will be chilly AF. The cave is called Waitomo Glowworm Cave. I waited in line under the hot sun for 15 more minutes until the tour guide finally called us over. We followed him along with many other families. At first, he gave us a three-minute lecture about the rules in the cave. After he was done talking, he led us into a tunnel where everything was dark.

OMG, it feels soooooooo good!

Waitomo Cave Search

The cold temperature inside the cave against my skin felt like I was in heaven. However, after a while, it started to get a bit too cold. The guide gave us a history lesson, it went like this. 

The name "Waitomo" comes from the Māori words wai, water and tomo, hole/shaft. The local people had known about the caves for quite some time before Chief Tane Tinorau and an English surveyor, Fred Mace, did an extensive exploration in 1887. 

Their exploration was conducted with candlelight on a raft going into the cave where the stream goes underground (now the cave's tourist exit.) As they began their journey, they came across the Glowworm Grotto and were amazed by the twinkling glow coming from the ceiling. As they traveled further into the cave by poling themselves towards an embankment, they were also astounded by the limestone formations. These formations surrounded them in all shapes and sizes. They returned many times after and Chief Tane discovered the upper level entrance to the cave, which is now the current entrance”


We followed the tour guide to a big flat rock. He explained how it fell down from the top of the cave a few thousand years ago. He also told us that there were three more rocks that could fall and it was right above us! As we explored deeper into the cave, we saw more and more cool things. Towards the end of the cave, we got to see the coolest thing I’ve seen during the two days I’ve been here. 

The guide talked about this species of bug that glows a bright blue light when its dark. I was looking for it, but I couldn’t see anything. When he turned off his flash light, bright blue lights popping up all around me. It was absolutely amazing to watch the lights. The tour guide led us down to the underground river, where we got on a boat to exit the cave. On the boat, I looked up and saw thousands upon thousands more of those glowworms. 

Those were probably the most beautiful lights I’ve ever seen!

Looks cool, huh? 
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