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2019-04-06 本文已影响0人
title: demarc
date: 2019-04-06 11:58:46
NO_sents: 176
NO_references: 86
- A system of genetic classification (DEmARC) that allows demarcation of viral taxa based on pairwise evolutionary distances has been proposed and, for picornaviruses, was shown to be comparable to expertbased taxonomic classification [73,74]. (Walker et al., 2015)
- Riverbeds demarcate distinct conservation units of the radiated tortoise (Geochelone radiata) in southern Madagascar. (Gehring et al., 2012)
- Horizontal and vertical grey dotted lines demarcate the p = 0.05 nominal significance threshold. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004219.g004 Discussion We have developed MAGMA, a fast and flexible method for performing gene and gene-set analysis in a two-tiered parametric framework. (de Leeuw et al., 2015)
- The specific objectives were to: (1) determine the radial variation in growth ring width and tracheid length; (2) demarcate the boundary between juvenile wood and mature wood; (3) estimate wood density and mechanical properties; (4) estimate genetic parameters for wood quality and growth traits; and (5) develop a multi-trait selection index for simultaneous improvement of wood properties and growth traits. (Missanjo, 2017)
- Reference line shows the threshold (480 kg穖愼㹤3) used to demarcate earlywood from latewood. linear mixed-effect model was used to test the effect of propagation type on each trait of interest. (Antony et al., 2014)
- SilviScan makes use of the microdensitometric profile to demarcate annual ring boundaries. (Pokharel et al., 2014)
- It has become quite apparent that it was insufficient to demarcate parks and assume that people with few options would stay out of these areas. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- The bank with external ditch was constructed about 1000 years ago by the monks of Bury St. Edmunds Abbey to demarcate their wood-lot. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Throughout this book, programming commands are typeset in a distinctive font, like this, to distinguish them from English prose and to help demarcate the scope of the programming command when it is embedded in an English sentence. (Kruschke, 2013)
- The vertical lines demarcate the 2 LD unit area around each new finding. (Sabatti et al., 2009)
- Both studies, however, surveyed only a small fraction of the sequence, and the results lacked the precision necessary to demarcate the boundaries of specific copynumber changes. (Tuzun et al., 2005)
- It will be important to investigate what features demarcate these dynamic boundaries compared with the majority of stable elements in order to understand boundary formation. (Bonev et al., 2016)
- This model is supported by the strong correlation between chromatin marks of loci within a TAD compared with across TADs7,11 and the observation that many TAD boundaries also demarcate subcompartment transitions11. (Bonev et al., 2016)
- Why do some convergent loops demarcate domain boundaries whereas others, located within TADs, do not? (Bonev et al., 2016)
- Colours in Ab demarcate scores on the first principal component (red indicates a high score, blue indicates a low score). (Neale, Kremer, 2011)
- As before, the colours in Bb demarcate scores on the first principal component. c | Neutral patterns of population structure for loblolly pine as described using PCA on ~4,000 SNPs39. (Neale, Kremer, 2011)
- Vertical dashed lines demarcate linkage groups (LG1璍G12). (Westbrook et al., 2013)
- Vertical lines demarcate the codons. (Pevsner, 2009)
- Spatial information in the form of base maps or when collated in a GIS may be used to demarcate harvesting sites on the basis of the most important factor, e.g., soil bearing capacity. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
- Both are useful because they demarcate biologically meaningful groups. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
- One approach, which has been used only with the principal component approach to qualitative analysis, has been to demarcate the groups by a maximum (Euclidean) distance that a data point may lie from the group along each principal component axis. (Burns, Ciurczak, 2007)
- These points of transition demarcate regions of significance of the focal predictor's effect. (Darlington, Hayes, 2016)
- As in the case of mutation and migration, a value of N can be defined which will demarcate the difference be- tween "large" and "small" lines. (Doolittle, 1987)
- The parentheses are included to clearly demarcate where the variable name begins and ends.9 7Simple string variables are often referred to as "macros" in GNU Make. (Gandrud, 2016)
- Thus, while there is a relational hierarchy from species to provenance to breeding population, it is not necessary to first demarcate species areas, then proveriance areas, etc. However, as a first approximation, this ordering ofconcepts is a reasonable progression, even if it is often necessary to carry it out with meager data. (Namkoong, Kang, Brouard, 1988)
- 150 Provenance Testing, Ecogeographic Surveys, and Conservation Six types of germplasm management programs can demarcate differences among program elements: advanced breeding, enhancement, collection and evaluation, ecogeographic survey, targeted sampling, and biological reserves. (Namkoong, Kang, Brouard, 1988)
- As vitalism tried to demarcate organism from inorganic matters, this dualistic view tries to demarcate mind from body. (Saitou, 2013)
- While paying deference to the usual caveats of microscopes or watches (Paley, 1807) in analogies with evolution, one can interpret the maker as natural selection, and thus demarcate l/(2N) as the approximate border where the maker's effectual domain begins to limit. (Unknown, 1998)
- Boxed areas demarcated in white illustrate major lesion areas. (Kachroo et al., 2019)
- Amino acid residues present in inferred functional domains are demarcated with ovals. (Kachroo et al., 2019)
- The lower triangle depicts linkage disequilibrium (r2) among SNPs, with the five major chromosome arms demarcated by black lines. (Mackay et al., 2012)
- The fasta format consists of a header, demarcated with a > symbol at the beginning, on the first line. (Hare, Johnston, 2011)
- The catenary boundary was demarcated by field observations and the general slope was measured using a Clinometer. (Rosemary et al., 2017)
- Sometimes this positioning is so precise that the reserve borders are clearly demarcated by fishing traps or anchored boats. (Amato et al., 2009)
- The Hahaintesu group of the Nambiquara in 1985 possessed only nine varieties of macaxeira, almost all recently introduced after their areas were demarcated and their extermination by whites was interrupted. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- In the bottom of the basin are houses grouped into hamlets, with gardens, orchards, and small fields demarcated by dry-stone walls. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Fuji, while the pairwise FST showed barriers to gene flow between altitudinal populations that were demarcated as high- or low-altitude populations by Abies-Tsuga forest. (Nishimura, Setoguchi, 2011)
- We partitioned the populations on each trail into low環igh populations demarcated by this evergreen forest: SH1 (\2,000 m) and SH2 (2,100 m) on the Shoji trail, YO1 (\1,800 m) and YO2 (2,000 m) on the Yoshida trail, and SU1 (\2,000 m) and SU2 (2,000 m) on the Subashiri trail (Table 1B). (Nishimura, Setoguchi, 2011)
- The AMOVA showed that the genetic variance among populations was the highest and significant (0.58%; P \ 0.05), whereas partitioning between high and low altitude (demarcated by the Abies-Tsuga evergreen forest) explained 0.23% of genetic variation. (Nishimura, Setoguchi, 2011)
- ASP studies As genealogy-based pedigree studies require well-demarcated, stable populations, and as most phenotyped individuals live in other settings, the genetics field requires other paradigms. (Freimer, Sabatti, 2004)
- For example, extended pedigree studies will mainly be undertaken in well-demarcated populations and increasing sample size may require identifying suitable companion populations. (Freimer, Sabatti, 2004)
- On the left is an example of an architectural loop as seen in high-resolution HiC data (regions participating in loop formation are demarcated with dotted lines), as well as CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF)-binding profile and CTCF motif orientation (green represents forward and red represents reverse). (Bonev et al., 2016)
- However, it is unclear whether the contact between loop anchors is dynamic or static ab CRISPR瑿as9 deletions CTCF Cohesin + Mediator H3K4me3 + + c 愼㹤 + 愼㹤+ CRISPR瑿as9 deletion + CTCF Cohesin + 愼㹤 + 愼㹤+ CTCF or cohesin knockdown d 愼㹤 CTCF + + + 愼㹤 + 愼㹤+ CTCF Cohesin Cohesin Figure 4 | Importance of CTCF polarity on 3D chromatin organization. a | Schematic representation of a typical contact domain, demarcated by a strong chromatin loop between the domain boundaries (red circle). (Bonev et al., 2016)
- Notice that several loops are also present within the topologically associating domain (TAD), leading to the formation of nested TAD-like structures (also known as subTADs36,37; demarcated by dotted lines). (Bonev et al., 2016)
- Architectural loops (demarcated by smaller circles) are usually formed between regions containing convergent CCCTC-binding factor (CTCF) motifs11,72. (Bonev et al., 2016)
- Active genes, demarcated by H3K4me3 enrichment and cohesin are also frequently found at domain boundaries9. b | Deletion of two of the CTCF-binding sites (indicated by red crosses) within the TAD leads to a change in intra-TAD contacts and the emergence of novel chromatin loops19,72. c | Deletion of a CTCF loop located at the boundary of a TAD leNadastutroeaRneevxiepwans s|iGonenoefttihcse domain to the closest upstream CTCF-binding site with a motif in the same orientation. d | Knockdown of CTCF leads to an increase in inter-TAD interactions and a decrease in intra-TAD contacts; however, TADs can still be recognized63. (Bonev et al., 2016)
- This allowed further dissection of Fp chromosome 3 into 18 physically demarcated sections (bins). (Bradshaw, 2016)
- (Lower) The triangle depicts LD between SNPs as measured by r2, with the five major chromosome arms demarcated by black lines. (Swarup et al., 2013)
- 1 (Syn1). maximum To maintain the genetics and increase the seed, such populations are further recombined (either in isolation, pollination of demarcated sets of plants with pollen of the other set, or simply by randomly pollinating one plant with another, i.e. sib mating). (Vivek et al., 2017)
- First, because of the calendar, it can be demarcated by a series of different units (e.g., year, month, day, etc.). (Baumer, Kaplan, Horton, 2017)
- Vegetative filtering as runoff passes through these areas, often demarcated a set width from a major watercourse is an effective control strategy for reducing sediment delivery to streams. hydrological conditions is less conclusive. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
- The VFC/FPC can ask to be registered and boundaries to be demarcated. a The different States of India have different JFM Resolutions; accordingly while some form VFCs, others form FPCs. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
- The entire village community usually observes the rules of protection of the SG, whose physical boundaries are customarily demarcated. (Fenning, 2014)
- 78 SIMULTANEOUS STATISTICAL INFERENCE 5.2 Applications Just as with the studentized maximum modulus, the range of application of the many-one t statistics is crisply demarcated. (Miller, 2002)
- We can essentially say that in our approach the semantics can be traced out, or demarcated, through the syntax elements, and reciprocally (not least through our use of "tool words") Analysis and Synthesis of Narrative: Semantics of Interactivity 41 the semantics can be manifested above and beyond the syntax. (Murtagh, 2017)
- 1.5.2 Differential Staining Differential staining is the staining technique where microorganisms are demarcated on the basis of their staining properties (Prescott et al 2005). (Varma, Sharma, 2017)
- When the concentration of the antimicrobial becomes so diluted that it can no longer inhibit the growth of the test bacterium, the zone of inhibition is demarcated. (Varma, Sharma, 2017)
- Table 5 1997) Situation of indigenous territory in Brazil (November, Legal situationa Number of indigenous areas Area (ha) % Not identified To be identified Interdicted Identified Delimited Demarcated and Confirmed Regularized Total 74 96 5 12 67 73 238 565 2,749,000 4,983,578 8,897,066 1,998,117 19,963,673 14,816,728 47,093,429 100,501,591 aAccording to the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI). (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Huxley's line demarcates extensive genetic divergence between eastern and western forms of the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. (Thanh et al., 2009)
- The southern border of Dalarna璆avleborg also demarcates the approximate southern limit of the brown bear distribution in Sweden. (Spitzer et al., 2016)
- Among arachnids, the 350-mm isohyet (rather than the 200-mm one) demarcates the end of the Mediterranean and beginning of the desert fauna. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Microradiographs obtained in Itrax were analyzed using WinDENDRO image analysis software (Re磄ent Instruments Inc., Quebec City, Canada), which demarcates annual ring boundaries and calculates the mean ring density (kg m23) as well as earlywood and latewood density components. (Auty et al., 2014)
- Persistent homology demarcates a leaf morphospace. bioRxiv. (Migicovsky et al., 2018)
- Huxley's line demarcates extensive genetic divergence between eastern and western forms of the giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. (Dharaneedharan, Heo, Balasundaram, 2016)
- This suture zone therefore demarcates a distinctive peninsular-Florida biotic province from that of the continental mainland. (Avise, Hamrick, 1996)
- A horizontal line also often visually demarcates a table's end. (Gandrud, 2016)
- The d in each violin plot denotes the median and the darker region demarcates the IQR, which spans from the first (Q1) to the third (Q3) quartiles. (Leung, Students, 2017)
- Briefly, the annotation denotes and demarcates the genomic elements in the genome and subsequently link these genomic elements to biological function. (Wong, 2016)
- Based on previous research, we have found this to be an excellent threshold value for demarcating earlywood from latewood in loblolly pine (Antony et al 2012a) owing to the abrupt earlywood璴atewood transition within individual annual rings for this species (Fig. (Antony et al., 2014)
- However, hyphae formation comes at a price: epithelial cells react to the hyphal surface, and to the inflicted damage, by secreting pro-inflammatory cytokines, demarcating the transition to a pathogenic lifestyle (Schaller et al, 2002; Moyes et al, 2010; 2012). (Brunke, Hube, 2013)
- Population aggregation analysis (PAA): A straightforward criterion for demarcating a phylogenetic break between aggregates of individuals. (Amato et al., 2009)
- Moreover, rivers are often used for the sole purpose of demarcating a terrestrial protected area boundary and are not integrated into the protected area's conservation and management objectives. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Several approaches have been used for demarcating between earlywood and latewood (Koubaa et al, 2002; Antony et al, 2012). (Makinen, Hynynen, 2014)
- The function was used for demarcating corewood, transitional, and outerwood zones. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- Seasonality of rainfall patterns has a tremendous demarcating effect on the type of formation developing. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
- Demarcating the gene-rich regions of the wheat genome. (Sidhu et al., 2015)
- Demarcating where the temperate forests begin and end along this continuum is difficult. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- 313 Erayman M, Sanduh D, Sidhu D et al(2004) Demarcating the gene-rich regions of the wheat genome. (Tuberosa, Graner, Frison, 2014)
- J Hered 87:295愼㹤307 Erayman M, Sandhu D, Sidhu D et al(2004) Demarcating the gene-rich regions of the wheat genome. (Tuberosa, Graner, Frison, 2014)
- There are currently no formal criteria for genus demarcation in rhabdoviruses. (Walker et al., 2015)
- A density of 0.55 g/cm3 was the demarcation between earlywood and latewood in each ring (Ohta 1970). (Fukatsu et al., 2013)
- REFERENCES 1 Abdel-Gadir A.Y., Krahmer R.L., Estimating the age of demarcation of juvenile and mature wood in Douglas-fir, Wood Fiber Sci. (Louzada, Fonseca, 2002)
- 2 Abdel-Gadir A.Y., Krahmer R.L., Genetic variation in the age of demarcation between juvenile and mature wood in Douglas-fir, Wood Fiber Sci. (Louzada, Fonseca, 2002)
- A comparison of earlywood愼㹤 latewood demarcation methods within an annual ring -- a case study in loblolly pine. (Antony et al., 2014)
- Although estimates did change with method for earlywood璴atewood demarcation, heritability for earlywood density did remain around 0.7愼㹤 0.8, increasing with core age. (Dungey et al., 2006)
- Earlywood璴atewood demarcation criteria and their effect on genetic parameters of growth ring density components and efficiency of selection for end-of-rotation density of radiata pine. (Dungey et al., 2006)
- This demarcation value may not correspond precisely to traditional definitions of earlywood and latewood, such as Mork's definition of latewood quoted by Zobel and Talbert (1984), but it describes the within-ring density and cell wall width variation, which approximates ocular patterns of earlywood and latewood. (Gwaze et al., 2002)
- We thus recommend that at present two breeding zones be used in Quebec with demarcation roughly at 47癗, one in the south corresponding to the maple vegetation zone and the other in the north corresponding to the balsam fir 愼㹤 yellow birch (Abies balsamea (L.) (Li, Beaulieu, Bousquet, 1997)
- To estimate earlywood璴atewood proportions for each ring in our black spruce sample population, we chose the inflection point method (Antony et al 2012; Koubaa et al 2002) from five different earlywood璴atewood demarcation methods described in the literature. (Pokharel et al., 2014)
- A comparison of earlywood愼㹤 latewood demarcation methods -- a case study in loblolly pine. (Pokharel et al., 2014)
- Earlywood璴atewood demarcation criteria and their effect on genetic parameters of growth ring density components and efficiency of selection for end-of-rotation density of radiata pine. (Jacquin et al., 2017)
- Wood density variation and tree ring demarcation in Gmelina arborea tree using X-ray densitometry. (Jacquin et al., 2017)
- Today, the shift from conserving species to an ecosystem-based approach complicates the demarcation of the habitat borders and the extent of land area needed by conservation projects. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Frequently, however, there is no clear demarcation between these types of floristic elements and in several localities of Central America there is a mixture of them producing, for example, remarkable tropical rain forests at elevations of 600愼㹤900 masl, which combine the typical tall trees, lianas, palms, and tree ferns with gigantic oaks and other trees of a clearly northern affinity (e.g., Chaetoptelea). (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- These delimitations are somewhat arbitrary, and it is important to recognize that contiguous forest often occurs along a rainfall gradient where one type of forest grades into another with little obvious demarcation. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- An intriguing feature of the zonation pattern was the sharp demarcation between the mussel bed and the low algal zone. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Philosophy: In the philosophy of science, the demarcation principle draws the line between science and nonscience. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Examples included clean water systems/piping for groups in Ecuador and Indonesian Borneo, beds and mosquito nets for a maternity clinic in Tanzania, a boat and engine for emergency medical evacuations for healers in the Sese, Islands of Uganda in Lake Victoria, funds for land demarcation for the Matses people in Peru, visits of dentists to a remote Quichua village in Ecuador, the extension of a dirt airstrip in the same village to facilitate visits of dentists and emergency evacuations of critically ill people, and support for an Ingano medicinal plant community garden in Colombia (Moran et al, 2001). (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- They serve for demarcation of individual cells, for their division into different subcompartments, for their structural stability, and for energy transfer 628 Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, Volume 5 Origin of Life, Theories of 629 processes. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Planting in rows would facilitate site establishment, make for easy demarcation of family identity, and keep costs down. (Lipow et al., 2003)
- A comparison of earlywood-latewood demarcation methods--A case study in loblolly pine. (Barrios, Trincado, Watt, 2017)
- Earlywood-latewood demarcation criteria and their effect on genetic parameters of growth ring density components and efficiency of selection for end-of-rotation density of radiata pine. (Barrios, Trincado, Watt, 2017)
- Based on visual analysis of plots of basic specific gravity against annual ring number (Figure 1), a cambial age of 20 years was selected as the age of demarcation between juvenile and mature wood. (Auty et al., 2014)
- However, different wood properties reach maturity at different rates, and the demarcation between juvenile and mature wood is likely to be under both environmental and genetic control (Clark et al, 2006; Gapare et al, 2006). (Auty et al., 2014)
- 2012 A comparison of earlywood 愼㹤 latewood demarcation methods 愼㹤 a case study in loblolly pine. (Makinen, Hynynen, 2014)
- Study on demarcation of the main regions for introduction of slash pine based on climatic factors in China. (Lai et al., 2017)
- Stringent blocks used for evolutionary comparisons are shown, with each successive block offset in color to illustrate demarcation points. (Phillips et al., 2003)
- The latter observation suggests a strong relationship between chromatin loop formation and the demarcation of domain boundaries. (Bonev et al., 2016)
- These signal plots estimate the likely demarcation of the hit region and show the signal at genotyped and imputed SNPs together with local genomic context. (Burton et al., 2007)
- This latter demarcation is exacerbated by founder effects leading to New Phytologist (2010) 188: 501愼㹤514 搼㸳 The Authors (2010) Journal compilation 搼㸳 New Phytologist Trust (2010) New Phytologist Research 511 local inbreeding on Kodiak (Gapare & Aitken, 2005; Gapare et al, 2005; Mimura & Aitken, 2007). (Holliday, Ritland, Aitken, 2010)
- 2002: Earlywood-latewood demarcation criteria and their effect on genetic parameters of growth ring density components and efficiency of selection for end-of-rotation density of radiata pine. (Wu et al., 2008)
- Several investigators, however, have successfully applied statistical modeling for estimating the demarcation between the juvenile and mature zones (Abdel-Gadir and Krahmer 1993; Tasissa and Burkhart 1998a; Sauter et al 1999; Koubaa et al 2005; Clark et al 2006; Mora et al 2007). (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- Bendtsen and Senft (1986) determined the age of demarcation between juvenile and mature wood for plantation-grown eastern cottonwood and loblolly pine. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- None of the quantitative analysis methods considered produced acceptable results due to the gradual transition and high degree of variably in the data and the authors resorted to visual inspection of graphs to determine the age of demarcation. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- The demarcation between juvenile and mature wood was better defined in pine than in cottonwood and better defined in mechanical properties (MOR, MOE, compression strength) and in specific gravity than in cell length and fibril angle. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- 17.4 Influence of spacing and age on proportion of tree basal area in juvenile wood of slash pine planted in the Upper Coastal Plain of Georgia (From Clark and Saucier 1989) Juvenile wood (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 5 409 1.8 x 1.8 m 2.4 x 2.4 m 3.0 x 3.0 m 4.6 x 4.6 m 10 15 20 25 Age at breast height (yrs) 30 Abdel-Gadir and Krahmer (1993) applied piece-wise linear regression of specific gravity values to determine the demarcation point between juvenile and mature wood for Douglas-fir. (Burkhart, Tomé, 2012)
- The age of demarcation between juvenile and mature wood was estimated by minimizing the overall residual sum of squares with respect to the regression coefficients and the change point. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- Specific gravity data from loblolly pine trees in a region-wide thinning study in southern United States were used by Tasissa and Burkhart (1998a) to determine age of demarcation between juvenile and mature wood. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- Iterative solutions in which the join point of two regressions is specified as an integer and segmented regression where the join point is estimated using nonlinear estimation techniques produced similar results after rounding the estimated age of demarcation from the segmented fit to an integer value. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- Thinning did not significantly affect the age of demarcation. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- There were differences in the age of demarcation across physiographic regions. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- No effects of silvicultural treatments (site preparation, fertilization, weed control) on the demarcation points were noted; however, the diameter of the juvenile core was increased as a result of treatments. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- A geographical trend for demarcation was observed with the northern sites requiring more time to reach a plateau in specific gravity than the southern sites. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- References Abdel-Gadir A, Krahmer RL (1993) Estimating the age of demarcation of juvenile and mature wood in Douglas-fir. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- Can J For Res 27:1291愼㹤1301 Tasissa G, Burkhart HE (1998a) Juvenile-mature wood demarcation in loblolly pine trees. (Burkhart, Tomé, 2012)
- (2015) Punctuated distribution of recombination hotspots and demarcation of pericentromeric regions in Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Pavy et al., 2017)
- Punctuated distribution of recombination hotspots and demarcation of pericentromeric regions in Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Wei et al., 2018)
- Although it may relate to species differences, this inconsistency may in part be ascribed to the employed demarcation rule between earlywood and latewood densities. (Park, Weng, Mansfield, 2012)
- When using a prespecified density level in the demarcation between earlywood and latewood, Hylen (1997) found high heritability estimates. (Park, Weng, Mansfield, 2012)
- References Abdel-Gadir AY, Krahmer RL (1993) Estimating the age of demarcation of juvenile and mature wood in Douglas-fir. (Park, Weng, Mansfield, 2012)
- Diameter of juvenile core and percentage of corewood produced at breast height were calculated from previously determined demarcation points (Mora et al 2007). (Gonzalez-Benecke, Martin, 2010)
- Least square means for four parameters of the fitted logistic model and demarcation points for corewood and outerwood for irrigation 挼㸲 genetic treatments. (Gonzalez-Benecke, Martin, 2010)
- Control Irrigated P>F a b x0 y0 tmax tmin tmin 愼㹤 tmax FL 50.62 1.208 7.06 20.89 6.50 14.37 7.87 SC 55.92 1.184 5.86 15.33 5.67 13.30 7.63 FL 52.19 0.787 5.69 15.78 5.90 10.47 4.57 SC 58.19 0.834 5.55 18.39 5.43 10.77 5.33 Irrigation 0.314 0.126 0.006 0.781 0.093 0.016 0.023 Genetic 0.0017 0.944 0.016 0.637 0.021 0.727 0.795 Irrigation 挼㸲 genetic 0.670 0.836 0.04 0.231 0.415 0.538 0.628 Note: FL, Florida family mix; SC, South Carolina coastal plain half-sib family; a, upper asymptote; b, rate of change; x0, inflection point; y0, lower asymptote; tmax, corewood demarcation age; tmin, outerwood demarcation age; tmax 愼㹤 tmin, transition zone. (Gonzalez-Benecke, Martin, 2010)
- The estimated values of demarcation points as well as the four parameters of the fitted logistic model are given in Table 5. (Gonzalez-Benecke, Martin, 2010)
- The corewood demarcation point (tmax) was not affected by water availability (P = 0.094) but differed between taxa (P = 0.021) (Table 5); SC started producing transition wood 0.65 year before FL. (Gonzalez-Benecke, Martin, 2010)
- There was no effect of genetic material on the outerwood demarcation point. (Gonzalez-Benecke, Martin, 2010)
- Trees under nonlimiting soil water conditions started to produce outerwood ~3 years before rain-fed trees, even though corewood demarcation age was not affected by irrigation. (Gonzalez-Benecke, Martin, 2010)
- Our results for nonirrigated conditions are concordant with demarcation ages reported by Mora et al (2007) and Tassisa and Burkhart (1998). (Gonzalez-Benecke, Martin, 2010)
- Jordan et al (2008) and Clark et al (2006a) also found that, besides genetic variation, most of the variability in demarcation age was associated with differences in the geographic area where Gulf coastal plain sites had earlier ages of corewood demarcation. (Gonzalez-Benecke, Martin, 2010)
- Even though the age at which outerwood production started was not different between taxa, the outerwood demarcation point was approximately 1 year sooner for the SC than for the FL material in rain-fed conditions. (Gonzalez-Benecke, Martin, 2010)
- Juvenile-mature wood demarcation in loblolly pine trees. (Gonzalez-Benecke, Martin, 2010)
- The demarcation of regional landscape units to characterize the predominant climatic influences. (Burley, Evans, Youngquist, 2004)
- Popper's demarcation criterion for scientific hypotheses: It must be possible to design experiments whose outcomes are liable to falsify predictions derived from these hypotheses, that is, events with probabilities (nearly) equal to 0 or 1 (in the model). (Chiles, Pierre, 2012)
- It has even been called the "demarcation between science and non-science" Braude, 1979, 2. (Gandrud, 2016)
- Palovaara J, Hallberg H, Stasolla C, Luit B, Hakman I (2010) Expression of a gymnosperm PIN homologous gene correlates with auxin immunolocalization pattern at cotyledon formation and in demarcation of the procambium during Picea abies somatic embryo development and in seedling tissues. (Germana, Lambardi, 2016)
- As a result, the division of labor between the two uses the floor function to establish the integers below and above the one-half demarcation point for finding the split. (Howard, 2017)
- These results are supported by Konnert (2006) who found a 'demarcation line' in south-eastern Bavaria for two chloroplast haplotypes. (Paques, 2013)
- 8.3.2 Regions of Provenance In the case of basic material intended for the production of reproductive material from the categories 'source identified' and 'selected', the demarcation of regions of provenance is obligatory for the relevant species. (Paques, 2013)
- Plant Cell Physiol 56:1006-1018 Palovaara J, Hallberg H, Stasolla C, Luit B, Hakman I (2010) Expression of gymnosperm PIN homologous gene correlates with auxin immunolocalization pattern at cotyledon formation and in demarcation of the procambium during Picea abies somatic embryo development and in seedling tissues. (Park, Bonga, Moon, 2016)
- The demarcation problem, originally proposed by Kant, is a central question of inductive theory: What is the difference between the cases with a justified inductive step and those for which the inductive step is not justified? (Vapnik, 2000)
- The demarcation problem is usually discussed in terms of the philosophy of natural science. (Vapnik, 2000)
- Popper suggested his famous criterion for demarcation between true and false theories (Popper, 1968). (Vapnik, 2000)
- These early Swedish grades were based on the appearance of each piece, and lines of demarcation between grades were drawn on the basis of the character and position of the admitted defects. (Walker, 2007)
- Tactical management provides a framework for delivering specific management decisions: site-species matching, demarcation of hygiene areas, and the use of site-hazard to guide the delivery of management interventions are three examples. (Wood Technology Research Centre, 2011)
- 2 Modelling of intra-ring density variation within growth ring. g(RD), g(MAX) and g(MIN) indicate the overall density, maximum density and minimum density, respectively. r(RW) indicates the annual ring width differences of definition for the demarcation between earlywood and latewood. (Fujimoto, Kita, Kuromaru, 2008)
- 24: 1662愼㹤1671 (1994a). -- DANBORG, F.: Density Variations and Demarcation of the Juvenile Wood in Norway Spruce. (Costa E Silva, Borralho, Wellendorf, 2000)
- 406 17.2.2 Estimating Juvenile-Mature Wood Demarcation . . . . . . . . (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- 17.2.2 Estimating Juvenile-Mature Wood Demarcation Knowing the age of transition from juvenile to mature wood characteristics and having information on diameter growth allows computation of the size of the juvenile core and the proportion of stand volume that consists of juvenile wood. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- Demarcation ages determined at heights of 0.2, 1.4, 2.6, and 5.0 m were similar, indicating that within-tree variation in the age of demarcation is minor and that using measurements from a single height, such as breast height, should generally be adequate when quantifying the proportion of juvenile wood in loblolly pine. (Burkhart, Tom��, 2012)
- Demarcation between early- and latewood was done by calculating transition density between highs in latewood and lows in earlywood, which was around 325 kg/m3. (Park, Weng, Mansfield, 2012)
- Demarcation points between corewood and outerwood and proportion of corewood As the irrigation response in the two genetic materials was related to changes in LW% rather than intrinsic changes in SG or MOE, demarcation points for corewood and outerwood were determined using LW% as the dependent variable in a logistic function. (Gonzalez-Benecke, Martin, 2010)
- 2.5.1 Kant's Problem of Demarcation and Popper's Theory of Nonfalsifiability . . . . . (Vapnik, 2000)
- 2.5.1 Kant's Problem of Demarcation and Popper's Theory of N onfalsifiability Since the era of ancient philosophy, two models of reasoning have been accepted: (i) deductive, which means moving from general to particular, and 48 2. (Vapnik, 2000)
- Demarcation between earlywood and latewood in each ring was defined as the point where the wood density in each ring was 0.55 g/cm3 (Ohta 1970). (Fujimoto, Kita, Kuromaru, 2008)
- For example, the systematic HapMap 2 cross-validations from Huang et al (2009a) would be more difficult to implement with additional panels, and it is harder to make clear demarcations on a plot of PCs [as recommended by Jostins et al (2011)] as more populations are included. (Howie, Marchini, Stephens, 2011)
- Study area boundaries are identified as a result of funding, logistics, or the delineation of political demarcations, none of which may be relevant to the biology of an organism. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Thus, spatial demarcations are a critical variable for inshore fisheries. (Church, Bottjer, 2013)
- Libioulle C, Louis E, Hansoul S, Sandor C, Farnir F, Franchimont D, Vermeire S, Dewit O, de Vos M, Dixon A, Demarche B, Gut I, Heath S, Foglio M, Liang L, Laukens D, Mni M, Zelenika D, Van Gossum A, Rutgeerts P, Belaiche J, Lathrop M, Georges M. 2007. (So et al., 2011)
- 500 Kraft and Cox Libioulle, C., Louis, E., Hansoul, S., Sandor, C., Farnir, F., Franchimont, D., Vermeire, S., Dewit, O., de Vos, M., Dixon, A., Demarche, B., Gut, T., et al (2007). (Rao, Gu, 2008)
- Bakken JS, Borody T, Brandt LJ, Brill JV, Demarco DC, Franzos MA, et al Treating Clostridium difficile infection with fecal microbiota transplantation. (Davenport et al., 2017)
- Molecular Ecology Resources 17: 27愼㹤32. de Godoy F, Bermudez L, Lira BS, De Souza AP, Elbl P, Demarco D, Alseekh S, Insani M, Buckeridge M, Almeida J et al 2013. (Müller et al., 2018)
- Douglas, C., Demarco, G., Baghdoyan, H., & Lydic, R. (West, Welch, Galecki, 2014)
- Brian DeMarco Although it is evident that strong interactions between particles can lead to the formation of quantum-mechanical phases such as high-temperature superconductivity, there are many gaps in our understanding of the underlying physics. (Bozell, 2010)
- DeMarco, Maple Advanced Programming Guide, Maplesoft, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2005 Nyquist, H. (Derek et al., 2015)
- It was inspired by collaboration with my colleagues Jim Alvich, Jan Ben, Yoshua Bengio, Bernhard Boser, Leon Bottou, Jane Bromley, Chris Burges, Corinna Cortes, Eric Cosatto, Joanne DeMarco, John Denker, Harris Drucker, Hans Peter Graf, Isabelle Guyon, Patrick Haffner, Donnie Henderson, Larry Jackel, Yann LeCun, Robert Lyons, Nada Matic, Urs Mueller, Craig Nohl, Edwin Pednault, Eduard Sackinger, Bernhard Sch6lkopf, Patrice Simard, Sara Solla, Sandi von Pier, and Chris Watkins. (Vapnik, 2000)