我是Wind, 以前是字幕组组长. 我每天早上听写1分钟电影, 已经坚持6个月了. 你想不想找一种轻松的方式提升自己的听力? 跟我一起每天听写电影吧!
Okay, the simplest explanation is usually the right one.
-Which is? -That ain't Sheldon.
我还记得第一次听到ain't这个词, 觉得好酷哇, 有它自己的声调, 哈哈!
注意ain't并不仅仅是isn't, 还可以是am not, has not等
有人认为ain't是错误的, 是没有良好教育的体现, 比如牛津词典的usage如图
但我觉得ain't听起来很酷哇, 你看韦伯词典的usage就要温和的多
从这里也可以看到: 并非字典上写的就是对的. 字典上写的就是写字典的人认为对的, 不同的词典编写者可以有不同的观点, sometimes you may not agree with a dictionary and that' s ok
从第141篇开始, 我不再放出我自己听写的版本, 而是改为在答案上标记重难点, 大家特别注意一下我加粗的地方.
1 Do you see the way she's looking at him?
2 Yeah. Like Bernadette used to look at me.
3 I keep telling you, close the bathroom door.
4 Ah, did you see that? She just touched his hand and he didn't swat it away.
What is happening?
5 Okay, the simplest explanation is usually the right one.
6 -Which is? -That ain't Sheldon.
7 Not only did they eat together, Leonard said he made her laugh.
8 That's nothing, Howie said she touched his hand.
9 -Did he Purell? -No.
10 I cannot believe Leonard mentioned the Toblerone but left that part out.
11 Should we call Amy?
12 I don't know; we shouldn't worry her if it's nothing.
13 I guess we could wait till we have more information about this girl. - Yeah.