
How do the different enum varian

2017-05-14  本文已影响0人  张霸天

There are four different aspects to enums in TypeScript you need to be aware of. First, some definitions:
"lookup object"
If you write this enum:
enum Foo { X, Y }

TypeScript will emit the following object:
var Foo;(function (Foo) { Foo[Foo["X"] = 0] = "X"; Foo[Foo["Y"] = 1] = "Y";})(Foo || (Foo = {}));

I'll refer to this as the lookup object. Its purpose is twofold: to serve as a mapping from strings to numbers, e.g. when writing Foo.X
or Foo['X']
, and to serve as a mapping from numbers to strings. That reverse mapping is useful for debugging or logging purposes -- you will often have the value 0
or 1
and want to get the corresponding string "X"
or "Y"
"declare" or "ambient"
In TypeScript, you can "declare" things that the compiler should know about, but not actually emit code for. This is useful when you have libraries like jQuery that define some object (e.g. $
) that you want type information about, but don't need any code created by the compiler. The spec and other documentation refers to declarations made this way as being in an "ambient" context; it is important to note that all declarations in a .d.ts
file are "ambient" (either requiring an explicit declare
modifier or having it implicitly, depending on the declaration type).
For performance and code size reasons, it's often preferable to have a reference to an enum member replaced by its numeric equivalent when compiled:
enum Foo { X = 4 }var y = Foo.X; // emits "var y = 4";

The spec calls this substitution, I will call it inlining because it sounds cooler. Sometimes you will not want enum members to be inlined, for example because the enum value might change in a future version of the API.
Enums, how do they work?
Let's break this down by each aspect of an enum. Unfortunately, each of these four sections is going to reference terms from all of the others, so you'll probably need to read this whole thing more than once.
computed vs non-computed (constant)
Enum members can either be computed or not. The spec calls non-computed members constant, but I'll call them non-computed to avoid confusion with const.
A computed enum member is one whose value is not known at compile-time. References to computed members cannot be inlined, of course. Conversely, a non-computed enum member is once whose value is known at compile-time. References to non-computed members are always inlined.
Which enum members are computed and which are non-computed? First, all members of a const
enum are constant (i.e. non-computed), as the name implies. For a non-const enum, it depends on whether you're looking at an ambient (declare) enum or a non-ambient enum.
A member of a declare enum
(i.e. ambient enum) is constant if and only if it has an initializer. Otherwise, it is computed. Note that in a declare enum
, only numeric initializers are allowed. Example:
declare enum Foo { X, // Computed Y = 2, // Non-computed Z, // Computed! Not 3! Careful! Q = 1 + 1 // Error}

Finally, members of non-declare non-const enums are always considered to be computed. However, their initializing expressions are reduced down to constants if they're computable at compile-time. This means non-const enum members are never inlined (this behavior changed in TypeScript 1.5, see "Changes in TypeScript" at the bottom)
const vs non-const
An enum declaration can have the const
modifier. If an enum is const
, all references to its members inlined.
const enum Foo { A = 4 }var x = Foo.A; // emitted as "var x = 4;", always

const enums do not produce a lookup object when compiled. For this reason, it is an error to reference Foo
in the above code except as part of a member reference. No Foo
object will be present at runtime.
If an enum declaration does not have the const
modifier, references to its members are inlined only if the member is non-computed. A non-const, non-declare enum will produce a lookup object.
declare (ambient) vs non-declare
An important preface is that declare
in TypeScript has a very specific meaning: This object exists somewhere else. It's for describing existing objects. Using declare
to define objects that don't actually exist can have bad consequences; we'll explore those later.
A declare enum
will not emit a lookup object. References to its members are inlined if those members are computed (see above on computed vs non-computed).
It's important to note that other forms of reference to a declare enum
are allowed, e.g. this code is not a compile error but will fail at runtime:
// Note: Assume no other file has actually created a Foo var at runtimedeclare enum Foo { Bar } var s = 'Bar';var b = Foo[s]; // Fails

This error falls under the category of "Don't lie to the compiler". If you don't have an object named Foo
at runtime, don't write declare enum Foo
A declare const enum
is not different from a const enum
, except in the case of --preserveConstEnums (see below).
A non-declare enum produces a lookup object if it is not const
. Inlining is described above.
--preserveConstEnums flag
This flag has exactly one effect: non-declare const enums will emit a lookup object. Inlining is not affected. This is useful for debugging.
Common Errors
The most common mistake is to use a declare enum
when a regular enum
or const enum
would be more appropriate. A common form is this:
module MyModule { // Claiming this enum exists with 'declare', but it doesn't... export declare enum Lies { Foo = 0, Bar = 1 } var x = Lies.Foo; // Depend on inlining}module SomeOtherCode { // x ends up as 'undefined' at runtime import x = MyModule.Lies; // Try to use lookup object, which ought to exist // runtime error, canot read property 0 of undefined console.log(x[x.Foo]);}

Remember the golden rule: Never declare
things that don't actually exist
. Use const enum
if you always want inlining, or enum
if you want the lookup object.
Changes in TypeScript
Between TypeScript 1.4 and 1.5, there was a change in the behavior (see https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/2183) to make all members of non-declare non-const enums be treated as computed, even if they're explicitly initialized with a literal. This "unsplit the baby", so to speak, making the inlining behavior more predictable and more cleanly separating the concept of const enum
from regular enum
. Prior to this change, non-computed members of non-const enums were inlined more aggressively.


