Chapter 3 You Are Not Special 读
1. What does “entitlement” mean? Can you give an example to explain it?
Entitlement is a delusional degree of self-confidence. IT makes people feel good about themselves without doing anything.
2. What’s the point of telling Jimmy’s story?
Jimmy is a typical person who is entitled.
3. Do you think you are special? What’s wrong with feeling you are sepcial?
Yes,I do. I'm not good enough, I need to find my weakness and make progress.
4. If you are not special, how can we achieve greatness?
We can acknowledge our weakness and then work hard to improve ourselves to become better person.
ego自我; 自负; 自尊心; 自我意识
jerk off your ego 摆脱你的自负
delusional 妄想的
I don't believe he was delusional that night.
live off 以……为生/以……为食
Have you no shame? Always trying to live off other people's wealth!