mapbox expressions
2019-03-07 本文已影响8人
input: number,
stop_output_0: OutputType,
stop_input_1: number, stop_output_1: OutputType,
stop_input_n: number, stop_output_n: OutputType, ...
]: OutputType
// with three steps to implement three types of circles:
// * Blue, 20px circles when point count is less than 100
// * Yellow, 30px circles when point count is between 100 and 750
// * Pink, 40px circles when point count is greater than or equal to 750
"circle-color": [
["get", "point_count"],
// if point_count<100
// then color="#51bbd6"
// if point_count>100 and point_count<750
// then color="#f1f075"
// if point_count>750
// then color="#f28cb1"
"circle-radius": [
["get", "point_count"],
20, //像素值
100, //输入值
30, //像素值
750, //输入值
40 //像素值
// if point_count<100
// then radius=20
// if point_count>100 and point_count<750
// then radius=30
// if point_count>750
// then radius=40
interpolation: ["linear"] | ["exponential", base] | ["cubic-bezier", x1, y1, x2, y2 ],
input: number,
stop_input_1: number, stop_output_1: Color,
stop_input_n: number, stop_output_n: Color, ...
]: Color
interpolation: ["linear"] | ["exponential", base] | ["cubic-bezier", x1, y1, x2, y2 ],
input: number,
stop_input_1: number, stop_output_1: Color,
stop_input_n: number, stop_output_n: Color, ...
]: Color
"circle-radius": [
"interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"],
// zoom is 5 (or less) -> circle radius will be 1px
5, 1,
// zoom is 10 (or greater) -> circle radius will be 5px
10, 5
//if zoom<=5 then radius=1
//if zoom>=10 then radius=5
//if 5<zoom<10 then radis根据插值获取
"circle-color": {
"property": "temperature",
"stops": [
// "temperature" is 0 -> circle color will be blue
[0, 'blue'],
// "temperature" is 100 -> circle color will be red
[100, 'red']
"circle-radius": {
"property": "rating",
"stops": [
// zoom is 0 and "rating" is 0 -> circle radius will be 0px
[{zoom: 0, value: 0}, 0],
// zoom is 0 and "rating" is 5 -> circle radius will be 5px
[{zoom: 0, value: 5}, 5],
// zoom is 20 and "rating" is 0 -> circle radius will be 0px
[{zoom: 20, value: 0}, 0],
// zoom is 20 and "rating" is 5 -> circle radius will be 20px
[{zoom: 20, value: 5}, 20]
["rgb", number, number, number]: color
["-", a_number, b_number]: number//a_number-b_number
["*", a, b, ...]: number // a*b*c
["/", a, b]: number // a/b
["%", a, b]: number // a%b
["-", number]: number //-number
["^", number, number]: number
["+", number, number, ...]: number
["abs", number]: number
["acos", number]: number
["asin", number]: number
["atan", number]: number
["ceil", number]: number //向上取整
["cos", number]: number
["e"]: number
["floor", number]: number //向下取整
["ln", number]: number
["ln2"]: number
["max", number, number, ...]: number
["min", number, number, ...]: number
["pi"]: number
["round", number]: number
["sin", number]: number
["sqrt", number]: number
["tan", number]: number
["zoom"]: number
["heatmap-density"]: number
"circle-color": [
// red is higher when is higher
["get", "temperature"],
// green is always zero
// blue is higher when is lower
["-", 100, ["get", "temperature"]]
"circle-color": {
"property": "circle-data",
"stops": [
[10, "#fff5f0"],
[20, "#fee0d2"],
[30, "#fcbba1"],
[40, "#fc9272"],
[50, "#fb6a4a"],
[60, "#ef3b2c"],
[70, "#cb181d"],
[80, "#a50f15"],
[90, "#67000d"]