
【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 魅力扫地

2019-04-12  本文已影响20人  青澄青果
【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 魅力扫地

The grinch that sold charisma


节选自【经济学人】 April, 2019



【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 魅力扫地

Leadership is a quality that is hard to define, but as a Supreme Court justice said of obscenity, you know it when you see it. Everyone can think of inspiring leaders from history but managers who think they can base their style on Nelson Mandela or Elizabeth I are suffering from delusions of grandeur.

说到领导力所具有的品质实在难以定义, 不过正如一位最高法院法官谈到“淫秽”的定义时所说的当你看到自然知道。每个人可能都会由此联想到历史上激励人心的领导人。不过如果管理者效仿纳尔逊曼德拉或者伊丽莎白一世来打造领导风格,那就未免太妄自尊大了。

【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 魅力扫地

The biggest mistake is to equate leadership entirely with charisma. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, as an organisational psychologist, points out in his book "Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?" that people tend to assume that confident individuals are competent, when there is no actual relationship between the two qualities. Those confident people are then promoted. Overconfidence afflicts both sexes, but men more so; one study found that they overestimated their abilities by 30% and women by 15% on average.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 魅力扫地

A related trait is narcissism. Research suggests that the rate of clinical narcissism is 40% higher in men than in women. Around 5% of chief executives are deemed to be narcissistic, compared with just 1% of the general population. Neither narcissism nor charisma is purely a male phenomenon. Elizabeth Holmes,the founder of Theranos, the failed blood-testing group, convinced shrewd investors and powerful men with her messianic vision of supplying affordable health care. But the Theranos technology did not work. Charisma plus egomania minus competence is a dangerous formula.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 魅力扫地

Competence is more important than charisma. Managers need enough presence to persuade their teams to follow the business plan, but they should think in terms of coaching rather than inspiration. Gallup surveys have found that employees are more likely to be engaged with their work if they get frequent feedback from their bosses, and if they are involved in setting their own goals. Team leadership requires having sufficient empathy to understand the concerns of others. When things go wrong, as they inevitably will, a good leader also needs the flexibility to adjust their strategy. Stubborn introverts lack the required flexibility; narcissists lack the necessary empathy. Finally a large part of leadership success stems from the ability to set a good example. Subordinates notice what behavior gets rewarded and which standards are set by the person at the top.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 魅力扫地

*obscenity- an extremely offensive word or expression. -the man scowled and muttered obscenities. -a stream of invective and obscenity. - a book was banned for obscenity. existing laws on obscenity are to be tightened. this massacre is one of the towering obscenities of our time. she screamed a string of obscenities at the judge.

*grandeur- high rank or social importance, splendour and impressiveness, especially of appearance or style, - the majestic grandeur and simplicity of Roman architecture- his facade of grandeur-the delicate grandeur, his wealth gave him grandeur, the grandeur of the mountains, delusions of grandeur- the belief that you are much more important or powerful than you really are.

*narcissism- the habit of admiring yourself too much, especially your appearance, excessive or erotic interest in oneself and one's physical appearance, self-centredness arising from failure to distinguish the self from external objects, either in very young babies or as a feature of mental disorder. -his poetry shows evidence of narcissism, there is a strong narcissistic element in your work.

*messianic-attempting to make big changes in society in an extremely determined and enthusiastic way- the reforms were carried out with an almost messianic zeal.

*egomania-obsessive egotism or self-centredness,-he was eaten up with conceit, violent egomania.


