
2018-02-17  本文已影响0人  blablablurbling


A.近10年 词汇识记,形近 同义词                B.识记过关测试                                                C.考点出处和应用的讲解                              D.应用过关测试                                                E.单元学习效果评估

Shrek: Ever After                                                Why does being yr best friend entail me doing everything I don't want to do?            Why does being the most intelligent creature in this blue planet entail us doing everything unfriendly to our living condition?

推荐TIME ECONOMIST NEWSWEEK 历年真题超常精解 考研英语官方指南(最重要) 写作宝典 英语应试写作话题素材 小黄书               

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人工智能。借助视网膜扫描图训练人工智能算法,比人类专家更快更准探测眼病迹象spotting eye diseases from scans                      词汇整理:  crunch处理  AI  retinal视网膜的  algorithm算法  ophthalmology眼科医院  review评议评论检查评述  lead主管  anonymised匿名的  painstakingly煞费苦心地  division团队  glaucoma青光眼  diabetic retinopathy  糖尿病视网膜病变  age-related macular degeneration老年性黄斑退化  put an end to杜绝  sight loss失明  generalised普遍化的  radiotherapy放疗  mammograms乳腺X光造影  pixels of information像素(相当于picture element)

division 词汇拓展                                              a second-division club乙级俱乐部 a tank division坦克师                                    the Computer Services Division电脑维修部racial/class/gender etc division阶级分化internal(deep) division between /within /among分歧

crunch the economy in order to combat inflation紧缩 ease the crunch解除困境,局面  cash crunch资金短缺

速读: nonstop直达的不间断的  buggy越野或婴儿车  a new strain of influenza一种新型流感  different strains of wheat不同品种的小麦 epi- pan-demic流行病,瘟疫  pneumonia肺炎  slay =kill=amuse逗得哈哈大笑  mortalities(死亡率=death toll) from cancer死于癌症的人数(immortality不朽,不灭)

  live births活产儿  diseases get tackled    gay plague同性恋瘟疫(艾滋病)  wake up to the disease=come to realize  mock=make fun of嘲讽 funding(n.)    articulate the unhappiness they feel.表达不出内心的痛苦,adj聪明伶俐能说会道的     

spur the creation of 刺激…的诞生, 鼓励更多的(资金)    tuberculosis肺结核  Malaria疟疾  ravage(通常被动,蹂躏掠夺毁坏)=damage badly    activist 积极分子活跃者 coa'lesce(coalescence合并联合)=fuse融合 has jumped a thousand-fold=times一千倍   

head: Where is your life heading?你的生活何去何从?(很可能面临遭受economy is heading for disaster) ; =be in charge负责 ; =at top居于首位,名列第一    head off the conflict阻止冲突,拦截    excite(v.)     

polio=poliomye'litis小儿麻痹症    guinea-worm麦地那龙线虫病又称作几内亚线虫病    remaining cases 剩下的案例  paediatric儿科的  tropical medicine热带病学    diarrhoea 痢疾腹泻  viral or bacterial  malnourished misdiagnose 误诊    diseases retreat疾病消减    lobby游说,lobbyist说客 

albeit =although He accepted the job, albeit with some hesitation.尽管有些犹豫,他还是接受了那份工作Chris went with her, albeit reluctantly.尽管勉强,克里斯还是同她一起去了。

There is no simple magic bullet for pneumonia 灵丹妙药  (疾病或difficult problem)                                                                Still, difficult as pneumonia is, it's fixable.        Here's humanity's next step forward.


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