

2016-07-16  本文已影响31人  Dosen


这是我学习quartz composer,Origami,看官方文档翻译下来的,每天一篇,有不准确的地方希望能指出,一起交流进步。转载请与我联系,擅自转载视作侵权。

Performance      性能

Here are some tips for improving the performance of your prototypes.


Origami for Mac

Inline Values are helpful when you're building your prototypes, but take a lot of processing power that would otherwise be used to speed up Origami and Origami Live. You can toggle Inline Values on and off in the Origami menu. It's best to turn them off if you're recording a video or giving a demo of your prototype. Quickly toggle it on and off with the keyboard shortcut⌘⌥⌃V.


Avoid animating certain graphically intensive patches. Some patches, like Disc Blur for example, can produce nice effects but take a lot of computing power. You can get away with changing their inputs occasionally, but you might notice your composition slow down if you animate their inputs, even on fancy new computers.

避免集中使用一些效果生动的动画模块。一些模块, 比如Disc Blur(一种模糊效果)可以制作出漂亮的特效,但是消耗大量的处理能力。你可以偶尔改变它的输入来离开,但是你可以回注意到了,如果你让它们的输入动起来,你的合成会慢下来,即使在新的很棒的电脑上。

If you're not using Origami Live, there are some specific optimizations you can make to your compositions. If you turn off the Render port on Layer Groups that aren't visible, or turn off Enable for layers that aren't visible, you'll stop Quartz Composer from processing those patches, and ones that are linked or contained by them, every frame.

如果你不使用Origami Live,这里还有一些特殊的优化方法可以用在你的原型里。如果你关闭Layer Groups的渲染接口,或者使Layers不可见,你会让Quartz composer停止处理那些模块,它们中关联或包含着一个或多个,而且是每一帧。

Origami Live

Origami Live can run your prototypes at 60 fps by sending images from Quartz Composer on the Mac to the device only when necessary. If the images aren't frequently changing, Origami only needs to send small bits of information over USB every frame, like the positions of layers that are currently moving for example.


Make sure the Image outputs of your Layer Groups are directly connected to Layer patches (or the Viewer patch). Passing the image of a Layer Group through another patch (like Gaussian Blur) will make it so every time that image changes - either by changing the blur or by making any change to any layer inside the group - will cause it to send a new image to the device. You can try to fake a blur animation by fading a blurred layer on top of the non-blurred one.


Avoid using the Enable port on Layers. Each time a layer is enabled, the list of layers gets regenerated on the device which can take some time. Use the Opacity port to hide and show layers instead.


Avoid animating the Color port on Layers. This requires special blending to happen on the device.


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