Say Something

2019-02-26  本文已影响0人  小欧ov

My Ice-break is late for two months, During the past two months,every time I joined Toaster Master club meeting, I felt very anxious about thisquestion, what could I say.

This is not the first time I met this question. when I attend ajob interview, the first question from interviewer is always, please saysomething about yourself in three minutes. I always finished my answer inthirty seconds. when I am in a team building outing, everything goes well untilthe dinner time. Because it is a routine that everyone need say a toaster. Ialways don't know what to say, so when the next is me, I will pretend to go tothe toilet to escape from the awkward situation. Unfortunately, when I cameback, the master always remember I haven’t say a word.  Then I have to stand up reluctantly, “cheers,I will drink out this cup, you guys follow your heart”.

There are much moments we need to saysomething. But say what. If it is a specify question, I can answer. If it isanything, for me, I will become silent. I am this kind person who doesn’t havemuch to say. Before I joined Toaster Master. I thought I am not a good speaker,maybe I can be a good listener. But, after I listened several evaluations here.I found I am totally wrong. a good listener should have the ability to givefeedback. When we reveal out innermost feelings. We usually expected an echo,instead of disappearing forever.

 When my mentor, Paul, howdo you prepared your speech, I said, I don’t know what to say, “the ice-breakis easy You can say what you want to say. And there is no strict request. Justintroduce yourself.” I answered ok. but still don’t know say what. When our VPE,Lily, asked when I will give the ice-break, I said, I still don’t know what tosay, you can say what do you usually do. Nothing special, just work, then stayat home, you can say how do you stay at home. Yeah. That’s a topic, I willprepare.

 I stay at home, readingbooks or watching movies. One sentence is ok. I think. When I talked to Yuanxu,I don’t know what to say in the ice-break, how do you prepare your speech. Youcan talk about your favorite sports. But I am a person with an underdevelopedcerebellum. I am not good at any sport. You can talk about one of your strongpoint. But I really don't have any special skill, I think my reflex arc islonger. You can talk about your favorite book or movie. Yeah I read book, Iwatch movie, but I just read it then let it go, I just watch it then forgot it.I am not a storyteller.

But I still remember that carol give a speech about <<Betterlife>>-奇特的一生。After her speech. I know the content. I know the meaning. Iknow the effection. It seems I also read this book.Yes. I know what’s my problem. I don’t have a clear goal forwhat I do. I don’t have a critic think after doing something. I don’t have asummary habit for my work.I also found one small solution for this in help of yuanxu. Ihave keep it for 3 weeks. I hope it can work.

Looking down to reading books. Looking up to see the vast sky.How luck. I am Looking around. I meet you. I listened to a lot of speech andevaluation here, I got a lot of help and encouragement. I saw muchpossibilities of life.

My heart, the bird of wildness. Has found its sky in ToasterMaster. Though I still don’t have much to say. I believe I will find the answerone day.



