ERROR - Command line failed with
09/08/2023 13:53:59:226 Welcome to InterProScan-5.36-75.0
09/08/2023 13:54:04:551 Running InterProScan v5 in STANDALONE mode... on Linux
09/08/2023 13:54:16:129 Loading file /GO/split_pep/split.01.fa
09/08/2023 13:54:16:134 Running the following analyses:
Pre-calculated match lookup service DISABLED. Please wait for match calculations to complete...
09/08/2023 13:54:49:322 25% completed
09/08/2023 13:58:34:783 51% completed
2023-08-09 14:05:12,501 [amqEmbeddedWorkerJmsContainer-2] [] ERROR - Command line failed with exit code: 1
Command: bin/tmhmm/2.0c/decodeanhmm data/tmhmm/2.0c/TMHMM2.0c.model /GO/blast_out/tempdir01/compute-b07-8.hpc_20230809_135404545_a9j4//jobTMHMM/000000000001_000000000212.fasta -N 1 -PrintNumbers -background 0.081 0.015 0.054 0.061 0.040 0.068 0.022 0.057 0.056 0.093 0.025 0.045 0.049 0.039 0.057 0.068 0.058 0.067 0.013 0.032
Error output from binary:
decodeanhmm 1.1g
Copyright (C) 1998 by Anders Krogh
Wed Aug 9 14:05:12 2023
Error: Couldn't open file 0000000001_000000000212.fasta
2023-08-09 14:05:12,505 [amqEmbeddedWorkerJmsContainer-2] [] ERROR - Execution thrown when attempting to executeInTransaction the StepExecution. All database activity rolled back.
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Command line failed with exit code: 1
Command: bin/tmhmm/2.0c/decodeanhmm data/tmhmm/2.0c/TMHMM2.0c.model /GO/blast_out/tempdir01/compute-b07-8.hpc_20230809_135404545_a9j4//jobTMHMM/000000000001_000000000212.fasta -N 1 -PrintNumbers -background 0.081 0.015 0.054 0.061 0.040 0.068 0.022 0.057 0.056 0.093 0.025 0.045 0.049 0.039 0.057 0.068 0.058 0.067 0.013 0.032
Error output from binary:
decodeanhmm 1.1g
Copyright (C) 1998 by Anders Krogh
Wed Aug 9 14:05:12 2023
Error: Couldn't open file 0000000001_000000000212.fasta
ERROR - Command line failed with exit code: 1
MHMM 中有一个错误,如果 fasta 文件路径超过 230 个字符,它会抛出如上的错误。
1)使用不是很长的目录路径,以便最终路径仍然少于 230 个字符
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm a line ! Thanks !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------