原则3 生产力和质量是不可分割的

2018-09-05  本文已影响0人  虫虫侠

principle 3 : productivity and quality are inseparable

There is a clear relationship between productivity(measured by numbers of widgits–whether they be lines of code or function points–per person month)and quality. The higher the demand for quality, the lower your productivity becomes. The lower the demand for quality, the higher your productivity becomes. The more you emphasize increased productivity, the lower your resulting quality. Bell Labs has found that, to achieve one to two bugs per thousand lines of code, productivities of 150 to 300 lines of code per person-month are common [see Fleckenstein, W,”Challenges in Software Development, ” IEEE Computer, 16, 3(March 1983), Pp 60-64].As attempts are made to drive productivity up ,the density of bugs increases.


生产力之间存在明显的关系(通过widgits的数量来衡量 - 每个人每月提交的代码行或者功能点 )和质量。对质量的要求越高,生产力就越低。对质量的要求越低,生产力就越高。您越是强调提高生产力,您的质量就越低。贝尔实验室发现,为了达到每千行代码一到两个漏洞,每人每月150到300行代码的生产率是常见的[参见Fleckenstein,W,“软件开发中的挑战”,IEEE计算机,16, 3(1983年3月),Pp 60-64]。当试图提高生产率时,千行代码的Bug数增加。

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