拉新反作弊 Preventing Referral Progra
Preventing Referral Program Fraud: Actionable Tips and Trusted Methods (1)
Referral marketing provides a unique opportunity for businesses to tap into their existing community to gain new customers. However, one thing to be aware of is referral program fraud. There will always be a small percentage of people gaming the system as there is with any discount, affiliate, or other marketing programs.
Anti-cheat methods need to be customized, with different approaches applied to different scenarios, but the basic logic is similar. The fundamental idea is: It is an offensive and defensive battle. There is no single one solution to solve all problems once and for all, but rather to increase the cost of cheating by adding firewalls at each crucial point and cross-defending in multiple dimensions.
On the other hand, for a company, there is no fish in a pure water river. There may not be a way to guarantee 100% elimination of cheating users to reach a "complete fine" state, but we need to control the percentage of cheating to some acceptable level, to balance KPIs and costs, while maximizing the effectiveness of the platform.
As an example:
##### Work Flow 流程图
graph TD
A[Old User] --> B{Invite New User}
B --> | Direct Link|D[Download and register as new user]
B -->|Apply code|E[Within 24 hours new user apply code]
### 1.如何定义真实用户
#### 如何识别用户
The identification on device and network is the simplest and most basic anti-cheating strategy. Centering on the device, it analyzes the IP, IMEI, MAC number, cell phone number, etc. for duplication.
However, the identification rate of this approach is relatively poor because 1. the cheater has been able to simulate the IP, IMEI, MAC and other identifiers of the real device; 2. in this case the user has unlimited access to the cell phone number.
Countermeasure strategy: For Android (this discussion is only for Android):
IMEI is supposed to be the most ideal device ID, with uniqueness, and will not change when restoring factory settings (true device related).
However, Android 10.0 will completely prohibit third-party apps from getting the device's IMEI.
IMEI本该最理想的设备ID,具备唯一性,恢复出厂设置不会变化(真正的设备相关)。然而,Android 10.0 将彻底禁止第三方应用获取设备的IMEI。
MAC cannot be used on Android 6.0 onwards through third-party APIs.
Android 6.0 以后无法通过第三方 API 使用。
相对来说重置风险低一点,但是广告 ID 也是一种可由用户重置的标识符。
#### 目前办法
多种手段结合,加入更多标识生成唯一 id。
### 2.整体策略
#### 线上实时策略和线下滞后策略相结合
#### 2.1 线上实时策略
1. 技术提升安全方法
- 采用HTTPS协议
- 密钥存储到服务端而非客户端,客户端应从服务端动态获取密钥
- 请求隐私接口,利用token机制校验其合法性
- 对请求参数进行合法性校验
- 对请求参数进行签名认证,防止参数被篡改
- 对输入输出参数进行加密,客户端加密输出参数,服务端加密输出参数
2. 根据用户属性规则策略
- IP特征及其位置信息
- 群体行为
- 模拟器环境异常:安卓8,blueStack和VirtualBox
- 用户行为异常:
1) 留存率、启动频率、在线时长异常;
2) 设备信息异常。
### 3.用户行为规则策略
### 4.