

2017-08-07  本文已影响8人  AmyzLearning



Now as Odysseus approached Alcinous’ famous house a rush of feelings stirred within his heart, bringing him to a standstill, even before he crossed the bronze threshold …

当奥德西斯来到Alcinous的殿宇前时,他的心中感情翻涌,还未跨过大门的门槛,就停住了脚步。或许是太久未与人打过交道,难免会有些不自然,并且这一来要见的就是一位君王,更重要的是这位君主还决定着奥德西斯是否能顺利回到家乡......理智、谨慎、或许还带着几分紧张和不安,这些一股股强烈的情感,让久经风霜、世事洞明(seasoned and worldly-wise)的奥德西斯也不得不停在门口,等收拾平复好自己后,再迈入这一门槛。

And there Odysseus stood, gazing at all this bounty, a man who’d borne so much … Once he’d had his fill of marveling at it all, he crossed the threshold quickly,strode inside the palace. 


Pleading so, the man sank down in the ashes, just at the hearth beside the blazing fire,while all the rest stayed hushed, stock-still. At last the old revered Echeneus broke the spell, the eldest lord in Phaeacia, finest speaker too, a past master at all the island’s ancient ways.Impelled by kindness now, he rose and said, “This is no way, Alcinous. How indecent, look, our guest on the ground, in the ashes by the fire! Your people are holding back, waiting for your signal.


Alcinous, poised in all his majesty, took the hand of the seasoned, worldly-wise Odysseus, raised him up from the hearth and sat him down in a burnished chair, displacing his own son, the courtly Lord Laodamas who had sat beside him, the son he loved the most.


But despite my misery, let me finish dinner. The belly’s a shameless dog, there’s nothing worse. Always insisting, pressing, it never lets us forget— destroyed as I am, my heart racked with sadness,sick with anguish, still it keeps demanding, ‘Eat, drink!’ It blots out all the memory of my pain, commanding, ‘Fill me up!’ But you, at the first light of day, hurry, please, to set your unlucky guest on his own home soil. 


All burst into applause, urging passage home for their newfound friend, his pleading rang so true


总结一下,就是面对任何未知的时候,尽量be yourself,sometimes  self-restraint, but not self-centered.


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