
Flutter 自定义snippets

2019-07-26  本文已影响0人  王俏

cmd + shift + p 打开控制面板 输入snippets 选择dart -->打开dart.json


  "StatelessWidget": {

    "prefix": "sl",

    "body": [

      "class ${1:WidgetName} extends StatelessWidget {",


      "\tWidget build(BuildContext context) {",

      "\t\treturn ${2:Container}();",




    "description": "StatelessWidget"


  "StatefulWidget": {

    "prefix": "sf",

    "body": [

      "class ${1:WidgetName} extends StatefulWidget {",


      "\t_${1:WidgetName}State createState() => _${1:WidgetName}State();",


      "class _${1:WidgetName}State extends State<${1:WidgetName}> {",


      "\tWidget build(BuildContext context) {",

      "\t\treturn ${2:Container}();",




    "description": "StatefulWidget"


  "StatelessWidget with Scaffold": {

    "prefix": "sls",

    "body": [

      "class ${1:WidgetName} extends StatelessWidget {",


      "\tWidget build(BuildContext context) {",

      "\t\treturn ${Scaffold}(",

      "\t\t\tappBar: AppBar(",

      "\t\t\t\ttitle: Text('${1:WidgetName}'),",

      "\t\t\t\televation: 0.0,",






    "description": "StatelessWidget with Scaffold"


  "StatefulWidget with Scaffold": {

    "prefix": "sfs",

    "body": [

      "class ${1:WidgetName} extends StatefulWidget {",


      "\t_${1:WidgetName}State createState() => _${1:WidgetName}State();",


      "class _${1:WidgetName}State extends State<${1:WidgetName}> {",


      "\tWidget build(BuildContext context) {",

      "\t\treturn ${Scaffold}(",

      "\t\t\tappBar: AppBar(",

      "\t\t\t\ttitle: Text('${1:WidgetName}'),",

      "\t\t\t\televation: 0.0,",






    "description": "StatefulWidget with Scaffold"


  "InheritedWidget": {

    "prefix": "ih",

    "body": [

      "class ${1:WidgetName} extends InheritedWidget {",

      "\tfinal Widget child;",





      "\t}) : super(child: child);\n",

      "\tstatic ${1:WidgetName} of(BuildContext context) =>",



      "\tbool updateShouldNotify(${1:WidgetName} oldWidget) {",

      "\t\treturn true;",




    "description": "InheritedWidget"


  "setState": {

    "prefix": "ss",

    "body": [

      "setState(() {${1}});",


    "description": "setState"


  "build": {

    "prefix": "build",

    "body": [


      "Widget build(BuildContext context) {",

      "\treturn ${1:Container}(${2});",



    "description": "Build Method"


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