Continuous Delivery-How do we ac

2017-06-07  本文已影响0人  holyzoe

    It seems impossible to achieve delivery software automated. But author shows that large distributed teams   tested, and it works. 

    I am so eager to know how, how do we achieve our goal,automated delivery?There are so many fields I have to learn, when can we achieve our goal? What do you think about? Or we can't anticipate the day automated deployment comes, so keep on releasing software in traditional way as those anti pattern? Shall we change? My answer is definitely Yes, we have to change, through those anti-pattern away,leave those night work, boring and time costing.

     As author said ,our goal as software professionals is to deliver useful, working software to users as quickly as possible.Speed is essential because there is an opportunity cost associated with not delivering software.So ,one of our two overriding goals in this book is to find ways to reduce cycle time, the time is takes from deciding to make a change, whether a bugfix or a feature, to having it available to users. 

1.Every change should trigger the feedback process;

2.The feedback must be received as soon as possible;

3.The delivery team must receive feedback and then act on it.


