

But you thought it a wonderful letter, a proof of always quixotic chivalry.
I am aware that you wrote other letters to newspapers that they did not publish. But then they were simply to say that you hated your father. Nobody cared if you did or not. To write to the papers to say that one hates some one else is as if one, were to write to the papers to say that one had ashameful malady. The fact that the man you hated was your own father, and that the feeling was thoroughly reciprocated, did not make your Hate noble in any way. If it showed anything it was simply that it was an hereditary disease.

Hate blinds people. Do you see it now? How clearly I saw it then, as now. But I said to myself: " At all costs I must keep Love in my heart. If I go in to prison without Love what will become of my Soul? " When the prison-dress was on me, and the prison-house closed, I sat bewildered with terror, dazed through pain. But I would not hate you. Every day I said to myself, " I must keep Love in my heart today, else how shall I live through the day."

It did not occur to me that you could have the supreme vice, shallowness.
The day the solicitor's clerk came to receive my depositions and statements, he leant across the table - the prison warder being present - and said to me in a low voice:" Prince Fleur-de-Lys wishes to be remembered to you." I did not know what he meant." The gentleman is abroad at present, " he added mysteriously. For the first and last time in my entire prison-life, I laughed. In that laugh was all the scorn of all the world. Prince Fleur-de-Lys! You were in your own eyes still the graceful prince of a trivial comedy. Your seemingly casual choice of a feigned name was, and will remain, symbolic. It reveals you.
———\ 一丝怪念组合🤩🤗