
2017-03-30  本文已影响18人  f74bde8ac0c8

朗阁海外考试研究中心  王媛Angie


托福听力考试考察形式上与其他的考试存在相当大的不同,在听音频时我们是看不到任何文本的,话题也是五花八门,除非真的是有非常渊博知识的考生,不然真是实打实拼听力能力的考试,也更贴近国外听课的要求。当然,没有人能强到记住每个细节,即使native speaker也不会每个词都听得一清二楚。好在托福OG也是明确要求—我们只考重点细节,考生大可不必因为一两个词亦或是一两句话没听清楚慌了阵脚。这就要求考生们要有非常好的判断重点的能力,当然这也是我们培训的重点。其次,是在听取文章的时候主动地进行段落划分,听起来似乎是很难的一件事情,其实可以通过训练快速掌握。最后,就是要积极主动地获取听力材料内容而不是被动地接受。通过托福备考中的训练,我们能很好地把握这一系列技能,从而海外求学无忧。下面,笔者将通过比对一下两篇托福考试文章和一个real presentation—TED中的节选,来谈谈如何从文章首段做到重点的把握。


OK. We've been talking till now about the two basic needs of a biological community – an energy source to produce organic materials, you know ah, food for the organism, and the waste recycling or breakdown of materials back into inorganic molecules, and about how all this requires photosynthesis when green plants or microbes convert sunlight into energy and also requires microorganisms, bacteria, to secrete chemicals that break down or recycle the organic material to complete the cycle. So, now we are done with this chapter of the textbook, we can just review for the weekly quiz and move on to the next chapter, right? Well, not so fast. First, I‘d like to talk about some discoveries that have challenged one of these fundamental assumptions about what you need in order to have a biological community.

这是TPO第15套第4篇lecture。开头的two basic needs说明紧接着会有两个关键信息,考生要做到主动等待它们的出现,即energy和waste recycling, 并把它们记录于草稿纸上。接下来教授提出了一个问题“now we are done with this chapter of the textbook, we can just review for the weekly quiz and move on to the next chapter, right?”这是非常好的一个警示内容,考生应再次等待之后重点的出现,即“challenged one of these fundamental assumptions“, 这时候我们自己也会产生相应的疑问,到底是如何挑战的呢,这时候所有的内容应都围绕这个疑问去听。


Is there life beyond Earth in our solar system? Wow, what a powerful question. You know, as a scientist -- planetary scientist -- we really didn't take that very seriously until recently. Carl Sagan always said, "It takes extraordinary evidence for extraordinary claims." And the claims of having life beyond Earth need to be definitive, they need to be loud and they need to be everywhere for us to be able to believe it.”



Egyptian Hieroglyphs are the ancient Egyptian writings found in ancient Egypt on walls, monuments and on the inside and outside of temples. Hieroglyphic writing ended abruptly about 1600 years ago. And it mystified the most brilliant minds in the study of Egyptian artifacts and archaeology for many many centuries. Finally, the possibility of deciphering hieroglyphs came about with the discovery, in 1799, of the Rosetta Stone.

这是TPO 25的第三篇lecture。很多同学听到hieroglyphs这个词可能就已经乱了阵脚。但是其实在讲座中听到这样的专有名词,你又不认识,是非常正常的现象。我们在学校的课堂里面,也会听到各种奇形怪状的名词,比如说有机化学里面的烃、羟、羧等等。这些字怎么写怎么读都不是最重要的。我们首次听到这样一些特殊的名字,首先应该去等待的是教授所给出的名词解释,正如前文我们看到的对hierolyphs的解释“the ancient Egyptian writings found in ancient Egypt on walls, monuments and on the inside and outside of temples“。而其中的中心词writing, 更是我们需要把握的重中之重,它让我们知道了hierolyphs的根本属性。其后教授接着说这种writing迷惑了好多人。最终因为rosetta stone(再次说明,这个石头到底叫rosetta还是叫rose并不重要,只是个名字而已),我们应在心中等待的是这个hieropyphs到底包含了个什么秘密,而这个石头又是怎么样帮助我们解开了这个秘密。


A few years ago, with my colleague, Emmanuelle Charpentier, I invented a new technology for editing genomes. It's called CRISPR-Cas9. The CRISPR technology allows scientists to make changes to the DNA in cells that could allow us to cure genetic disease.

同学们听到CRISPR-Cas9大可不必紧张,你看演讲者紧接着就阐述了其解释,她也在后面的演讲中表示:“CRISPR stands for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. A big mouthful -- you can see why we use the acronym CRISPR.” 也就是说就CRISPR这么个词根本没有意义,只是首字母缩写而已,所以根本就没有认识这个单词的必要性和可能性。



