
2018-10-21  本文已影响5人  MTI考研


by 中国高翻团队独家发布





Leader 5

Dirty capital


London’s financial flows are polluted by laundered money


Time to clean up  


BRITAIN likes to see itself as a leader in the fight against illicit finance and corruption. The government has recently been talking even tougher, as worsening relations with Russia have focused attention on the number of oligarchs who have interests in London. Anyone looking to stash dirty money “should be in no doubt that we will come for them,” warns Ben Wallace, the economic-crime minister.

英国自诩为打击非法金融和腐败的领头羊。近期,英国政府的论调甚至更为强硬,因为英俄关系恶化的焦点是在伦敦有利益牵扯的寡头人数。英国经济犯罪部大臣本·华莱士(Ben Wallace)警告道,任何企图私藏不法资金的人“都该心知肚明,我们是冲着他们来的。”

In fact the record suggests that wrongdoers can sleep easy (see article). The National Crime Agency (NCA) reckons that “many hundreds of billions of pounds” of international money is rinsed through British banks each year, much of it from kleptocrats and their cronies. Almost every big cross-border corruption case in recent years has had a connection to Britain or its palm-fringed overseas territories. British limited-liability partnerships were the vehicle of choice for suspicious clients of Danske Bank, which is embroiled in the laundering of as much as €200bn ($230bn).

事实上,有记录表明,不法分子依然高枕无忧(见文章)。英国国家打击犯罪局(NCA)认为,每年通过英国银行洗白的海外资金高达“数千亿英镑”,其中多数来自贪官污吏及其同党。近年来发生的大型跨境贪污案件中,几乎每一件都和英国或海外领地有关。英国的有限责任合伙企业就曾为丹麦丹斯克银行(Danske Bank)的可疑客户提供了选择。丹斯克银行目前卷入了一场涉案金额高达两千亿欧元(2300亿美元)的洗钱案件。

Some people in the governing Conservative Party and the City argue that a big clean-up would be harmful just when British finance risks losing its lustre because of Brexit. The more important point is that, in a country which has undergone bail-outs and austerity following the financial crisis of 2008, doing nothing to tackle dirty capital flows could further undermine the legitimacy of capitalism.


Thames and misdemeanours


London is hardly unique. Other financial centres, including New York, Dubai and Singapore, also wash dodgy cash. The more clean money sloshes around, the easier it is to hide the dirty sort. But London has exceptionally enticing attributes. It handles vast cross-border capital flows. It boasts the English language, good schools and, ironically, a respected legal system (which shields tycoons against the arbitrary plunder they suffer at home). Relaxed rules on ownership are geared towards rich foreigners. Armies of lawyers and public-relations firms specialise in rinsing reputations. Tough libel laws help keep prying journalists and NGOs at bay. On top of all this, Britain has its own network of secretive offshore territories, dubbed its “second empire” by anti-corruption campaigners. London is, in short, ideal for money-laundering.


People give all sorts of reasons not to strangle this golden goose. The ancillary industries that depend on all that wealth would suffer. A clampdown risks scaring away legitimate investment, especially if it is seen as targeting entire nationalities: many Russians own London pads through offshore companies for reasons of privacy or legal tax planning. Some fear it would clobber the property market and the pound, just when a Brexit-bound Britain needs all the investment it can get.


But the case for action is stronger. Predictions of severe economic damage from a crackdown are overdone. Russians and Ukrainians hold only 0.2% of total British assets owned by foreigners. Targeting iffy Russian money would reinforce Britain’s efforts to embarrass Vladimir Putin’s intelligence agencies (see article). Providing financial refuge for bent elites fuels corruption in other countries.


The challenge is less to write new laws than to enforce what is on the books—a common malaise in Britain. This month the first “Unexplained Wealth Order”, which requires targets to show the sources of their wealth, survived a legal challenge from the wife of a jailed Azerbaijani banker. The government rightly trumpets reforms launched after David Cameron, a former prime minister, declared that corruption-fighting should be a priority. In 2016 Britain became the first G20 country to launch a public register of companies’ beneficial owners, designed to shed light on the shell companies behind which wrongdoers often hide. But the system relies on self-reporting. Companies House, a government agency, has neither the powers nor the resources to check what is submitted. The supervision of firms that set up other companies is so weak, and the fines for breaches so paltry—typically £1,000-2,000 ($1,310-2,620)—that it makes the British Virgin Islands look robust. Inevitably, therefore, the honest comply and criminals lie.

解决问题的困难不在于立新法,而在于执行现有的法律,这也是英国的通病。本月,首个《不明来源财富法令》(Unexplained Wealth Order)顶住了一名阿塞拜疆被囚银行家的妻子的法律上诉,该法令要求被调查人解释财产来源。此前,前首相大卫·卡梅伦(David Cameron)将反腐列为首要任务,英国政府抓住时机宣传了一系列改革举措。2016年,英国成为首个建立公共注册体系的G20国家,要公司实际受益人注册,以此来揭露不法分子藏匿的皮包公司。不过要靠企业自我上报。政府机构英国公司注册处(Companies House)既没有能力也没有资源审查上报公司。对于另设有其他公司的企业,监管力度微不足道,违法罚款可以忽略不计,仅约1000-2000英镑(1310-2620美元),这也让英属维京群岛成为了洗钱天堂。因此,难免会出现老实人遵纪守法,犯罪分子谎话连篇的场景。

Worse, law enforcers lack the resources to pursue enough big cases. The NCA’s budget, already stretched, is falling. It has perhaps a few dozen investigators with the skills for complex cases; America and Italy have hundreds. This is not an area where justice comes cheap. On average, a big corruption case takes seven years. Prosecuting agencies need to be able to absorb hefty costs, especially if they lose—and, as oligarchs can afford the best lawyers, that is always a risk. Britain has not taken the lead on a large, cross-border case for years.


Devoting greater resources to corruption cases would go a long way towards fixing things. Some of the extra cash should be used to raise investigators’ salaries, which are far below those of their American peers. Strengthening oversight of shell companies and the firms that set them up would also help, as would money for the verification of ownership information. Some of the funding for this could come from an increase in incorporation fees, which are as little as £12. One piece of new legislation would help: a “failure to prevent” law that makes it easier to prosecute senior managers or companies if they fail to take adequate measures against money-laundering. A similar provision on bribery works well.


The fair mile


The City matters to Britain. It is a big employer (two-thirds of the jobs are outside London). It generates a trade surplus of 3% of GDP and pays roughly a tenth of the country’s taxes. It is a hub for fintech, and Britain’s smaller firms appear to secure financing more easily than their typical European counterparts do (see Schumpeter). The opposition Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn sees things differently. It makes no secret of its deep hostility to finance. If the City does not demonstrate that its markets are clean and honest, it will be giving the next Labour government a freer hand to act—savagely.

伦敦对英国的重要性不言而喻。伦敦拥有众多工作岗位(三分之二的岗位不在伦敦),其贸易顺差占GDP的3%,税务支出约占全国税收的十分之一。此外,因为伦敦是金融科技中心,所以英国小企业融资似乎比欧洲同行更加容易(见熊彼特专栏)。不过,杰里米·科尔宾(Jeremy Corbyn)治下的工党反对派对此持有不同看法,其对金融业的深切敌意昭然若揭。如果伦敦不能证明本地金融市场的正当合法性,下届工党政府将会更加随意地插手其中,届时迎接伦敦的将是狂风暴雨。

Britain’s response to the threat posed by illicit financial flows has so far been more thundering rhetoric than meaningful action. It is time to put that right.



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