
While building a business from scratch has its allure, not all of them take off. A whopping 90 percent of startups fail. This means students aspiring to become entrepreneurs need to work smarter and learn from others’ mistakes to improve their chances of future success. The internet has a smorgasbord of ideas on how to become a successful entrepreneur while entrepreneurship courses are becoming popular in universities.

However, students who are aspiring to become entrepreneurs should also heed the lessons from those who have walked the path they’re keen on embarking on.
Know your ‘why’清楚自己'为什么'创业
Gauthier dabbled in two businesses while still in university. While he enjoyed success in both endeavours, he decided that he would have a “proper job” upon graduating and started working at the Financial Times. However, he soon discovered that he didn’t enjoy working for a big company and the lack of flexibility that came with it, and did the next best thing – built his own company. “Many have asked me why I wanted to become an entrepreneur. I think you have to do things that make you happy,” he said. “For me, entrepreneurship allows you to release your creativity. It’s much, much harder than a traditional job but it’s also so much more rewarding and so much more fun.”

Experience is the best teacher经验是最好的老师
Running two businesses while still in university served as an important learning experience for Gauthier to ensure he didn’t repeat his past mistakes. “When I was at university, I had a small business that sold university hoodies. We found that a lot of people were proud of going to their university, but they didn’t have university hoodies. We initially made 300 hoodies and they sold out in two days,” shared Gauthier. The business proved so successful that by the time he was in his third year of his degree programme at the Bocconi University in Italy, they had sold some 5,000 hoodies.

Meanwhile, his second business, Iconic Matter, connected brands with students through the free distribution of a notebook that contained ads. “Let’s say you’re a student in Belgium and you get this free notebook. So students would use it to make notes, and you get big brands like RedBull or MTV who would pay for advertising in this notebook. Because these students would use these notepads for several months, this allowed them (advertisers) to be in front of students for quite a long time,” he explained.
