
iOS审核被拒《Other - Other》问题解决跟踪 解决方

2019-01-21  本文已影响367人  ElegantLiar

本文主要讲iOS提交审核被拒,苹果回复Other - Other告知标记14天后删除账号的问题跟踪记录。



发件人 Apple
Other - Other

Upon further review of the activity associated with your Apple Developer Program membership, we have determined that your membership, or a membership associated with your account, has been used for dishonest or fraudulent activity. Therefore, your Apple Developer Program account has been flagged for removal. 

If you would like to appeal this termination to the App Review Board, you must do so within 14 calendar days. When submitting your appeal, be sure to select "I would like to appeal an app rejection or app removal" from the drop-down menu on the Contact the App Review Team page. Otherwise, your Apple Developer Program membership will be terminated and all apps associated with your account will be removed from the App Store.

We found that your app is in direct violation of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement, which states:

"You will not, directly or indirectly, commit any act intended to interfere with the Apple Software or Services, the intent of this Agreement, or Apple’s business practices including, but not limited to, taking actions that may hinder the performance or intended use of the App Store, Custom App Distribution, or the Program (e.g., submitting fraudulent reviews of Your own Application or any third party application, choosing a name for Your Application that is substantially similar to the name of a third party application in order to create consumer confusion, or squatting on application names to prevent legitimate third party use).”

During our review, we found a pattern of manipulative or misleading behavior that violates the Apple Developer Program License Agreement. These behaviors can include, but are not limited to, inaccurate metadata describing your app or service, misleading app content, engaging in inauthentic ratings and reviews manipulation, providing misleading customer support responses, providing misleading responses in Resolution Center, engaging in misleading purchasing or bait-and-switch schemes, and other dishonest or fraudulent activity within or outside of the app.

We do not disclose the specific findings of our investigations into Apple Developer Program membership accounts, and we have no additional information to share with you at this time. You can appeal this decision with the App Review Board at any time over the next 14 calendar days. When submitting your appeal, be sure to select "I would like to appeal an app rejection or app removal" from the drop-down menu on the Contact the App Review Team page.

Best regards,

App Store Review

ipa包提交记录 主要事件&时间节点

时间 事件 解决办法
2018.12.20 提交新版,赶在圣诞前夕审核完毕 -
2018.12.22 进入审核状态秒拒 (4. 3 Design: Spam) 代码混淆、添加垃圾代码、图片混淆
2018.12.23 秒拒,other标志14天删除账号 提交申诉
至今(19.1.21) 等待申诉结果 -




  1. 提交申诉
  2. 将账号下其他没有被标记的APP转移到其他账号
  3. 等待申诉结果暂时不要提交新包
  4. 准备新的账号,下次提交不要混淆代码,遇到4.2就修改,完善APP功能








  1. 告知还是确认违规,删除账号,会有一定时间的安全期,之后删除。

  2. 回复2.1,这种算是申诉成功,解决2.1即可。

  3. 后台被拒状态改为正在审核中,这种也算是申诉成功。




误判 & 确实违反审核规则


  1. 本身为马甲包,侥幸上架了,代码混淆过。

    • 基本没救..
  2. APP之前遇到过2.1、4.3等规则被拒,修改成功后上架,本次更新几乎无重大改动。

    • 这种代码中应该存在混淆或者垃圾代码,图片混淆,下次提交需要删除这些东西,根据修改意见修改。
  3. 没有遇到过,也没有违规,误判。

    • 提交申诉,附上自己的血泪史,严肃表示自己没有违规,态度强硬


Guideline 3.1.1 - Business - Payments - In-App Purchase

We noticed that your app or its metadata enables the purchase of content, services, or functionality in the app by means other than the in-app purchase API, which is not appropriate for the App Store.




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