
做一个proactive person

2022-06-19  本文已影响0人  失落的艺术

我们人类之所以区别于动物,就是因为我们有拥有强大的天赋,self-awareness, imagination, conscience, independent will.

我们有这么多的天赋,可是,我们大多数人都 没有利用这些天赋,所以他们都和动物生活的没什么两样。大多数人都生活在被有意识设计的规则下无意识的生活 。我一用脑,我就发现我的生活有多么的糟糕。

I know of no more encouragaging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.



首先,改变我们的态度。是我们选择这样了,而不是环境让我们成为这样。很多人对决定论深信不疑,例如Genetic determinism,Psychic determinism, Environmental determinism.但是,这些决定论是我们无法改变的,这些是所有动物都被决定的,我们人类可以用我们的天赋去改变那些我们能决定的东西。thinking the initative, act or be acted upon, listening to our language.

然后,给自己画圈。我们现在的时间和精力都关注在哪些事情上?通过给自己画圈——关注圈(circle of concer),然后着重关注圈里的我们能改变的事情——影响圈(circle of influence)。如果我们把精力用在影响圈的外部,那么除了耗费精力,我们什么都做不了,例如经常关注战争局势,核战争,国家统一,国家有几艘航空母舰等等这些我们改变不了的事情,除了消耗我们的精力,而且还缩减了我们的影响圈。

最后,把我们影响圈里的问题划分为三类,Direct control problem, No direct control problem and No control problem。


Direct control problems are solved by working on our habits. They are obviously within our Circle of Influence.These are the "Private Victories" of Habits 1, 2, and 3.

Indirect control problems are solved by changing our methods of influence. These are the "Public Victories" of Habits 4, 5, and 6. I have personally identified over 30 separate methods of human influence -- as separate as empathy is from confrontation, as separate as example is from persuasion.

No control problems involve taking the responsibility to change the line on the bottom on our face -- to smile, to genuinely and peacefully accept these problems and learn to live with them, even though we don't like them. In this way, we do not empower these problems to control us.

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