本系列文章共分4篇,学习的内容为EOS.IO Programs & Tools
001 nodeos
cd ~./local/share/eosio/nodeos/config
002 keosd
keosd是一个钱包驻留守护程序,例如http接口和RPC API。
该程序位于 /home/username/eos/build/programs。
003 launcher
004 snapshot
快照程序引用自EOSIO/genesis存储库子模块,其中包含用于从众包协议生成快找的nodejs应用程序,用于配置生成块或其他生成相关工具的Web GUI。
005 cleos
$ cleos
ERROR: RequiredError: Subcommand required
Command Line Interface to EOSIO Client
Usage: ./cleos
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
-H,--host TEXT=localhost the host where nodeos is running
-p,--port UINT=8888 the port where nodeos is running
--wallet-host TEXT=localhost the host where keosd is running
--wallet-port UINT=8888 the port where keosd is running
-v,--verbose output verbose messages on error
version Retrieve version information
create Create various items, on and off the blockchain
get Retrieve various items and information from the blockchain
set Set or update blockchain state
transfer Transfer EOS from account to account
net Interact with local p2p network connections
wallet Interact with local wallet
benchmark Configure and execute benchmarks
push Push arbitrary transactions to the blockchain
1) Options
-H,--host TEXT=localhost,获取nodeos运行的主机名/ip地址
-p,--port UINT=8888,获取nodeos运行的主机端口
--wallet-host TEXT=localhost 获取keosd运行的主机名/ip地址
--wallet-port UINT=8888,获取keosd运行的主机端口
2) subcommands
2-1 version
$ cleos version client
Build version: 124c62d0
2-2 create
$ cleos create key
Private key: 5JimvGoUyEK7Sfs773eFMyVMwySPig7qLruMDyX6rhEzr4Puw46
Public key: EOS8NftRSw6u2X65SUg2u6GG1mgpwYztaBAa2U56RGAqiVrX4uhko
$ cleos create account
ERROR: RequiredError: creator
Create a new account on the blockchain
Usage: cleos create account [OPTIONS] creator name OwnerKey ActiveKey
# 创建账户的格式,cleos create account [options] <创建者> <账户名> <ownerkey> <activekey>,这里的ownerkey和activekey是前面通过cleos create key生成的两组key的public key
creator TEXT The name of the account creating the new account
name TEXT The name of the new account
OwnerKey TEXT The owner public key for the new account
ActiveKey TEXT The active public key for the new account
-x,--expiration set the time in seconds before a transaction expires, defaults to 30s
# 设置交易到期的时间,单位为秒,默认为30s
-f,--force-unique force the transaction to be unique. this will consume extra bandwidth and remove any protections against accidently issuing the same transaction multiple times
# 强制设置事务唯一。这可以避免额外的带宽和意外的重复交易。
-s,--skip-sign Specify if unlocked wallet keys should be used to sign transaction
# 指定是否需要使用未打开的钱包密钥来签署事务
-j,--json print result as json
# 是否打印json结果
-d,--dont-broadcast don't broadcast transaction to the network (just print to stdout)
# 不要广播到网络,只打印到stdout
-p,--permission TEXT ... An account and permission level to authorize, as in 'account@permission' (defaults to 'creator@active')
# 授权账户和权限级别,如 account@permission,默认为cteator@active
--max-cpu-usage UINT set an upper limit on the cpu usage budget, in instructions-retired, for the execution of the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit)
# 设置CPU预算上限默认为0,即不限制
--max-net-usage UINT set an upper limit on the net usage budget, in bytes, for the transaction (defaults to 0 which means no limit)
# 为事务设置净使用预算的上限,单位字节,默认为0即不限制
$ cleos create key # 创建OwnerKey
$ cleos create key # 创建ActiveKey
$ cleos create wallet unlock # 解锁钱包
$ cleos create account eosio bob2 <public-OwnerKey> <public-ActiveKey>
executed transaction: 08fe8f8c9010949c1a4e8ec09d806f93962ca8105563285e79c5090f9c5a0162 352 bytes 102400 cycles
# eosio <= eosio::newaccount {"creator":"eosio","name":"bob2","owner":{"threshold":1,"keys":[{"key":"EOS5sfiYLq8fEDoq7iWRNKDWCHJZ...
3) get
$ cleos get
ERROR: RequiredError: Subcommand required
Retrieve various items and information from the blockchain
Usage: cleos get SUBCOMMAND
info Get current blockchain information
# 获取当前区块链信息
block Retrieve a full block from the blockchain
# 检出一个完整的区块
account Retrieve an account from the blockchain
# 检出一个区块链上的账户
code Retrieve the code and ABI for an account
# 检出代码和ABI
table Retrieve the contents of a database table
# 检出数据表的内容
currency Retrieve information related to standard currencies
# 检出与标准货币相关的信息
accounts Retrieve accounts associated with a public key
# 检出与公钥关联的账户
servants Retrieve accounts which are servants of a given account
# 检出给定账户的子账户
transaction Retrieve a transaction from the blockchain
# 检出一条区块链上的交易
transactions Retrieve all transactions with specific account name referenced in their scope
# 检出在其范围内引用的特定账户名称的所有事务
3-1 info
$ cleos get info
"server_version": "124c62d0", # 服务端版本
"head_block_num": 277162, #块高度
"last_irreversible_block_num": 277161, # 最后一个确认块
"head_block_id": "00043aaa09080cf8ca265d4d1c1cd310578b0baee68959da490cfe99769d278a", # 头文件ID
"head_block_time": "2018-04-11T03:29:39", # 头文件时间
"head_block_producer": "eosio" # 区块生产者名称
3-2 block
$ cleos get block # 会报错,提示需要输入块ID
$ cleos get block 277161 # 最后这个ID我们取刚才获取到的任意一个ID即可
"previous": "00043aa89db2e1cd1bb0963100d4f2f8d509994c0e7111cb2c34a91051ad49fd",
"timestamp": "2018-04-11T03:29:39.000",
"transaction_mroot": "644f83cb15c5c968bbbac40a2d0e830a27c15a318cb2ec6d67b5647069b4f765",
"action_mroot": "9d83071ec793e7cc1f1c1d164f5bcb5bb25b153865b2c64a5eb07abb75934195",
"block_mroot": "0d662207da7e67f09c4472907c44c5364fcc2f9ba33505674341bd8e2be71ac3",
"producer": "eosio",
"schedule_version": 0,
"new_producers": null,
"producer_signature": "EOSK7aQgderqj2t68SZc3rk2P3eMyZmutBUBXqhEfsTb43PzrEU7xdfvYy1D8w2LuZ648vpZMqmgqvsSY6reoBdA9j1cMuc8W",
"regions": [{
"region": 0,
"cycles_summary": [[{
"read_locks": [],
"write_locks": [],
"transactions": [{
"status": "executed",
"kcpu_usage": 2,
"net_usage_words": 38,
"id": "4099d5ee4afe48d33ec28e883742b19505ea3fb07c9f7cdddd9f4988a43d66a0"
"input_transactions": [],
"id": "00043aa9252e8e04ed618aba50879fa48d53e6d1300c3ff0504ed15b345e94e1",
"block_num": 277161,
"ref_block_prefix": 3129631213
3-3 account
$ cleos get account #报错,需要账户名
$ cleos get account bob2 #用我们刚才创建的账户名
"account_name": "bob2",
"permissions": [{
"perm_name": "active",
"parent": "owner",
"required_auth": {
"threshold": 1,
"keys": [{
"key": "EOS8Aw3TYtBY1b3qJmP1tJqEsGzDaKL1gzbTuzfYuVHxkUFF8LDeZ",
"weight": 1
"accounts": []
"perm_name": "owner",
"parent": "",
"required_auth": {
"threshold": 1,
"keys": [{
"key": "EOS5sfiYLq8fEDoq7iWRNKDWCHJZvnj4kA2YBoo72bRLoJXwgZWZW",
"weight": 1
"accounts": []
3-4 code
$ cleos get code # 提示报错,需要code name
ERROR: RequiredError: name
Retrieve the code and ABI for an account
Usage: cleos get code [OPTIONS] name
name TEXT The name of the account whose code should be retrieved
-c,--code TEXT The name of the file to save the contract .wast to
-a,--abi TEXT The name of the file to save the contract .abi to
$ cleos get code bob2 # 依旧用bob2做为测试
code hash: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
3-5 table
$ cleos get table # 提示我们需要输入contract scope table参数
ERROR: RequiredError: contract
Retrieve the contents of a database table
Usage: cleos get table [OPTIONS] contract scope table
contract TEXT The contract who owns the table
# 拥有表的合约
scope TEXT The scope within the contract in which the table is found
# 表的作用域
table TEXT The name of the table as specified by the contract abi
# 表的名称
-b,--binary UINT Return the value as BINARY rather than using abi to interpret as JSON
-l,--limit UINT The maximum number of rows to return
-k,--key TEXT The name of the key to index by as defined by the abi, defaults to primary key
-L,--lower TEXT JSON representation of lower bound value of key, defaults to first
-U,--upper TEXT JSON representation of upper bound value value of key, defaults to last
3-6 currency
$ cleos get currency # 报错,提示了两个参数,balance(余额)和stats(状态)
$ cleos get currency balance #尝试获取余额,提示要输入合约和账户
$ cleos get currency balance currency eosio #查询合约“currency”(我们在配置环境时部署过的合约),账户eosio(我们曾经转过20个MGD进去)
20.0000 MGD
3-7 accounts
$ cleos get accounts # 要输入public key
$ cleos get accounts EOS5sfiYLq8fEDoq7iWRNKDWCHJZvnj4kA2YBoo72bRLoJXwgZWZW # 从前面随便取一个bob2的publickey试试
"account_names": [
3-8 servants
$ cleos get servants #报错,提示输入账户名
$ cleos get servants eosio #我们输入最高级别账户
"controlled_accounts": [
# 返回了该账户下的所有子账户
3-9 transaction
$ cleos get transaction # 报错,提示需要id,但我们暂时没有id,所以暂时没办法演示。
3-10 transactions
$ cleos get transaction -j eosio # 获取eosio账户下的交易,并打印
"transactions": []
# 因为没有,所以为空。
至此,cleos get部分我们基本都尝试过了,由于条件限制,有些操作可能无法演示,不过后面我们都会用到。
下一篇将继续探索 cleos下的set子命令的各个用法。
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