

2017-12-15  本文已影响75人  8243ec3abb02







新篇章长3页,由Botnik Studios的AI机器人创作。写小说当然要有名字,AI自己写了个名字

“Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash”《哈利·波特与看起来像一堆灰烬的肖像》。内容更是“引人入胜”,比如“怀孕的伏地魔” “他看到了哈利,然后立刻开始吃赫敏的全家”......




Kage the Mediogre‏:你要是还没看《哈利·波特与看起来像一堆灰烬的肖像》,那你可就亏大了。

Miss Baltimore Crabs:这本书就是2017年最美好的作品。

Brian Brushwood:要是你还没看这本书,希望你放下手边所有事,去读一下《哈利·波特与看起来像一堆灰烬的肖像》。


Samuel Barnett‏:对哈利波特的粉丝来说,这本书就是必读物。罗恩会变成蜘蛛,不,他已经是了。“现在并没有那么帅了”,哈利这么想着,顺便用赫敏蘸了蘸辣酱。



"Death Eaters are on top of the castle!" Ron bleated, quivering. Ron was going to be spiders. He just was. He wasn't proud of that , but it was going to be hard to not have spiders all over his body after all is said and done.


"Nor so handsome now," thought Harry as he dipped Hermione in hot sauce. The Death Eaters were dead now, and Harry was hungrier than he had ever been.

Mike Selden:这是AI的语言键盘写出的小说情节。罗恩在问:“罗恩的魔法呢?”,不过对哈利来说,罗恩就是一致聒噪、笨拙又软弱无能的鸟。哈利真的不太喜欢想这些事情。


“What about Ron magic?”offered Ron. To Harry, Ron was a loud, slow, and soft bird. Harry did not like to think about birds.

Amy Sterling:笑到停不下来。AI写的这一段哈利波特真的太让人惊讶了。


Beck the Halls:圣诞节就只想要一本《哈利·波特与看起来像一堆灰烬的肖像》,希望我的梦想能够实现。




如下是官网公布的《哈利·波特与看起来像一堆灰烬的肖像》第十三章,题目就帅气逼人,“The Handsome One”(英俊的少年)。



The castle grounds snarled with a wave of magically magnified wind. The sky outside was a great black ceiling, which was full of blood. The only sounds drifting from Hagrid's hut were the disdainful shrieks of his own furniture.


Magic: it was something that Harry Pottert hought was very good.


Leathery sheets of rain lashed at Harry's ghost as he walked across the grounds towards the castle. Ron was standing there and doing a kind of frenzied tap dance. He saw Harry and immediately began to eat Hermione's family.


Ron's Ron shirt was just as bad as Ron himself.

"如果你们两个不能愉快玩耍,那么休怪我无礼," 一贯讲道理的赫敏说道。

“If you two can't clump happily, I'm going to get aggressive, confessed the reasonable Hermione.”


“What about Ron magic?”offered Ron. To Harry, Ron was a loud, slow, and soft bird. Harrydid not like to think about birds.


"Death Eaters are on top of the castle!" Ron bleated, quivering. Ron was going to be spiders. Hejust was. He wasn't proud of that , but it was going to be hard to not havespiders all over his body after all is said and done.


'Look,' said Hermione. 'Obviously there are loads of Death Eaters in the castle. Let's listen in on their meetings.'"


The three compete friends zapped onto the landing outside thedoor to the castle roof. They almost legged it, but witches are not climbing.Ron looked at the doorknob and then looked at Hermione with searing pain.


“I think it’s closed,” he noticed.


“Locked,” said Mr.Staircase, the shabby-robed ghost. They looked at the door, screaming about howclosed it was and asking it to be replaced with a small orb.


The password was “BEEF WOMEN,” Hermione cried.


"Harry, Ron, and Hermione quietly stood behind a circle of Death eaters who looked bad.


'I think it's okay if you like me,' saidone Death Eater.


'Thank you very much,' replied the other.The first Death Eater confidently leaned forward to plant a kiss on his cheek.


'Oh! Well done!' said the second as his friend stepped back again. All the other Death Eaters clapped politely. Then they all took a few minutes to go over the plan to get rid of Harry's magic.


Harry could tell that Voldemort was standing right behind him. He felt a great overreaction. Harry tore his eyes from his head and threw then into the forest.Voldemort raised his eyebrows at Harry, who could not see anything at the moment.



"Voldemort, you're a very bad and mean wizard," Harry savagely said. Hermione nodded encouragingly. The tall Death Eater was wearing a shirt that said 'Hermione Has Forgotten How To Dance,' so Hermione dipped his face in mud.


Ron threw a wand at Voldemort and everyone applauded. Ron smiled. Ron reached for his wand slowly.


"Ron's the handsome one," muttered Harry as he reluctantly reached for his. They cast a spell or two, and jets of green light shot out of the Death Eaters' heads. Ron flinched.


"Nor so handsome now," thought Harry as he dipped Hermione in hot sauce. The Death Eaters were dead now, and Harry was hungrier than he had ever been.

霍格沃茨的礼堂里到处都是不停呻吟的树枝形吊灯,水池也被一个高大的图书管理员用讲石工建筑的书装饰起来了。如山般聚集的老鼠四处炸开来,几个很长的南瓜也从麦格教授身上掉下来。邓布利多刚到学校,他的长发就迅速跑到了赫敏旁边。(这里CD 君的感受就是:????)

The Great Hall was filled with incredible moaning chandeliers and a large librarian who had decorated the sinks with books about masonry. Mountains of mice exploded. Several long pumpkins fell out of McGonagall. Dumbledore's hair scooted next to Hermione as Dumbledore arrived at school.


The pig of Hufflepuff pulsed like a large bullfrog. Dumbledore smiled at it, and placed his hand on its head:"You are Hagrid now."


"We're the only people who matter. He's never going to get rid of us," Harry, Hermione, and Ron said in chorus.


The floor of the castle seemed like a large of magic. The Dursleys had never been to the castle and they were not about to come there inHarry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash. Harry looked around and then fell down the spiral staircase for the rest of the summer.


"I'm Harry Potter," Harry began to yelling. "The dark arts better be worried, oh boy!"




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