

2018-07-31  本文已影响98人  庞立媛good


Be true to who you are. Stop trying to please other people or be someone else. It’s better to be an original version of yourself than an exact duplicate of someone else. (做真实的自己,不要为了取悦别人或试图成为某个人。做你最原始的自己,比做任何人的复制品都来得好。)

Sliced Fish In Hot Chili Oil(水煮鱼)

1】main ingredient(主料):

Grass carp(草鱼)

2】Charge mixture(配料):

Green bean sprout 150g(绿豆苗150g)

3】·Flavoring A(调味料A):

        ^O^  onion(葱),ginger(姜), salt(盐), aginomoto(味精),cooking wine (料酒), starch (淀粉)

·Flavoring B(调味料B):

      ^O^  ginger end(姜末),ground white pepper(白胡椒粉), Pixian bean paste (郫县豆瓣酱),edible oil(食用油), light soy sauce(生抽),Delicious soup(鲜汤),hotpot seasoning (麻辣底料)

·Flavoring C(调味料C):

      ^O^  dried chilli segment(干辣椒段),Chinese red pepper(花椒),caraway segment(香菜段)

4】Cooking process(烹饪流程):

✔Slaughter and clean the grass carp. Then cut off the fish  and cut into slices, each about 5mm thick . Then marinate the fish slices with seasoning A.(将草鱼宰杀,洗净。然后沿着鱼尾片下鱼肉,再切成5mm后的鱼片。然后用调料A腌制鱼片。)

✔Boil the green bean sprout with boiling water, then flavour and spare.(将青豆苗焯水,然后调味,备用。)

✔Stir fry ginger with oil, add fish bones, Pixian bean paste and hotpot seasoning , then add fresh soup and flavor. Remove the fish bone in the pan and pour into the fish slices until tender and tender.  (用油将姜末炒香,加入鱼骨、郫县豆瓣酱、麻辣底料炒出香味,再加入鲜汤,然后调味。开锅后将鱼骨捞出,倒入鱼片,汆至熟嫩,盛入盘中备用。)

✔Stir the seasoning C with hot oil and stir in the fish slices.  (用热油将调料C激香,然后倒入鱼片即可。)

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