瑜伽路上Yoga writing 007成长营1期禅绕画Zentangle

睡前脉轮冥想 7 Chakra Meditation Befor

2018-08-20  本文已影响1人  草莓无敌甜




Hello welcome to this guided meditation a gentle way to close yourday a chance to relax and realign your bodymind and spirit


Let’s begin our practice seated of laying down in a place you feel ,comfortable falling in sleeping .


Avoid any distractions and shut off the light and allow your mind to enter a feeling or stillness and when you are ready let eyes close.


With your eyes closed, you are able to intuitively sense the tension in both your body and your spirit although this maybe disconcerting at first know that your ability to feel these discomforts. Also brings with it the power to release them.


Right now you have the opportunity to free any physical tension leaving you space to release the mental and emotional stress you carry with you.


With this in mind ,take a deep breath in inviting in growth and healing and when you are ready exhale letting go of any worry . anger or resentment you carry within you .

带着这种念想,深深吸气,感觉身体正在成长和疗愈, 缓缓呼气,放下你的忧虑,愤怒或怨恨。

Repeat with process allowing yourself to drift into a deeper and deeper senseof relaxation.


During this meditation will sink into a profound relaxation as your consciousness shifts from thoughts to healing .


You have a magnificent power a tremendous ability to heal yourself with only your imagination. 


You are controlling yourself encountering the seven chakras or energy centers in your body. You will understand what parts of your life may need a little energy healing and you will give your spirit exactly what it needs compassion gentleness and the ability to transform into something more beautiful than you can ever imagine


so for right now relax a little deeper feel every part of your body from your feet right up to your face from your scalp right down to your toes.


As you notice tension allow it to dissolve awaysinking. Into a state of blissful calm feel your breath and relax.



As you grow more relaxed your attention drifts to a red light at

the base of your tailbone.

 This is the root chakra your connection .with the earth and

your physical body.

It grounds you and harnesses your energy at a very intuitive

level, this chakra is your sense of survival

It has your will to live as such fear or trauma in this area can

manifest itself through physical or mental imbalance fear or distrust of


At its best the chakra allows you to reconnect with wisdom and

stories of your ancestors resting secure in your own place in the human family

if you have struggled with any of these areas or simply wish to

burst your courage and resourcefulness imagine this ruby red light growing

stronger and more resolute

With each inhale feel your strength and rootedness growing with

every breath. Even as your body sinks into a deeper sense of calm.

Your breath and awareness continues up your spine to rest just

above your pelvis this is your sacral chakra represented by an orange light.

Take a moment to sense the energy of this chakra is the orange

light brilliantly colored or does it emit just a dull glow whatever you sense

allow your breath to flow freely and without judgment as you listen to the

wisdom of this chakra

the second chakra is your center for emotions pleasure nurturing

and creation whatever that may mean to you.

Our desire for warmth and nourishment resides here as does the

drive to create things that share our gifts and talents with the world a lack

or surplus of any of these things can result in an imbalance or sense of

disease in these areas.

So as you listen to the wisdom of your body feel the breath

stocking the fire of .your second chakra restoring your energy and vitality.

Breathing in and out .


As you grow more relaxed feel your mind shifting gently to your

third chakra the energy center that pulses with yellow light just below your

solar plexus the chakra is the home of your will power. and sense of belonging

as you notice the way it looks and feels ask yourself if you have

felt any discomfort in this area.

Either physically or mentally are there places in your life that

you feel you aren’t meant to be

Do you have habits or routines you wish you could put an end to or

develop further maybe with every breath you take

This golden light grows brighter and brighter.

As the light brightens you can feel your sense of self and your

personal drive returning to balance either increasing in strength or mellowing

in intensity as you breath and grow even more tranquil.

Your body sinks deeper into the bed engulfed in a sea of


Your consciousness calm and at ease turn its attention to the fore

the chakra lit by an emerald light resting at your heart.

This chakra like the ancient heart symbol represents love and

compassion for yourself and others in its purest state this love is

unconditional and reserved and filled with joy.

Love is a part of everything from the way you order a meal at a

restaurant to the way you talk to your body.

For many others ,love is subject tainted with anger pain and


As you breath allow your mind to disconnect from past

relationships experiences and beliefs that may limit your ability to love

others without reasons or expectation. And as you do these feel your heart grow

warmer and this emerald light become brighter and cleaner

Feel a breath rise a little higher stopping at your throat.

Noticing the bright blue light that emanates from this part of

your spiritual consciousness

The chakra addresses speaking out truths sharing our creativity

and ideas and moderating the balance of sharing and listening as you breathe a

little deeper feeling muscle tension dissolving away.

Ask yourself if this blue light is as vibrant as you would like

Is this something that you need to say that you haven’t yet.

Have you said something you regret?

Do you balance your speaking with listening your creativity with


If not smile gently at yourself and forgive even as you allow your

focus to strengthen this area to better represent your spiritual intelligence

and magnificent wisdom and as this light grows brighter cleaner or pure.

Feel your body sink a little deeper into your bed the blankets

around you soothing your body as your spirit grows stronger and brighter than

ever before.

Above this brighter blue light is the darker regal glow of your

sixth chakra the third eye chakra .

It is located just between your eyebrows and governs your ability

to see and understand this context does not just imply the physical act of

viewing what is around you instead

It allows you to perceive the meaning of what you witness allow

yourself to reflect on whether you have been missing the obvious or seeing

things where there are none

If you find yourself skewed one way or another. Simply allow your

breath to realign your body and spirit as you feel your intuitive self grow in

confidence and the clarity

Breath and feel this chakra between your eyes notice the

sensations that come with it so you understand when the third eye begins to

communicate through your physical presence.

And now your awareness reaches your seventh chakra the crown

chakra which inhabits no physical space in your body but instead hovers above

your scalp like a halo

Some people perceive this chakra as a royal purple while others

see it as brilliant white the combination of all other colors of light

Whatever you may see here allow your consciousness to ponder the

phrase I know for it is the madra that guides this chakra boredom depression

and confusion can result in an imbalance in this area for it is the crown

chakra that helps us focus not on ourselves as individuals.

But on ourselves as a part of a great whole.

So breath in , welcoming the unity that comes from the being part

of something greater and feel your physical being revel in the unity of mind

body and spirit.

Breath in and let go

Understand the way alignment feels in your body.

Since the rainbow of light that begins at your tailbone and runs

all the way up your spine illuminating your body and the room around you with a

vibrant light.

Feel the strength and confidence that comes from being totally

aligned body mind and spirit working. Together in perfect concert feel it and


Give the yourself the permission you need to relax for a few

moments utterly and completely giving yourself to this sense of deep relaxation

and wholeness at this moment in time you are in tune with the tremendous power

yourself as the spoken part of this meditation draws to focus your attention on

the way your body

Feels enjoy the sensations of harmony and peace as you feel your

mind drifting into unconsciousness as your body follows suit breath and know

that you are complete




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