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《经济学人20170715摘选》- 气候变化与不平等

2017-07-19  本文已影响282人  老白桑

这篇文的标题是 - Climate change and inequality - The rich pollute, the poor suffer
气候变化与不平等 - 富人排放,穷人受苦

ON JULY 12, the Larsen C ice shelf in Antarctica disgorged a chunk of ice the size of Delaware, a small state on America’s east coast. America’s government seems unfazed by the possibility that such shifts might one day threaten Delaware itself. Its climate defiance grows not only from the power of its fossil-fuel industry and the scepticism of the Republican party, but also from a sense of insulation from the costs of global warming. This confidence is misplaced. New research indicates not only that climate change will impose heavy costs on the American economy, but also that it will exacerbate inequality.

Calculating the economic effects of climate change is no simple matter. It means working out how a given increase in global temperature affects local weather conditions; how local weather affects things like mortality and crop yields; how those changes add to or subtract from regional GDP; and how thousands of local-level changes in GDP add up nationally or globally. No sweat.

The sheer number of moving parts means that the “damage function” used in many papers, which links changes in global temperature to economic costs, is not well characterized. The authors of a new study published in Science aim to firm things up. Solomon Hsiang of the University of California, Berkeley, Robert Kopp of Rutgers University and their co-authors run their climate models repeatedly, for three different temperature scenarios, to see how 15 different economic variables behave in 29,000 possible future states of the world, for each of 3,143 American counties.
指数的各种大的起伏意味着很多报告所引用的,反映全球气候温变化对经济影响的“损伤函数”并没有符合实际情况。一份最近科学报告的作者正试着把它确定下来,加州伯克利大学的Solomon Hsiang,罗格斯大学的Robert Kopp以及他们合作伙伴重复的实验他们的气候模型。用了三个不同温度的场景来监测15个不同的经济变量在美国3143个地区的所产生的29000种可能性。

Using that information, they assemble probability distributions showing the costs America is likely to sustain by the end of the century. Their findings are stark. Even a modest rise in temperature impairs American economic performance. An increase in global temperature of 1.5°C is very likely to reduce annual output by the end of the century by between zero and 1.7%; a rise of 4°C would probably generate losses between 1.5% and 5.6% of GDP. These figures mask considerable variation across America. In some counties the models forecast a rise in local GDP of 10%; others face a staggering expected decline in annual output of 20%.

It is not surprising that the nationwide costs of climate change should conceal losses in some places and gains in others; that is how averages work. But the distribution of losses matters. The study shows that the pain of climate change will fall more heavily on America’s poorest bits than on its richest areas. Falling crop yields and labour productivity, and rising mortality and crime, are expected to be especially pronounced in America’s hot southern counties, where incomes are below the national average. In richer New England and the Pacific north-west, in contrast, winters will be milder and less deadly, and agricultural yields may rise. The aggregate economic cost of climate change is reduced because the burden disproportionately falls on those with low incomes, hardly the ideal way to slash the cost of warming.

Climate change is costly in part because its effects are uncertain, impairing investments and other actions which might mitigate its harms. Thus people would be willing to pay some money to know with greater certainty what higher temperatures will mean in future. Uncertainty around economic projections is highest in the poorest counties. For some of these places the worst outcomes could mean GDP losses of 40% or more. The authors reckon that after adjusting for the uncertainty of climate change, and for its unequal effects, the economic damage caused by a global temperature rise of 3°C could be 1.5-3 times bigger than the unadjusted aggregate figures suggest.

Though focused on America, the analysis also describes the world’s climate problem. The costs of global climate change will again be unevenly (and uncertainly) distributed, but harm will often be smaller for richer, temperate countries. As a result the estimated economic loss from warming is almost certainly understated, because the nastiest effects are concentrated in places where incomes are lowest: and, correspondingly, where tumbling incomes have the smallest effect on global GDP.

Yet just because a county in Mississippi faces a harsher future as a result of climate change than a county in Washington does not mean Mississippians must fare worse than Washingtonians. The authors hold the distribution of America’s population constant in conducting their analysis, but point out that harm could be reduced by large-scale migration. Is that a realistic possibility?

People do move as it grows hotter—but not in a uniform way. Research by Cristina Cattaneo and Giovanni Peri, for instance, shows that migration is an important element of the response to warming in middle-income countries, but that in poorer places the cost of moving locks people in place, amplifying the regressive impact of climate change. What is more, climate change might well require broad migrations from the middle latitudes to countries farther north or south, yet rich-country borders are far less porous (with respect to migrants from poorer countries, at least) than those in the developing world. Even within the large domestic territory of a country like America, mobility cannot be taken for granted; it has been falling in recent decades, even as economic fortunes have diverged and an opioid epidemic has ravaged some parts of the country while sparing others.
人们在气候变热的时候的确是会迁徙,但步调不一定一致。Cristina Cattaneo 和 Giovanni Peri的研究就举了一个例子,指出在中等收入国家,迁移的确是应对变暖的好手段,但是穷一些的地方,高昂的搬迁费用把很多人留在了当地,强化了气候变化的负面影响。更要命的是,气候变化可能会促使中间维度的国家往南边或者北边迁徙,而富裕国家的边境相对于发展中国家可没那么好进(至少对于贫穷国家的移民来说)。即便是美国这么大的地盘儿,也不是说想搬就能搬。最近几十年这种情况一直在减少,哪怕财富已经开始分化。体制上的根本缺陷让一些地方饱受摧残而另一些地方则获益良多

Ice in their veins
The rich are disproportionate contributors to the carbon emissions that power climate change. It is cruel and perverse, therefore, that the costs of warming should be disproportionately borne by the poor. And it is both insult and injury that the wealthy are more mobile in the face of climate-induced hardship, and more effective at limiting the mobility of others. The strains this injustice places on the social fabric might well lead to woes more damaging than rising temperatures themselves.

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