那不勒斯四部曲IV-失踪的孩子 中英双语版14

2020-05-28  本文已影响0人  yakamoz001



I know about the birth from two sources,

  her and the gynecologist. Here I’ll put down the stories in succession and

  summarize the situation in my own words. It was raining. I had given birth

  three weeks earlier. My mother had been in the clinic for a couple of weeks

  and, if I didn’t appear, she wept like an anxious child. Dede had a slight

  fever, Elsa refused to go to school, insisting that she wanted to take care

  of her sister. Carmen wasn’t available, nor was Alfonso. I called Lila, I set

  out the usual conditions: If you don’t feel well, if you have to work, forget

  it, I’ll find another solution. She replied in her teasing way that she felt

  very well and that when you’re the boss you give the orders and take all the

  time off you want. She loved the two girls, but she especially liked taking

  care of Imma with them; it was a game that made all four of them happy. I’m

  leaving right away, she said. I figured that she would arrive in an hour at

  most, but she was late. I waited a while, but since I knew that she would

  keep her promise, I said to the neighbor: It’s a matter of minutes, and left

  the children with her to go to my mother.


But Lila was late because of a sort of

  presentiment in her body. Although she wasn’t having contractions she didn’t

  feel well and, finally, as a precaution, had Enzo take her to my house. Even

  before she went in she felt the first pains. She immediately called Carmen,

  ordering her to come and give the neighbor a hand, then Enzo took her to the

  clinic where our gynecologist worked. The contractions suddenly became

  violent but not decisive: the labor lasted sixteen hours.


Lila’s account was almost funny. It’s not

  true, she said, that you suffer only with the first child and afterward it’s

  easier—you always suffer. And she brought out arguments as fierce as they

  were humorous. It seemed to her pointless to safeguard the child in your womb

  and at the same time long to get rid of it. It’s ridiculous, she said, that

  this exquisite nine months of hospitality is accompanied by the desire to

  throw out the guest as violently as possible. She shook her head indignantly

  at the inconsistency of the mechanism. It’s crazy, she exclaimed, resorting

  to Italian, it’s your own body that’s angry with you, and in fact rebels

  against you until it becomes its own worst enemy, until it achieves the most

  terrible pain possible. For hours she had felt in her belly sharp cold

  flames, an unbearable flow of pain that hit her brutally in the pit of her

  stomach and then returned, penetrating her kidneys. Come on, she said

  sarcastically, you’re a liar, where is the great experience. And she swore—this

  time seriously—that she would never get pregnant again.


But according to the gynecologist, whom

  Nino invited to dinner one night with her husband, the delivery had been

  normal, any other woman would have given birth without all that talk. What

  complicated it was only Lila’s teeming head. The doctor had been very

  irritated. You’re doing the opposite of what you should, she had reprimanded

  her, you hold on when instead you should push: go on, go, push. According to

  her—she now felt an open aversion toward her patient, and there in my house,

  at dinner, she didn’t hide it but, rather, displayed it in a conspiratorial

  way, especially to Nino—Lila had done her best not to bring her infant into

  the world. She held onto it with all her strength and meanwhile gasped: Cut

  my stomach open, you get it out, I can’t do it. When the gynecologist

  continued to encourage her, Lila shouted vulgar insults at her. She was

  soaked in sweat, the gynecologist told us, her eyes were bloodshot below her

  broad forehead, and she was screaming: You talk, you give orders, you come

  here and do it, you piece of shit, you push the baby out if you can, it’s

  killing me.


I was annoyed and I said to the doctor:

  You shouldn’t tell us these things. She became even more irritated, she

  exclaimed: I’m telling you because we’re among friends. But then, stung, she

  assumed the tone of the doctor and said with an affected seriousness that if

  we loved Lila we should (she meant Nino and me, obviously) help her

  concentrate on something that truly gave her satisfaction, otherwise, with

  her dancing brain (she used precisely that expression), she would get herself

  and those around her in trouble. Finally, she repeated that in the delivery

  room she had seen a struggle against nature, a terrible clash between a

  mother and her child. It was, she said, a truly unpleasant experience.


The infant was a girl, a girl and not a

  boy as everyone had predicted. When I was able to go to the clinic, Lila,

  although she was exhausted, showed me her daughter proudly. She asked:


“How much did Imma weigh?”


“Seven pounds.”


“Nunzia weighs almost nine pounds: my

  belly was small but she is large.”



She really had named her for her mother.

  And in order not to upset Fernando, her father, who was even more irascible

  in old age than he’d been as a young man, and Enzo’s relatives, she had her

  baptized in the neighborhood church and held a big party in the Basic Sight




The babies immediately became an excuse

  to spend more time together. Lila and I talked on the phone, met to take them

  for a walk, spoke endlessly, no longer about ourselves but about them. Or at

  least so it seemed to us. In reality a new richness and complexity in our

  relationship began to manifest itself through a mutual attention to our

  daughters. We compared them in every detail as if to assure ourselves that

  the health or illness of the one was the precise mirror of the health or

  illness of the other and as a result we could readily intervene to reinforce

  the first and cut off the second. We told each other everything that seemed

  good and useful for healthy development, engaging in a sort of virtuous

  competition of who could find the best food, the softest diaper, the most

  effective cream for a rash. There was no pretty garment acquired for

  Nunzia—but now she was called Tina, the diminutive of Nunziatina—that Lila

  did not also get for Imma, and I, within the limits of my finances, did the

  same. This onesie was cute on Tina, so I got one for Imma, too—she’d say—or

  these shoes were cute on Tina and I got some for Imma, too.


“You know,” I said one day, smiling,

  “that you’ve given her the name of my doll?”


“What doll?”


“Tina, you don’t remember?”


She touched her forehead as if she had a

  headache, and said:


“It’s true, but I didn’t do it on



“She was a beautiful doll—I was attached

  to her.”


“My daughter is more beautiful.”


Meanwhile the weeks passed; already the

  scents of spring were flaring. One morning my mother got worse, and there was

  a moment of panic. Since the doctors at the clinic didn’t seem qualified even

  to my siblings, the idea of taking her back to the hospital was mentioned. I

  asked Nino to find out if, through the doctors who were connected to his

  in-laws and had taken care of my mother before, it would be possible to avoid

  the wards and get a private room. But Nino said that he was opposed to using

  connections or appeals, that in a public institution treatment should be the

  same for everyone, and he muttered ill-humoredly: in this country we have to

  stop thinking that even for a bed in the hospital you have to be a member of

  a lodge or rely on the Camorra. He was angry with Marcello, naturally, not

  with me, but I felt humiliated anyway. On the other hand I’m sure that in the

  end he would have helped if my mother, although suffering atrociously, hadn’t

  made it clear in every way possible that she preferred to die amid comforts

  rather than return, even for a few hours, to a hospital ward. So one morning

  Marcello, surprising us yet again, brought to the clinic one of the

  specialists who had treated our mother. The specialist, who had been curt

  when he was working in the hospital, was extremely cordial and returned

  often, greeted deferentially by the doctors in the private clinic. Things



But soon the clinical picture worsened

  again. At that point my mother gathered all her strength and did two

  contradictory but in her eyes equally important things. Lila just then had

  found a way of getting jobs for Peppe and Gianni with a client of hers in

  Baiano, but they had disregarded the offer, so she—heaping blessings on my

  friend for her generosity—summoned her two sons and became, at least for a

  moment, what she had been in the past. Her eyes were furious, she threatened

  to pursue them from the kingdom of the dead if they didn’t accept the offer:

  she made them weep, she reduced them to lambs, she didn’t let go until she

  was sure she had subdued them. Then she took up an initiative that ran in the

  opposite direction. She summoned Marcello, from whom she had just wrested

  Peppe and Gianni, and made him swear solemnly that he would marry her younger

  daughter before she closed her eyes forever. Marcello reassured her, he told

  her that he and Elisa had put off getting married only because they were waiting

  for her to recover, and now that her recovery was imminent he would

  immediately take care of the paperwork. Now my mother brightened. She made no

  distinction between the power she attributed to Lila and that which she

  attributed to Marcello. She had pressured both and was happy to have gained

  benefits for her children from the most important people in the neighborhood;

  that is, in her view, in the world.


For a few days she lingered in a state of

  peaceful joy. I brought Dede, whom she loved dearly, and I let her hold Imma.

  She was even affectionate toward Elsa, whom she had never liked much. I

  observed her: she was a gray, wrinkled old woman, even though she wasn’t a

  hundred but sixty. I then first felt the impact of time, the force that was

  pushing me toward forty, the velocity with which life was consumed, the

  concreteness of the exposure to death: If it’s happening to her, I thought,

  there’s no escape, it will happen to me as well.


One morning, when Imma was just over two

  months old, my mother said weakly: Lenù, I’m truly content now, it’s only you

  I’m worried about, but you are you and you’ve always been able to arrange

  things as you liked, so I have confidence. Then she went to sleep and fell

  into a coma. She held out for a few more days; she didn’t want to die. I

  remember that I was in her room with Imma; by now the death rattle was

  continuous, it had become one of the ordinary sounds of the clinic. My

  father, who couldn’t bear to hear it anymore, had stayed home that night,

  weeping. Elisa had taken Silvio out to the courtyard to get some air, my

  brothers were smoking in a room nearby. I stared for a long time at that

  insubstantial bulge under the sheet. My mother was diminished almost to

  nothing, and yet she had been truly burdensome, weighing on me, making me

  feel like a worm under a rock, protected and crushed. I wished that wheeze

  would stop, right away, now, and, to my surprise, it did. Suddenly the room

  was silent. I waited, I couldn’t find the strength to get up and go to her.

  Then Imma clicked her tongue and the silence was broken. I left the chair,

  went over to the bed. The two of us—I and the infant, greedily seeking my

  nipple in her sleep, to feel that she was still part of me—were, in that

  place of illness, the only living and healthy part of my mother that



That day, I don’t know why, I had put on

  the bracelet she had given me more than twenty years before. I hadn’t worn it

  for a long time; I usually wore the finer jewelry that Adele had recommended.

  From then on I wore it often.



I struggled to accept my mother’s death.

  Even though I didn’t shed a tear, the pain lasted for a long time and perhaps

  has never really gone away. I had considered her an insensitive and vulgar

  woman, I had feared her and fled. Right after her funeral I felt the way you

  feel when it suddenly starts raining hard, and you look around and find no

  place to take shelter. For weeks I saw and heard her everywhere, night and

  day. She was a vapor that in my imagination continued to burn without a wick.

  I missed the different way of being together we had discovered during her

  illness, I prolonged it by retrieving positive memories of when I was a child

  and she was young. My sense of guilt wanted to compel her to endure. In a

  drawer I put a hairpin of hers, a handkerchief, a pair of scissors, but they

  all seemed inadequate objects, even the bracelet was worthless. My pregnancy

  had brought back the pain in my hip and Imma’s birth hadn’t relieved it, but

  maybe that was why I decided not to go to the doctor. I nurtured that pain

  like a bequest preserved in my body.


The words she had said to me at the end

  (You’re you, I have confidence) also stayed with me for a long time. She died

  convinced that because of how I was made, because of the resources I had

  accumulated, I would not be overwhelmed by anything. That idea worked inside

  me and in the end helped me. I decided to prove to her that she had been

  right. I began again in a disciplined way to take care of myself. I returned

  to using every bit of empty time for reading and writing. I lost what little

  interest I’d had in petty politics—I couldn’t get excited at the intrigues of

  the five governing parties and their quarrels with the Communists, as Nino

  now was actively doing—but I continued to follow closely the corrupt and

  violent drift of the country. I collected feminist readings and, still

  fortified by the small success of my last book, proposed articles to the new

  journals directed at women. But, I have to admit, a great part of my energy

  was focused on convincing my publisher that I was moving along with the new



A few years earlier half of a substantial

  advance had been paid, but in the meantime I had done very little, I was

  stumbling along, still looking for a story. The editor in chief, who was

  responsible for that generous sum, had never pressured me, he inquired

  discreetly, and if I was elusive, because to admit the truth seemed to me

  shameful, he let me be elusive. Then a small unpleasant event occurred. A

  semi-sarcastic article appeared in the Corriere della Sera that, after

  praising a first novel that had had a modest success, alluded to the failed

  promise of the new Italian literature, and included my name. A few days later

  the editor passed through Naples—he was to take part in a prestigious

  conference—and asked if we could meet.


His serious tone immediately worried me.

  In almost fifteen years he had never insisted on his authority, he had sided

  with me against Adele, he had always treated me kindly. With forced warmth I

  invited him to dinner on Via Tasso, which cost me anxiety and hard work, but

  I did it partly because Nino wanted to propose a new collection of essays.


The editor was polite but not

  affectionate. He expressed his condolences for my mother, he praised Imma, he

  gave Dede and Elsa some colorful books, he waited patiently for me to

  maneuver between dinner and daughters, leaving Nino to talk to him about his

  possible book. When we got to dessert he brought up the true reason for the

  meeting: he wanted to know if he could plan to bring out my novel the

  following fall. I turned red.


“Fall of 1982?”


“Fall of 1982.”


“Maybe, but I’ll know better in a little



“You have to know now.”


“I’m still nowhere near the end.”


“You could let me read something.”


“I don’t feel ready.”


Silence. He took a sip of wine, then said

  in a serious tone:


“Up to now you’ve been very lucky, Elena.

  The last book went particularly well, you’re respected, you’ve gained a good

  number of readers. But readers have to be cultivated. If you lose them, you

  lose the chance to publish other books.”


I was displeased. I understood that

  Adele, by force of repetition, had gotten through even to that very civilized

  and polite man. I imagined the words of Pietro’s mother, her choice of

  terms—She’s an untrustworthy southerner who behind a charming appearance

  weaves crafty tissues of lies—and I hated myself because I was proving to

  that man that those words were true. At dessert, the editor, in a few curt

  phrases, liquidated Nino’s proposal, saying that it was a difficult moment

  for essays. The awkwardness increased, no one knew what to say, I talked

  about Imma until finally the guest looked at his watch and said that he had

  to go. At that point I couldn’t take it and I said:


“All right, I’ll deliver the book in time

  for it to come out in the fall.”



My promise soothed the editor. He stayed

  another hour, he chatted about this and that, he made an effort to be more

  well disposed to Nino. He embraced me as he left, whispering, I’m sure you’re

  writing a wonderful story.


As soon as I closed the door I exclaimed:

  Adele is still plotting against me, I’m in trouble. But Nino didn’t agree.

  Even the slim possibility that his book would be published had cheered him.

  Besides, he had been in Palermo recently for the Socialist Party Congress,

  where he had seen both Guido and Adele, and the professor had indicated that

  he admired some of his recent work. So he said, conciliatory:


“Don’t exaggerate the intrigues of the

  Airotas. All you had to do was promise you’d get to work and you saw how

  things changed?”


We quarreled. I had just promised a book,

  yes, but how, when would I be able to write it with the necessary

  concentration and continuity? Did he realize what my life had been, and still

  was? I listed randomly the illness and death of my mother, the care of Dede

  and Elsa, the household tasks, the pregnancy, the birth of Imma, his lack of

  interest in her, the rushing from this conference to that congress, more and

  more often without me, and the disgust, yes, the disgust at having to share

  him with Eleonora. I, I shouted at him, I am now nearly divorced from Pietro,

  and you wouldn’t even separate. Could I work among so many tensions, by

  myself, without any help from him?


The fight was pointless, Nino reacted as

  he always did. He looked depressed, he whispered: You don’t understand, you

  can’t understand, you’re unfair, and he swore fiercely that he loved me and

  couldn’t do without Imma, the children, me. Finally he offered to pay for a



He had encouraged me on other occasions

  to find someone who could take care of the house, the shopping, the cooking,

  the children, but, in order not to seem excessively demanding, I had always

  responded that I didn’t want to be a bigger economic burden than necessary.

  Generally I tended to give more importance not to what would be helpful to me

  but to what he would appreciate. And then I didn’t want to admit that the

  same problems I had already experienced with Pietro were surfacing in our

  relationship. But this time, surprising him, I said immediately: Yes, all

  right, find this woman as soon as possible. And it seemed to me that I was

  speaking in the voice of my mother, not in the feeble voice of recent times

  but in strident tones. Who gave a damn about the shopping, I had to take care

  of my future. And my future was to write a novel in the next few months. And

  that novel had to be very good. And nothing, not even Nino, would prevent me

  from doing my work well.



I examined the situation. The two

  previous books, which for years had produced a little money, partly thanks to

  translations, had stopped selling. The advance I had received for my new book

  and hadn’t yet earned was nearly gone. The articles I wrote, working late

  into the night, either brought in little or were not paid at all. I lived, in

  other words, on the money that Pietro contributed punctually every month and

  that Nino supplemented by taking on the rent for the house, the bills, and, I

  have to admit, often giving me money for clothes for myself and the children.

  But as long as I had had to confront all the upheavals and inconveniences and

  sufferings that followed my return to Naples, it had seemed fair. Now

  instead—after that evening—I decided that it was urgent to become as

  autonomous as possible. I had to write and publish regularly, I had to

  reinforce my profile as an author, I had to earn money. And the reason was

  not any literary vocation, the reason had to do with the future: Did I really

  think that Nino would take care of me and my daughters forever?


It was then that a part of me—only a

  part—began to emerge that consciously, without particular suffering, admitted

  that it couldn’t really count on him. It wasn’t just the old fear that he

  would leave me; rather it seemed to me an abrupt contraction of perspective.

  I stopped looking into the distance, I began to think that in the immediate

  future I couldn’t expect from Nino more than what he was giving me, and that

  I had to decide if it was enough.


I continued to love him, of course. I

  liked his long slender body, his methodical intelligence. And I had a great

  admiration for his work. His old ability to assemble facts and interpret them

  was a skill that was much in demand. Recently he had published a highly

  regarded work—maybe that was the one Guido had liked so much—on the economic

  crisis and on the karstic movement of capital that was being shifted from

  sources to be investigated toward construction, finance, private television.

  Yet something about him had begun to bother me. For example, I was wounded by

  his delight in finding favor with my former father-in-law. Nor did I like the

  way he had begun again to differentiate Pietro—a petty professor with no

  imagination, highly praised only because of his surname and his obtuse

  activity in the Communist Party—from his father, the real Professor Airota,

  whom he praised unrestrainedly as the author of fundamental volumes on

  Hellenism and as an outstanding and combative figure of the socialist left. His

  renewed liking for Adele further wounded me; he was constantly calling her a

  great lady, extraordinary at public relations. He seemed to me, in other

  words, sensitive to the approval of those who had authority and ready to

  catch out, or even, at times, humiliate, out of envy, those who did not yet

  have enough of it and those who did not have it at all but could have it.

  Something that marred the image that I had always had of him and that he

  generally had of himself.


It wasn’t only that. The political and

  cultural climate was changing, other readings were emerging. We had all

  stopped making extreme speeches, and I was surprised to find myself agreeing

  with positions that years earlier I had opposed in Pietro, out of a wish to

  contradict him, out of the need to quarrel. But Nino went too far, he now

  found ridiculous not only every subversive statement but also every ethical

  declaration, every display of purity. He said, making fun of me:


“There are too many sensitive souls





“People who are outraged, as if they

  didn’t know that either the parties do their job or you get armed gangs and

  Masonic lodges.”


“What do you mean?”


“I mean that a party can’t be anything

  other than a distributor of favors in exchange for support, ideals are part

  of the furniture.”


“Well, then I’m a sensitive soul.”


“I know that.”


I began to find his craving to be

  politically surprising unpleasant. When he organized dinners at my house he

  embarrassed his own guests by defending from the left positions of the right.

  The fascists—he maintained—aren’t always wrong and we should learn to talk to

  each other. Or: You can’t simply condemn, you have to get your hands dirty if

  you want to change things. Or even: Justice should as soon as possible be

  subordinated to the rights of those who have the task of governing, otherwise

  the judges become loose cannons, dangerous for the preservation of the

  democratic system. Or again: Wages have to be frozen, the mechanism of the

  wage index scale is ruinous for Italy. If someone disagreed with him he

  became contemptuous, he sneered, he let it be understood that it wasn’t worth

  the trouble to argue with people wearing blinders, whose heads were full of

  old slogans.


I retreated into an uneasy silence, in

  order not to take sides against him. He loved the shifting sands of the

  present, the future for him was decided there. He knew about everything that

  happened in the parties and in parliament, about the internal movements of

  capital and of the organization of labor. I, on the other hand, persisted in

  reading only what had to do with the dark conspiracies, the kidnappings and

  bloody last-ditch efforts of the armed red gangs, the debate on the decline

  of the centrality of workers, the identification of new opposition subjects.

  As a result I felt more comfortable with the language of the other diners

  than with his. One evening he quarreled with a friend who taught in the

  school of architecture. He became inflamed by passion, disheveled, handsome.


“You can’t distinguish between a step

  forward, a step back, and standing still.”


“What’s a step forward?” the friend



“A prime minister who isn’t the same old

  Christian Demo-crat.”


“And standing still?”


“A demonstration by steelworkers.”


“And a step back?”


“Asking who’s cleaner, the socialists or

  the Communists.”


“You’re turning cynical.”


“You, on the other hand, have always been

  a shit.”


No, Nino no longer persuaded me the way

  he used to. He expressed himself, I don’t know how to say it, in a

  provocative and yet opaque way, as if precisely he, who extolled the long

  view, were able to follow only the daily moves and counter-moves of a system

  that to me, to his own friends, seemed rotten to the core. Enough, he would

  insist, let’s end the childish aversion to power: one has to be on the inside

  in the places where things are born and die: the parties, the banks,

  television. And I listened, but when he turned to me I lowered my gaze. I no

  longer concealed from myself that his conversation partly bored me, and

  partly seemed to point to a brittleness that dragged him down.


One time he was lecturing Dede, who had

  to do some sort of crazy research for her teacher,


 and to soften his pragmatism I said:


“The people, Dede, always have the

  possibility of turning everything upside down.”


Good-humoredly he replied, “Mamma likes

  to make up stories, which is a great job. But she doesn’t know much about how

  the world we live in functions, and so whenever there’s something she doesn’t

  like she resorts to a magic word: let’s turn everything upside down. You tell

  your teacher that we have to make the world that exists function.”


“How?” I asked.


“With laws.”


“But if you say that the judges should be



Displeased with me, he shook his head,

  just as Pietro used to do.


“Go and write your book,” he said,

  “otherwise you’ll complain it’s our fault that you can’t work.”


He started a lesson with Dede on the

  division of powers, which I listened to in silence and agreed with from A to




When Nino was home he staged a comic

  ritual with Dede and Elsa. They dragged me into the little room where I had

  my desk, ordered me peremptorily to get to work, and shut the door behind

  them, scolding me in chorus if I dared to open it.


In general, if he had time, he was very

  available to the children: to Dede, whom he judged very intelligent but too

  rigid, and to Elsa, whose feigned acquiescence, behind which lurked malice

  and cunning, amused him. But what I hoped would happen never did: he didn’t

  become attached to little Imma. He played with her, of course, and sometimes

  he really seemed to enjoy himself. For example, with Dede and Elsa he would

  bark at her, to get her to say the word “dog.” I heard them howling through

  the house as I sought in vain to make some notes, and if Imma by pure chance

  emitted from the depths of her throat an indistinct sound that resembled d,

  Nino shrieked in unison with the children: she said it, hooray, d. But

  nothing more. In fact he used the infant as a doll to entertain Dede and

  Elsa. The increasingly rare times when he spent a Sunday with us and the

  weather was fine, he went with them and Imma to the Floridiana, encouraging

  them to push their sister’s stroller along the paths of the park. When they

  returned they were all pleased. But a few words were enough for me to guess

  that Nino had abandoned Dede and Elsa to play mamma to Imma, while he went

  off to converse with the real mothers of the Vomero who were taking their

  children out for air and sun.


Over time I had become used to his

  penchant for seductive behavior, I considered it a sort of tic. I was used

  above all to the way women immediately liked him. But at a certain point

  something was spoiled there, too. I began to notice that he had an impressive

  number of women friends, and that they all seemed to brighten in his

  vicinity. I knew that light well, I wasn’t surprised. Being close to him gave

  you the impression of being visible, especially to yourself, and you were

  content. It was natural, therefore, that all those girls, and older women,

  too, were fond of him, and if I didn’t exclude sexual desire I also didn’t

  consider it essential. I stood confused on the edge of the remark made long

  ago by Lila, In my opinion he’s not your friend, either, and tried as

  infrequently as possible to transmute it into the question: Are these women

  his lovers? So it wasn’t the hypothesis that he was betraying me that

  disturbed me but something else. I was convinced that Nino encouraged in

  those people a sort of maternal impulse to do, within the limits of the

  possible, what could be useful to him.


Shortly after Imma’s birth, things began

  to go better for him. When he appeared he told me proudly of his successes,

  and I was quickly forced to register that, just as in the past his career had

  had a boost thanks to his wife’s family, so, too, behind every new

  responsibility he got was the mediation of a woman. One had obtained for him

  a biweekly column in Il Mattino. One had recommended him for the keynote

  speech at an important conference in Ferrara. One had put him on the managing

  editorial board of a Turinese journal. Another—originally from Philadelphia

  and married to a NATO officer stationed in Naples—had recently added his name

  as a consultant for an American foundation. The list of favors was

  continuously lengthening. Besides, hadn’t I myself helped him publish a book

  with an important publishing house? And, if I thought about it, hadn’t

  Professor Galiani been the source of his reputation as a high-school student?


I began to study him while he was engaged

  in that work of seduction. He often invited young and not so young women to

  dinner at my house, alone or with their husbands or companions. I observed

  with some anxiety that he knew how to give them space: he ignored the male

  guests almost completely, making the women the center of his attention, and

  at times focusing on one in particular. Many evenings I witnessed

  conversations that, although they took place in the presence of other people,

  he was able to conduct as if he were alone, in private, with the only woman

  who at that moment appeared to interest him. He said nothing allusive, or

  compromising, he merely asked questions.


“And then what happened?”


“I left home. I left Lecce at eighteen

  and Naples wasn’t an easy city.”


“Where did you live?”


“In a run-down apartment in the

  Tribunali, with two other girls. There wasn’t even a quiet corner where I

  could study.”


“And men?”


“Certainly not.”


“There must have been someone.”


“There was one, and, just my luck, he’s

  here, I’m married to him.”


Although the woman had brought up her

  husband as if to include him in the conversation, Nino ignored him and

  continued to talk to her in his warm voice. He had a curiosity about the

  world of women that was genuine. But—this I knew very well by now—he didn’t

  in the least resemble the men who in those years made a show of giving up at

  least a few of their privileges. I thought not only of professors,

  architects, artists who came to our house and displayed a sort of

  feminization of behaviors, feelings, opinions; but also of Carmen’s husband,

  Roberto, who was really helpful, and Enzo, who with no hesitation would have

  sacrificed all his time to Lila’s needs. Nino was sincerely interested in how

  women found themselves. There was no dinner at which he did not repeat that

  to think along with them was now the only way to a true thought. But he held

  tight to his spaces and his numerous activities, he put first of all, always

  and only, himself, he didn’t give up an instant of his time.


On one occasion I tried, with

  affectionate irony, to show him up as a liar in front of everyone:


“Don’t believe him. At first he helped me

  clear, he washed the dishes: today he doesn’t even pick his socks up off the



“That’s not true,” he protested.


“Yes, it is. He wants to liberate the

  women of others but not his.”


“Well, your liberation shouldn’t

  necessarily signify the loss of my freedom.”


In remarks like this, too, uttered

  playfully, I soon recognized, uneasily, echoes of my conflicts with Pietro.

  Why had I gotten so angry at my ex-husband while with Nino I let it go? I

  thought: maybe every relationship with men can only reproduce the same

  contradictions and, in certain environments, even the same smug responses.

  But then I said to myself: I mustn’t exaggerate, there’s a difference, with

  Nino it’s certainly going better.


But was it really? I was less and less

  sure. I remembered how, when he was our guest in Florence, he had supported

  me against Pietro, I thought again with pleasure of how he had encouraged me

  to write. But now? Now that it was crucial for me to seriously get to work,

  he seemed unable to instill in me the same confidence as before. Things had

  changed over the years. Nino always had his own urgent needs, and even if he

  wanted to he couldn’t devote himself to me. To mollify me he had hurried to

  get, through his mother, a certain Silvana, a massive woman of around fifty,

  with three children, always cheerful, very lively, and good with the three

  girls. Generously he had glossed over what he paid her, and after a week had

  asked: Everything in order, it’s working? But it was evident that he felt

  that the expense authorized him not to be concerned with me. Of course he was

  attentive, he regularly asked: Are you writing? But that was it. The central

  place that my effort to write had had at the start of our relationship had

  vanished. And it wasn’t only that. I myself, with a certain embarrassment, no

  longer recognized him as the authority he had once been. I discovered, in

  other words, that the part of me that confessed I could not really depend on

  Nino also no longer saw around his every word the flaming halo I had seemed

  to perceive since childhood. I gave him a still shapeless paragraph to read

  and he exclaimed: Perfect. I summarized a plot and characters that I was

  sketching out and he said: Great, very intelligent. But he didn’t convince

  me, I didn’t believe him, he expressed enthusiastic opinions about the work

  of too many women. His recurring phrase after an evening with other couples

  was almost always: What a boring man, she is certainly better than he is. His

  women friends, inasmuch as they were his friends, were always judged

  extraordinary. And his judgment of women in general was, as a rule, tolerant.

  Nino could justify even the sadistic obtuseness of the employees of the post

  office, the ignorant narrow-mindedness of Dede and Elsa’s teachers. In other

  words I no longer felt unique, I was a form that was valid for all women. But

  if for him I wasn’t unique, what help could his opinion give me, how could I

  draw energy from it to do well?


Exasperated, one evening, by the praise

  he had heaped on a biologist friend in my presence, I asked him:


“Is it possible that a stupid woman

  doesn’t exist?”


“I didn’t say that: I said that as a rule

  you are better than us.”


“I’m better than you?”


“Absolutely, yes, and I’ve known it for a

  very long time.”


“All right, I believe you, but at least

  once in your life, have you met a bitch?”




“Tell me her name.”


I knew what he would say, and yet I

  insisted, hoping he would say Eleonora. I waited, he became serious:


“I can’t.”


“Tell me.”


“If I tell you you’ll get mad.”


“I won’t get mad.”





If in the past I had believed somewhat in

  his recurring hostility toward Lila, now I found it less and less convincing,

  partly because it was joined not infrequently to moments when, as had

  happened a few nights earlier, he demonstrated a completely different

  feeling. He was trying to finish an essay on work and the automation of Fiat,

  but I saw that he was in trouble (What precisely is a microprocessor, what’s

  a chip, how does this stuff function in practice). I had said to him: talk to

  Enzo Scanno, he’s smart. He had asked absentmindedly: Who is Enzo Scanno?

  Lina’s companion, I answered. He said with a half smile: Then I prefer to

  talk to Lina, she certainly knows more. And, as if the memory had returned,

  he added, with a trace of resentment: Wasn’t Scanno the idiot son of the

  fruit seller?


That tone struck me. Enzo was the founder

  of a small, innovative business—a miracle, considering that the office was in

  the heart of the old neighborhood. Precisely because he was a scholar, Nino

  should have displayed interest and admiration toward him. Instead, he had

  returned him, thanks to that imperfect—was—to the time of elementary school,

  when he helped his mother in the shop or went around with his father and the

  cart and didn’t have time to study and didn’t shine. He had, with irritation,

  taken every virtue away from Enzo, and given them all to Lila. That was how I

  realized that if I had forced him to delve into himself, it would have

  emerged that the highest example of female intelligence—maybe his own worship

  of female intelligence, even certain lectures claiming that the waste of

  women’s intellectual resources was the greatest waste of all—had to do with

  Lila, and that if our season of love was already darkening, the season of

  Ischia would always remain radiant for him. The man for whom I left Pietro, I

  thought, is what he is because his encounter with Lila reshaped him that way.



This idea occurred to me one frigid fall

  morning when I was taking Dede and Elsa to school. I was driving

  distractedly, and the idea took root. I distinguished the love for the

  neighborhood boy, the high-school student—a feeling of mine that had as its object

  a fantasy of mine, conceived before Ischia—from the passion that had

  overwhelmed me for the young man in the bookstore in Milan, the person who

  had appeared in my house in Florence. I had always maintained a connection

  between those two emotional blocks, and that morning instead it seemed to me

  that there was no connection, that the continuity was a trick of logic. In

  the middle, I thought, there had been a rupture—his love for Lila—that should

  have cancelled Nino forever from my life, but which I had refused to reckon

  with. To whom, then, was I bound, and whom did I still love today?


Usually Silvana drove the children to

  school, and, while Nino was still asleep, I took care of Imma. That day,

  however, I had arranged things so that I could stay out all morning; I wanted

  to see if I could find in the Biblioteca Nazionale an old volume by Roberto

  Bracco, entitled In the World of Women. Meanwhile, I advanced slowly through

  the morning traffic with that thought in mind. I was driving, I was answering

  the children’s questions, I was returning to a Nino made of two parts, one

  that belonged to me, the other alien. When, with countless warnings and bits

  of advice, I left Dede and Elsa at their respective schools, the thought had

  become an image and, as happened often in that period, had been transformed

  into the nucleus of a possible story. It could be, I said to myself as I

  descended toward the sea, a novel in which a woman marries the man she’s been

  in love with since childhood, but on their wedding night she realizes that

  while a part of his body belongs to her, the other part is physically

  inhabited by a childhood friend of hers. Then in a flash everything was swept

  away by a sort of domestic alarm bell: I had forgotten to buy diapers for



Daily life frequently erupted, like a

  slap, making irrelevant if not ridiculous every meandering little fantasy. I

  pulled up, angry at myself. I was so burdened that, although I scrupulously

  wrote down on a notepad the things I needed to buy, I ended up forgetting the

  list itself. I fumed, I could never organize myself as I should. Nino had an

  important appointment for work, maybe he had already left, and anyway it was

  useless to count on him. I couldn’t send Silvana to the pharmacy because she

  would have had to leave the baby alone in the house. As a result there were

  no diapers, Imma couldn’t be changed and would have a rash for days. I went

  back to Via Tasso. I hurried to the pharmacy, I bought the diapers, I arrived

  home out of breath. I was sure I would hear Imma screaming from the landing

  but I opened the door with the key and entered a silent apartment.


I glimpsed the baby in the living room,

  sitting in her playpen, without a diaper, playing with a doll. I slipped past

  so that she wouldn’t see me, or she would start howling to be picked up, and

  I wanted to hand over the package to Silvana and try again to get to the

  library. A faint noise came from the big bathroom (we had a small bathroom

  that Nino generally used, and a large one for the girls and me), I thought

  that Silvana must be straightening it. I went there, the door was half open,

  I pushed it. First I saw, in the luminous space of the long mirror, Silvana’s

  head bent forward, and I was struck by the stripe of the center part, the two

  black bands of her hair threaded with white. Then I became aware of Nino’s

  closed eyes, his open mouth. Suddenly, in a flash, the reflected image and

  the real bodies came together. Nino was in his undershirt and otherwise

  naked, his long thin legs parted, his feet bare. Silvana, curved forward,

  with both hands resting on the sink, had her big underpants at her knees and

  the dark smock pulled up around her waist. He, while he stroked her sex

  holding her heavy stomach with his arm, was gripping an enormous breast that

  stuck out of the smock and the bra, and meanwhile was thrusting his flat

  stomach against her large white buttocks.


I pulled the door hard toward myself just

  as Nino opened his eyes and Silvana suddenly raised her head, throwing me a

  frightened gaze. I rushed to get Imma from the playpen and while Nino

  shouted, Elena, wait, I was already out of the house, I didn’t even call the

  elevator, I ran down the stairs with the baby in my arms.

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