Leon and Amy:
富有, rich, wealthy. 贫穷,poor, poverty.
他出生在一个富人的家庭。He was born in a rich man's family. 富人,rich man.
在我小时候,我们家里很穷。When I was a child, our family was very poor.
有一本书叫《富爸爸,穷爸爸》。 There is a book called "Rich Dad, poor dad."
如果你丢了这份工作,你靠什么来维持生活? If you lose the job, what do you do to make a living? 丢,失去,lose. 维持生活,make a living.
幸福的家庭都大同小异,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸。Happy families are similar, unhappy families are different / have their own misfortunes.相似, similar. 不幸,unhappy, misfortune.
你这么有钱,还有什么好烦恼的呢? If you're so rich, what's bothering you?
你不懂,富人和穷人都有他们自己的烦恼。You don't understand/ You just don't get it, the rich and the poor have their own troubles. You just don't get it,你就是不懂,这是一句很常用的话。
如果我们变得富有了,我们就可以帮助更多的人。If we become rich, we can help more people. 变成,成为,become. 帮助,help.
不管富有还是贫穷,我们都应该保持一颗善良的心。Whether rich or poor, we should keep a good heart. 不管,whether. 应该, should. 保持, keep. 心,heart. 有两部电影我觉得挺好的,一部叫《美丽心灵》,一部叫《美丽人生》,你们有空可以找来看看。