
2023-07-15  本文已影响0人  路人里的路人




conda create -n R
conda activate R
conda search r
conda install  r-base=4.3
#安装R,一般R和R包是储存在conda -forge这个库中,所以R包的安装如下
conda install -c conda-forge -y xxx


2.1 通过官方网站安装

wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/subread/files/subread-2.0.6/subread-2.0.6-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar -zxvf subread-2.0.6-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
mv subread-2.0.6-Linux-x86_64 subread
export PATH=/path/to/your/subread/bin:$PATH

2.2 使用R安装

conda activate R

2.3 使用conda安装

conda create -n subread
conda activate subread
conda install -c bioconda subread=2.0.6

3. 表达定量计算





#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# parse parameter ---------------------------------------------------------
library(argparser, quietly=TRUE)
# Create a parser
p <- arg_parser("run featureCounts and calculate FPKM/TPM")

# Add command line arguments
p <- add_argument(p, "--bam", help="input: bam file", type="character")
p <- add_argument(p, "--gtf", help="input: gtf file", type="character")
p <- add_argument(p, "--output", help="output prefix", type="character")

# Parse the command line arguments
argv <- parse_args(p)


bamFile <- argv$bam
gtfFile <- argv$gtf
nthreads <- 1
outFilePref <- argv$output

outStatsFilePath  <- paste(outFilePref, '.log',  sep = ''); 
outCountsFilePath <- paste(outFilePref, '.count', sep = ''); 

fCountsList = featureCounts(bamFile, annot.ext=gtfFile, isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE, nthreads=nthreads, isPairedEnd=FALSE)
dgeList = DGEList(counts=fCountsList$counts, genes=fCountsList$annotation)
fpkm = rpkm(dgeList, dgeList$genes$Length)
tpm = exp(log(fpkm) - log(sum(fpkm)) + log(1e6))

write.table(fCountsList$stat, outStatsFilePath, sep="\t", col.names=FALSE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)

featureCounts = cbind(fCountsList$annotation[,1], fCountsList$counts, fpkm, tpm)
colnames(featureCounts) = c('gene_id', 'counts', 'fpkm','tpm')
write.table(featureCounts, outCountsFilePath, sep="\t", col.names=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE)


Rscript run-featurecounts.R -b /home/monkeyflower/xiaodeng/transcripotom/filter_and_qc/filtered/BLO_S1_LD1.bam -g /home/monkeyflower/xiaodeng/transcripotom/ref/genes.gtf -o BLO_S1_LD1

需要注意的是,如果是双末端测序则需要将这段代码注释为’isGTFAnnotationFile=TRUE, nthreads=nthreads, isPairedEnd=FALSE‘中的isPairedEnd=FALSE注释为“isPairedEnd=TRUE”

3.2 awk命令批量生成脚本

awk '{print "Rscript run-featurecounts.R -b /path/to/"$2".bam -g /path/to/genes.gtf -o "$2}' sample.txt > step1_count.sh 

3.3 log文件与count文件的解读



1. 使用abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl完成标准化后矩阵的生成

1.1 程序基本命令


script/abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl --est_method <method> sample1.results sample2.results --out_prefix xxx

--est_method可接统计方法,<method>值可以是featureCount | RSEM | eXpresss | kallisto | salmon,featureCount是做有参转录组的,RSEM | eXpresss是做无参转录组的。sample1.results是上一步表达定量生成的.count文件。

1.1.2 进阶用法

ls /path/to/the/2.Quantification/*.count > genes.quant_files.txt
perl script/abundance_estimates_to_matrix.pl --est_method featureCounts --quant_files genes.quant_files.txt --out_prefix genes




#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling pass_through);

my $usage = <<__EOUSAGE__;

# Usage:  $0 --est_method <method>  sample1.results sample2.results ...
#      or  $0 --est_method <method> --quant_files file.listing_target_files.txt
#      Note, if only a single input file is given, it's expected to contain the paths to all the target abundance estimation files.
# Required:
#  --est_method <string>           featureCounts|RSEM|eXpress|kallisto|salmon  (needs to know what format to expect)
# Options:
#  --cross_sample_norm <string>         TMM|UpperQuartile|none   (default: TMM)
#  --name_sample_by_basedir             name sample column by dirname instead of filename
#      --basedir_index <int>            default(-2)
#  --out_prefix <string>                default: 'matrix'
#  --quant_files <string>              file containing a list of all the target files.



my $help_flag;
my $est_method;
my $val_type;
my $cross_sample_norm = "TMM";
my $name_sample_by_basedir = 0;
my $out_prefix = "matrix";
my $basedir_index = -2;
my $quant_files = "";

&GetOptions('help|h' => \$help_flag,
            'est_method=s' => \$est_method,
            'cross_sample_norm=s' => \$cross_sample_norm,
            'name_sample_by_basedir' => \$name_sample_by_basedir,
            'out_prefix=s' => \$out_prefix,
            'basedir_index=i' => \$basedir_index,
            'quant_files=s' => \$quant_files,

unless ($est_method && (@ARGV || $quant_files)) {
    die $usage;

unless ($est_method =~ /^(featureCounts|RSEM|eXpress|kallisto|salmon)/i) {
    die "Error, dont recognize --est_method $est_method ";
unless ($cross_sample_norm =~ /^(TMM|UpperQuartile|none)$/i) {
    die "Error, dont recognize --cross_sample_norm $cross_sample_norm ";

my @files;

if ($quant_files) {
    # allow for a file listing the various files.
    @files = `cat $quant_files`;
    chomp @files;
elsif (@ARGV) {
    @files = @ARGV;
else {
    die $usage;


## featureCounts

0   gene_id
1   counts
2   fpkm
3   tpm
## RSEM:

0       transcript_id
1       gene_id
2       length
3       effective_length
4       expected_count
5       TPM
6       FPKM
7       IsoPct

## eXpress v1.5:

1       target_id
2       length
3       eff_length
4       tot_counts
5       uniq_counts
6       est_counts
7       eff_counts
8       ambig_distr_alpha
9       ambig_distr_beta
10      fpkm
11      fpkm_conf_low
12      fpkm_conf_high
13      solvable
14      tpm

## kallisto:
0       target_id
1       length
2       eff_length
3       est_counts
4       tpm

## salmon:
0       Name
1       Length
2       EffectiveLength
3       TPM
4       NumReads


my ($acc_field, $counts_field, $fpkm_field, $tpm_field);

if ($est_method =~ /^rsem$/i) {
    $acc_field = 0;
    $counts_field = "expected_count";
    $fpkm_field = "FPKM";
    $tpm_field = "TPM";
elsif ($est_method =~ /^express$/i) {  # as of v1.5
    $acc_field = "target_id";
    $counts_field = "eff_counts";
    $fpkm_field = "fpkm";
    $tpm_field = "tpm";
elsif ($est_method =~ /^kallisto$/i) {
    $acc_field = "target_id";
    $counts_field = "est_counts";
    $fpkm_field = "tpm";
    $tpm_field = "tpm";
elsif ($est_method =~ /^salmon/) {
    $acc_field = "Name";
    $counts_field = "NumReads";
    $fpkm_field = "TPM";
    $tpm_field = "TPM";
elsif ($est_method =~ /^featureCounts/) {
    $acc_field = "gene_id";
    $counts_field = "counts";
    $fpkm_field = "fpkm";
    $tpm_field = "tpm";
else {
    die "Error, dont recognize --est_method [$est_method] ";

main: {
    my %data;
    foreach my $file (@files) {
        print STDERR "-reading file: $file\n";
        open (my $fh, $file) or die "Error, cannot open file $file";
        my $header = <$fh>; 
        chomp $header;
        my %fields = &parse_field_positions($header);
        #use Data::Dumper; print STDERR Dumper(\%fields);
        while (<$fh>) {
            my @x = split(/\t/);
            my $acc = $x[ $fields{$acc_field} ];
            my $count = $x[ $fields{$counts_field} ];
            my $fpkm = $x[ $fields{$fpkm_field} ];
            my $tpm = $x[ $fields{$tpm_field} ];

            $data{$acc}->{$file}->{count} = $count;
            $data{$acc}->{$file}->{FPKM} = $fpkm;
            $data{$acc}->{$file}->{TPM} = $tpm;
        close $fh;
    my @filenames = @files;
    foreach my $file (@filenames) {
        if ($name_sample_by_basedir) {
            my @path = split(m|/|, $file);
            $file = $path[$basedir_index];
        else {
            $file = basename($file);
    print STDERR "\n\n* Outputting combined matrix.\n\n";
    my $counts_matrix_file = "$out_prefix.counts.matrix";
    my $TPM_matrix_file = "$out_prefix.TPM.not_cross_norm";
    open (my $ofh_counts, ">$counts_matrix_file") or die "Error, cannot write file $counts_matrix_file";
    open (my $ofh_TPM, ">$TPM_matrix_file") or die "Error, cannot write file $TPM_matrix_file";

    { # check to see if they're unique
        my %filename_map = map { + $_ => 1 } @filenames;
        if (scalar keys %filename_map != scalar @filenames) {
            die "Error, the column headings: @filenames are not unique.  Should you consider using the --name_sample_by_basedir parameter?";

    # clean up matrix headers
    foreach my $file (@filenames) {
        # also, get rid of the part of the filename that RSEM adds
        $file =~ s/\.(genes|isoforms)\.results$//;
    # featureCounts
        $file =~ s/\.count$//;

    print $ofh_counts join("\t", "", @filenames) . "\n";
    print $ofh_TPM join("\t", "", @filenames) . "\n";

    foreach my $acc (keys %data) {
        print $ofh_counts "$acc";
        print $ofh_TPM "$acc";
        foreach my $file (@files) {

            my $count = $data{$acc}->{$file}->{count};
            unless (defined $count) {
                $count = "NA";
            my $tpm = $data{$acc}->{$file}->{TPM};
            if (defined $tpm) {
                $tpm = $tpm/1;
            else {
                $tpm = "NA";

            print $ofh_counts "\t$count";
            print $ofh_TPM "\t$tpm";
        print $ofh_counts "\n";
        print $ofh_TPM "\n";

    close $ofh_counts;
    close $ofh_TPM;

    if (scalar @files > 1) {
        ## more than one sample 
        if ($cross_sample_norm =~ /^TMM$/i) {
            my $cmd = "$FindBin::RealBin/support_scripts/run_TMM_scale_matrix.pl --matrix $TPM_matrix_file > $out_prefix.$cross_sample_norm.EXPR.matrix";
        elsif ($cross_sample_norm =~ /^UpperQuartile$/) {
            my $cmd = "$FindBin::RealBin/support_scripts/run_UpperQuartileNormalization_matrix.pl --matrix $TPM_matrix_file > $out_prefix.$cross_sample_norm.EXPR.matrix";
        elsif ($cross_sample_norm =~ /^none$/i) {
            print STDERR "-not performing cross-sample normalization.\n";
    else {
        unless (scalar @files == 1) { 
            die "Error, no target samples. Shouldn't get here.";
        print STDERR "Warning, only one sample, so not performing cross-sample normalization\n";
    print STDERR "Done.\n\n";

sub process_cmd {
    my ($cmd) = @_;

    print STDERR $cmd;
    my $ret = system($cmd);
    if ($ret) {
        die "Error, CMD: $cmd died with ret $ret";


sub parse_field_positions {
    my ($header) = @_;

    my %field_pos;
    my @fields = split(/\s+/, $header);
    for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#fields; $i++) {
        $field_pos{$fields[$i]} = $i;
        $field_pos{$i} = $i; # for fixed column assignment



#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling);
use Cwd;
use FindBin;
use File::Basename;
use lib ("$FindBin::RealBin/../../PerlLib");
use Data::Dumper;

my $usage = <<__EOUSAGE__;

#  Required:
#  --matrix <string>      matrix of raw read counts (not normalized!)



my $matrix_file;
my $help_flag;

&GetOptions ( 'h' => \$help_flag,
              'matrix=s' => \$matrix_file,

if ($help_flag) {
    die $usage;

unless ($matrix_file) {
    die $usage;

main: {
    my $tmm_info_file = &run_TMM($matrix_file);
    &write_normalized_file($matrix_file, $tmm_info_file);

sub run_TMM {
    my ($counts_matrix_file) = @_;
    my $tmm_norm_script = "__tmp_runTMM.R";
    open (my $ofh, ">$tmm_norm_script") or die "Error, cannot write to $tmm_norm_script";
    #print $ofh "source(\"$FindBin::RealBin/R/edgeR_funcs.R\")\n";
    print $ofh "library(edgeR)\n\n";
    print $ofh "rnaseqMatrix = read.table(\"$counts_matrix_file\", header=T, row.names=1, com='', check.names=F)\n";
    print $ofh "rnaseqMatrix = as.matrix(rnaseqMatrix)\n";
    print $ofh "rnaseqMatrix = round(rnaseqMatrix)\n";
    print $ofh "exp_study = DGEList(counts=rnaseqMatrix, group=factor(colnames(rnaseqMatrix)))\n";
    print $ofh "exp_study = calcNormFactors(exp_study)\n";
    print $ofh "exp_study\$samples\$eff.lib.size = exp_study\$samples\$lib.size * exp_study\$samples\$norm.factors\n";
    print $ofh "write.table(exp_study\$samples, file=\"$counts_matrix_file.TMM_info.txt\", quote=F, sep=\"\\t\", row.names=F)\n";
    close $ofh;

    &process_cmd("Rscript $tmm_norm_script 1>&2 ");


sub process_cmd {
    my ($cmd) = @_;

    print STDERR "CMD: $cmd\n";
    my $ret = system($cmd);

    if ($ret) {
        die "Error, cmd: $cmd died with ret ($ret) ";


sub write_normalized_file {
    my ($matrix_file, $tmm_info_file) = @_;

    my %col_to_eff_lib_size;
    my %col_to_norm_factor;
    open (my $fh, $tmm_info_file) or die "Error, cannot open file $tmm_info_file";
    my %bloom_to_col;

    my $header = <$fh>;
    while (<$fh>) {
        my @x = split(/\t/);
        my ($col, $norm_factor, $eff_lib_size) = ($x[0], $x[2], $x[3]);
        $col =~ s/\"//g;
        my $bloom = $col;
        $bloom =~ s/\W/$;/g;
        $col_to_eff_lib_size{$col} = $eff_lib_size;
        $col_to_norm_factor{$col} = $norm_factor;
        if ($bloom ne $col) {

            if (exists $bloom_to_col{$bloom}) {
                die "Error, already stored $bloom_to_col{$bloom} for $bloom, but trying to also store $col here... Ensure column names are unique according to non-word characters.";

            $col_to_eff_lib_size{$bloom} = $eff_lib_size;
            $col_to_norm_factor{$bloom} = $norm_factor;
    close $fh;
    open ($fh, $matrix_file);
    $header = <$fh>;
    chomp $header;
    my @pos_to_col = split(/\t/, $header);
    my $check_column_ordering_flag = 0;
    while (<$fh>) {
        my @x = split(/\t/);
        unless ($check_column_ordering_flag) {
            if (scalar(@x) == scalar(@pos_to_col) + 1) {
                ## header is offset, as is acceptable by R
                ## not acceptable here.  fix it:
                unshift (@pos_to_col, "");
            $check_column_ordering_flag = 1;
            print join("\t", @pos_to_col) . "\n";

        my $gene = $x[0];
        print $gene;
        for (my $i = 1; $i <= $#x; $i++) {
            my $col = $pos_to_col[$i];
            $col =~ s/\"//g;
            my $adj_col = $col;
            $adj_col =~ s/-/\./g;
            my $bloom = $col;
            $bloom =~ s/\W/$;/g;

            my $eff_lib_size = $col_to_eff_lib_size{$col} 
            || $col_to_eff_lib_size{$bloom}
            || $col_to_eff_lib_size{$adj_col}
            || $col_to_eff_lib_size{"X$col"} 
            || die "Error, no eff lib size for [$col] or [$bloom] or [$adj_col] or [\"X$col\"]" . Dumper(\%col_to_eff_lib_size);
            my $norm_factor = $col_to_norm_factor{$col}
            || $col_to_norm_factor{$bloom}
            || $col_to_norm_factor{$adj_col}
            || $col_to_norm_factor{"X$col"}
            || die "Error, no normalization scaling factor for $col" . Dumper(\%col_to_norm_factor);

            my $read_count = $x[$i];
            my $converted_val = sprintf("%.3f", $read_count * 1/$norm_factor);
            print "\t$converted_val";
        print "\n";


1.3 运行程序

chmod a+x run_TMM_scale_matrix.pl
conda activate R
nohup sh merge_result.sh
上一篇 下一篇

