
Recycling—Quick and dirty(三)

2017-11-06  本文已影响18人  敢敢宝宝

[5] Most hotly debated of late is the impact the business is having on the environment. Each day about 65m meal-containers are discarded, by one estimate. Campaigners object to the unwanted cutlery, napkins and chopsticks that restaurants selling through online platforms habitually bundle with orders. The Green Volunteer League of Chongqing, a Chinese NGO, says that food-delivery sites have not made it easy enough for customers to refuse such sundries (the big companies deny this). In September a court in Beijing agreed to examine whether they have violated consumers’ rights.
[6] There would be much less reason to worry about the mountains of waste if households and local governments did a better job of keeping recyclables separate from gunk. This year the central government ordered 46 cities to come up with new systems for sorting rubbish, which it talks of making mandatory by 2020. That is progress, but only if it is unwavering: over the years officials have found several similar campaigns all too easy to throw out.

object to 对…反对

He did,however, object to one thing.

cutlery /'kʌtləri,ˋkʌtlərɪ/ 餐具;刀剑制造业

Each piece of cutlery is hand crafted and has it's own character.

napkin /ˈnæpkɪn/餐巾纸

Mom,do you have any napkins?

bubble /ˈbʌndl,ˋbʌndḷ/ n.捆,束,把,扎 V.捆,匆忙离开

a small bundle containing mostly clothing 一个小包袱,里面主要是衣服
a number of things that belong or are dealt with together
bundles of data 数据包

sundries /'sʌdrɪz/n. 杂物;杂货;杂件


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